Power [Spin-Off to Pact]

Power [Spin-Off to Pact]


"So I've been thinking," Kyungsoo started as threw himself onto the couch next to you with a sigh.

"About what?" you asked, flipping the page of your magazine.

"We already know the gender," he smiled, lightly placing a hand on your round stomach.

"Yeah, and you won't let me forget it," you rolled your eyes.

Kyungsoo ignored your comment and continued, "But what about the power?"

"The power?" you tilted your head to the side.

"Yeah, I mean, who's power do you think he's going to get?" he asked.

"Oh, well, of course he's going to control lightning," you smiled.

Kyungsoo was taken aback by your blunt answer, "What? What's make you say that?"

"Well, he already as your gender. It's only fair that he get my power, right?"

"But, but," Kyungsoo stuttered, "But what if he's like a mini me? You know, my gender and power?"

"I wouldn't hold your breath on it, sweetie," you patted his cheek teasingly.

You laughed at his half angry, half frustrated expression.

"What if he doesn't have any of your powers?"

The two of you turned around to see Kai walking out from the kitchen, half of a sandwich in his right hand.

"What if he gets teleportation?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's ridiculous, Jongin-ah," Suho laughed as he walked around Kai and sat down in a chair at Kyungsoo's side.

"Thank you, hyung," Kyungsoo placed a hand on the older boy's shoulder.

"He's going to control water," Suho flashed an angelic smile, "It is the basis of life, after all."

Kyungsoo scoffed and dropped his hand, crossing his arms over his chest. The boys slowly started to trickle out of the kitchen as they finished up the lunch that you made for them.

"What about wind?" Sehun appeared from the kitchen followed by Luhan.

"No, no, you want him to get telekinesis," Luhan insisted, "It's probably the most useful power."

"Yeah, useful if you're lazy," Xiumin piped up from behind the doe eyed boy.

You and Kyungsoo smiled at Xiumin and Luhan as they made faces at each other.

"Let's be real here, guys," Lay's quiet voice caused everyone to turn towards him, "The most useful power there is, is the power of healing."

"But, if you want him to have the coolest power, you'd want him to control time," Tao smiled cheekily as he took a seat next to Sehun on the couch across from you.

"He'll never be afraid of the dark if he controls light," Baekhyun flashed a smile as he and Chanyeol came out of the kitchen eating chips out of a bowl.

"Or fire," Chanyeol added.

You opened your mouth to rebuttal their logic but turned around when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"I think, he's going to take after the mother," Chen smiled down at you.

"Thank you, Chen," you smiled.

Kyungsoo slapped Chen's hand away from you, "Get your hand off my wife!"  

Chen snickered as Kyungsoo placed a protective arm around your shoulders.

"And he's going to control earth," your husband added.

"Whoa, wait a minute," you turned towards him.

The two of you started arguing as the rest of the boys tried to convince you two of you that your son was going to somehow receive one of their powers.

"He's going to fly."

Everyone stopped talking and turned looked up to see Kris leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen, looking at the ground.

"Okay, now that is ridiculous," Kyungsoo shook his head with a short laugh, the rest of the boys laughing as well.

Kris looked up, "I'm telling you guys. He's going to fly."

"And what makes you think that?" you asked, narrowing your eyes.

Kris simply shrugged.

"Okay, whatever you say hyung," Tao said in a sing-songy voice.


Kyungsoo rested his chin on your shoulder as you finished laying out the containers of food on the red and white checkered blanket.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

The two of you looked up to see a small boy running full speed towards the two of you.

"Did you see that?!" he screamed.

You laughed lightly at your son and Kyungsoo nodded his head.

"Yeah we did, Hyunwoo! That was so cool!"

The small boy beamed at his father, "Did you see how fast I was going?! I almost beat Uncle Kris!"

"Yeah, you almost did," Kris chuckled as stood at Hyunwoo's side.

"Thanks for giving me flying lessons, Uncle Kris," your son gave his uncle a toothy smile and he looked up at him.

"No problem, little one," Kris grinned and ruffled his hair.

"Let's go again!" Hyunwoo screamed and threw his hands in the air.

The three of you watched as he broke into a run and launch himself into the air. You smiled to yourself at how developed his powers were, despite him only being six.

You and Kyungsoo looked up at Kris to see him trying to repress a smile.

"Shut up, Kris," you muttered.

"I didn't say anything," he raised both of his hands and walked away from the two of you.

"But I will say this," he stopped and turned back around giving you both a smirk, "I told you so."

The two of you shook your heads as you watched him ascend into the sky and follow your son.

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Chapter 1: Kris xDDDD you ____ xD I LOVE YOU ! xDD ahahaha.

Yeah yeah...trying to impress... show-off Krisus....show-off....

Wish you got skills in drawing too <3
jamshiklee #2
LeetleHamster #3
Chapter 1: Kris was cute. HAHAHA. I liked this one. (y)
That was adorable!!!! Kris like a boss predicted that DO's son would fly kekeke
I loved the part when all the members were playfully arguing about the future baby's power!!! Cute ^^
Chapter 1: LOL kris being kris :p HAHHAHAHAH uncle kris wins in the end after all :p
ShawolMBLFT #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha I was laughIng the whole time the boys were fighting over whose powers were the coolest, lol oh kreeeeaaase, that was so random, they should've placed bets or something lol~~
Chapter 1: I was laughing while I was reading this author-nim :')
He can fly... Like his uncle Kris.
Of course he was going to say I told you so.. That's how confident, y, amazing, y and cute he is, Did I mention y? And The boys <3 You gotta love them :D
LOOL Anyway, Good job authornim! ^^
hojyasynamelia #8
Chapter 1: Oh damn is kris cute
LisbethRguezz #9
Chapter 1: KRIS OMG HE'S AWESOME :) :P
Chapter 1: LMFAO I'M DYING.
Kris... :')