Time Bomb

This Is The Day

The sunlight came across through the windows, brightened up the whole room. It’s just another calm morning there, in New York city.

Wooyoung slowly opened his eyes. Raised to sitting position, still on the bed, he stretched up his body a bit. Gave a little massage to his own shoulders, right and left. Blinked few times, then he looked around his own room, his apartment. After fully awake, he jumped off the bed, made it neat.

Wooyoung is a morning person. He’s a time discipline as always. His habits haven’t changed at all. Making coffee and drinks it while listening to the music from his ipod. Sat near to the window, he looked down to his surroundings. He found a lot of people, old and young, had already been doing their activities. “The city that never sleep, huh!?”, he mumbled to himself.

There’s a group of young boys, wearing training suits and carrying bags, some of them playing the soccer ball while their walking. Wooyoung smiled, memorizing his past. He’s not that kind of sporty boy anymore, it’s music and dancing that stole his heart. Not far from the group, there’s an old couple walked side by side. The woman, curled up her hand to her husband’s who carried a big bag of groceries with his other hand. In front of them, there’s two little girls eating lollipop candies. “Hm, how cute they are! Their parents must be both working, so they’re accompanied by their grandparents”.

On the other side of the streets, Wooyoung could see the crowd of walking people. They’re all using formal suits, men and women. “They must be on their way to office. Ah, it’s nice that I’ve had my break period already”. Wooyoung just finished all his exam yesterday, so for two week, he’d be on holidays. In fact, he supposed to have two and a half months of holidays, but the chubby cheek boy determined to start his research for the final task. He just wanted to finish his study as soon as possible. Not that he didn’t like to live in America, he’s just missing his own country, no, scratch that, he’s missing his old friend, his Nichkhun.

Sipped the last drop of coffee from his cup, Wooyoung walked to his desk and turned his computer on. There’s three email with high priority popped up on the screen. The first one’s form his boss, the owner of the café where Wooyoung took a part time job as a waiter. The email said that his boss needed Wooyoung help on this weekend, Friday dan Saturday night. He knew that Wooyoung would have holidays, so he asked the boy whether he could give him a hand  or not. So, because there’s nothing to do on those time, Wooyoung just replied the email to the boss saying that he surely would help him.

The second email’s form his newly best friend, Park Jaebum. He’s a dancer, a professional dancer, he even had his own stage name, Jay Park. He’s Korean native but had been moved out to Seattle from a long time ago. He’s Wooyoung’s senior on the collage here, in New York, but what made Wooyoung and Jaebum being friend wasn’t that. It was because the dancing competition. In the first month of his arrival, Wooyoung mingled very fast, he’d already known a lot of people. He even took a part in the dancing competition, where Jaebum was the winner last time and became the one to beat. Wooyoung was a new comer, but had attracted people, a lot. Though he didn’t come out as a winner, Wooyoung was titled as the best new comer and crowd’s favorite. Even Jaebum, the winner, the consecutive winner, acknowledged his talent. From that night, the two boys had become closer and being best friend in no time, thanks to the same hobby and college. But, because of his politeness, Wooyoung called Jaebum, hyung, though the older seemed uncomfortable with that, he let Wooyoung called him by that, only the Bussan boy in fact, who’s been let calling him like that.

Jaebum, by sending email, invited Wooyoung to go with him this Saturday to see the Latin Dance Competition held in Manhattan. So, Wooyoung took his mobile phone and called his friend.

“Yo, what’s up? Have you seen my email?”

“Yes, hyung. I want to inform you that I can’t go there. My Boss asked me to help him to take the extra jobs on this Friday and Saturday night”

“Ah, too bad! It’s great competition to see! The Latin dancers are so hot! But, it’s OK!”

“Thanks hyung”

Jaebum chuckled a bit, “Yeah! By the way, I want to ask you a big favor, directly. Are you free tonight?”

“Huh? Yes, I’m free. Is there anything wrong?”, the younger was curious.

“I’d tell you later. Then, see you tonight, Wooyoung-ah!”

“Okay, hyung. Bye”.

Wooyoung checked the last email. Just by reading the name of the sender, he smiled widely. Nichkhun sent him email saying that he wouldn’t be able to communicate with Wooyoung for seven days. Nichkhun was volunteered himself in Thailand’s red cross and for a week he would be joining the team to evacuated the victims of big flood that happened in the southern area of Thailand and there’d be no access of communication at all since the infrastructure had be crashed down by the national disaster. It’s not the first time for Wooyoung facing this kind of situation. So, it’s not a big deal for him and he had a best trust and faith to his best friend that he would come back safely like many times before. 

It was always a special treatment to Nichkhun. Wooyoung didn’t reply the email, he made a video call to Bangkok directly.

“Hi, Khun!”, Wooyoung gave him a warmest smile he could give to the boy appeared on the screen.

“Wooyoung! I miss you, a lot! It’s been two years since we last met”.

“Yes Khun, today is exactly two years from our departure. And yes, I miss you a lot, too!”, he could see Nichkhun’s happy face hearing those words. “Hahahahaha, we’re acting like we never see each other at all! We always meet every three days upon video calling and text every time”, Wooyoung let himself laugh.

“Hahahahah, well, I thank God to whoever found and developed these technologies. Without it, I’ll be crazy for not able to contact you!”

“You’re too dramatic Khun!”

“Maybe I am, but that’s how I feel. Ahh, you don’t feel the same I do. Sad…”, Nichkhun made a sad puppy dog expression on his handsome face.

Saw that, Wooyoung could only blushed, “Khun…”

“Yes?”, still making the same expression.

“Would you stop that stupid face?”

“I won’t! Wooyoung just don’t have the same feeling as Nichkhun…”, Nichkhun made his expression even cuter.

“Arrgh! If I could, I’ll just throw your face with these sandals”

Nichkhun just added a best wink he had, “No, you won’t!”

Wooyoung just laugh as he knew that he won’t be able to endure those kinds of cute expression.


For about two hours, they talked about anything happened in their own daily routine. There’s almost 12 hours different between them and even though Wooyoung still want to have conversation with Nichkhun, he had to let him sleep, as the older would go to volunteer camp the next day.

Had turned off this computer, Nichkhun took his mobile phone, searched for someone’s name, and texted.

“I’ll be there in 15 minutes, honey! Be ready to party!”

* * *


Well, maybe it’s nice and happy to always have someone to share your story. But, telling ALL stories was a different thing. There’s something that both of Nichkhun and Wooyoung didn’t tell each other even though they’re always keep in contact. There’s some secrets they hold that could ruined the happy moments. It’s just like a time bomb that keep on ticking and waiting for the right time, the worst time to burst up, to explode.



Fourth chapter... Thanks for reading :)


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Green_Bamboo #1
Chapter 6: NOAGSKDLAUgwvqlcidhbaozbdb
(You can't hear my tone, but I'm hella scandalized)
KHUN!?!?!? WHY
Woo baby... Oh no </3 It's okay, maybe grow closer to Jay<3 Jay can comfort you >~<
Khunnnnnnn I feel betrayed. :(
Khunyoung=friendship? :'(
Ah well I'll just keep reading anyways.
Wooyoung... :') Please be okay.
kewanalynne #2
Chapter 5: who is the honey O_o that is the big mystery. Can't wait to see what comes next ^_^
Chapter 4: oooww...who is the person that khun texted and called honey??so curios....please reveal it soon :)
Chapter 3: oooowww...I'm so curious whats next...
double update,,u're so daebak,,the part when nichkhun play the piano and sing let it rain... *sigh I just can't help but cry silently,,
it was beautiful
iceystar #5
Chapter 3: Two updates in one day yay!!! I really liked the song:)
NichWooKhunYoung #6
Chapter 2: @woo4ever, @uut_janghorvejkul, and @iceystar thanks for reading and giving comment.
iceystar #7
Chapter 1: Omg subscribe, I think this is gonna be really good. Update soon:D