Y.A.M.O (B.A.P Version)


Her eyes were big and fringed with impossibly long eyelashes. She had blunt bangs that reached just above her eyes, so when she opened her eyes, the tips of her eyelashes barely brushed against the ends of her bangs. Her skin was smooth and pale. She looked almost like a porcelain doll.

Everyone stepped back in shock; no one had expected her to be this pretty. (Although she was pretty, everyone saw her only as a little sister cute-pretty.)

She shot up and cowered before them. She composed herself, took a couple of deep breaths, and looked at them.

 (ENGLISH) “Where am I? please tell me where I am. My name is Junnie.” Seeing that they didn’t understand her, she switched to another language.

(JAPANESE) “Konichiwa, watashiwa Junnie des. Konkoko jin des.”  Youngjae smiled and said, “Guys, she’s saying that her name is Junnie, and....” The other members looked at him expectantly. He grinned sheepishly and said, “I didn’t get the last part.” Junnie, picking up that they were Korean, switched effortlessly into Korean.

(FINALLY, KOREAN) “Can you tell me where I am? My name is Junnie.” All the members looked at her in surprise. “Sorry I didn’t start with Korean.” Junnie said, apologizing. “I can speak some korean, and I understand a lot of it. I’m not completely fluent because I’m a Korean person that was born in the U.S.”

They all kept staring at her until finally Yongguk said, “Where did you come from? How did you get in here?”

She rubbed her head and squinted at the ground as she tried to recall how she got into their dorm.

“I-I-I d-don’t know.” She stuttered as tears gathered in her wide eyes. “I don’t remember anything except my name, age, and the fact that I’m from the U.S.”

Yongguk composed himself and said, “We have to send her to the hospital. We don’t know who she is, and she doesn’t know who she is either.”  Zelo quickly scooped Junnie into his arms. “No! Hyung, I think that she’s nice. I want to keep her!” He ran off and locked himself, along with Junnie in the bathroom. Yongguk groaned and looked at the ceiling. He knew now that the maknae had made up his mind, there was no use. “Hyung, we think that it’ll be good for us if there’s a girl around.” Chorused Jongup and Daehyun. Youngjae looked at Yongguk and said, “Hyung, when we debut, we’ll have to please thousands of noonas and dongsengs. If we can take care of this dongseng, then we’ll prove that we can take care of our fans.” Yongguk cursed to himself and finally decided to go along with the rest of his group.

“Fine, but just until we debut. Then she has to go.”

The group cheered and went to the bathroom to console the maknae.

(Keep in mind that this is all pre-debut. The ending will be after debut)

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superkpopp #1
love it :D
Chapter 4: i really like the way the characters interact in this story ! <3
why not having a poster and bg? :) it would match perfect for your fic!
Matokii #4
Chapter 20: aw~~~~~ SO CUTE!!!! I love the ending !!! It's nice ~ !♥____♥
This is definitely good!! But cliffhanger ending... T^T
Chapter 20: YOU CAN'T END IT LIKE THIS D: I only found this yesterday ._. short lived yet extremely awesome (^o^)/
xSmilesForYou #7
Chapter 20: Whatt?!!!!! they found her?!!! OMGGG! wait... is tat it?! lool XD
Chapter 3: omg this is so funny and cute!! :D
theecho #9
Chapter 1: omo! zelo!
Chapter 8: I love this! This is just too funny! Please update :)