Day with charming

The gorgeous , charming and ordinary

You woke up and went downstairs . You just sighed because you saw your mom is not home and she left a note for you .

To my beloved daughter ,

I'm so sorry Minrin, i gotta rushed there's something happened at the office

Love , Mommy

You just gave out a massive sigh . Your mom is always like that . You were so bored . Its weekend and you don't know what to do . Tonight

is Soo Nye's party so you gotta get yourself ready with lots of things to attract sehun's attention . You decided to finish your homework

first . You did all your homeworks and rest your head on the desk . It's 1:00 PM already . You then phoned Jiyoung . You asked her to

come over but she can't .  You were so bored .... and there's nothing to do . Suddenly , your phone rang . It's Luhan . You picked up your

phone and answer him "Hello ? " "Minrin !! I need to borrow your maths textbook , mine is lost " "Okay , when will you come ?" "About 2

o'clock ?" "Okay then ," you knew Luhan have no one but you . He is kinda of obsessed with movies , horror movies , action movies and

most suprising , romance movies . Luhan and you already watched Titanic for 10 times and Romeo and Juliet about 11 times cause that's

what he likes .  2 o'clock had come .Someone rang your bell . You opened the door and saw Luhan grinning at you . You just pushed him

inside . Both of you went inside . " Do you want to drink ?" "No thanks , i need your maths textbook please " "Urgh okay jerk !" You ran

upstairs to get your book . Luhan sitting on the couch awkwardly .You came downstairs and gave Luhan the maths textbook . "By the

way , Luhan do you go to Soo Nye's party tonight ? She invited everyone to come " "Ugh , i don't feel like going there . There must be

really lousy there ," he giggled . You just rolled your eyes "Whatever Luhan , you are not enjoying your teenage life, Lulu"

"Don't call me that Miss jerkie" Luhan hit you with pillow . "Yah ! what did i do ?!" You hit him back . "I'm not Lulu !" "What deer Lulu

baby ?" you called him with a really annoying and sweet tone . You were suprised when you called him 'baby' Luhan was speechless

too . Then he hit you more and more . You kicked his leg and he fell .He got up and hit your with pillow and you fell . "Ouch !!!!!!"

your screaming could be heard from miles . Luhan panicked when he saw there's a bruise on your leg because he threw you and you

the coffee table and got the bruise . He went to you with worried and panic expression . You can tell he was so worried . "Are you okay

Minrin ? I'm so sorry  i didn't mean to--" "No , i'm okay " you gave him a smile and pushed him . You laughed and  massage your leg .

Although the bruise cannot be seen but Luhan expression never changed . He really worried . Although you already convinced him 

that it's okay but he still keep saying sorry . You find out that Luhan is so caring and sweet . It's already 3 :00 PM.Luhan went back to

his home and there you were , Alone again . You waited for 7:00 PM to get to Soo Nye's house .

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