S'mores [Spin-Off to Always]

S'mores [Spin-Off to Always]


You carefully laid out the ingredients onto paper plates and arranged them onto a tray. Dusting off your hands, you double checked your work before nodding to yourself and lifting the tray off the counter.

You maneuvered yourself through your living room and towards the backyard porch, kicking the sliding door open with your foot.

"Okay," you sighed, "I think I got everything."

Chanyeol took the tray from your hands and examined the contents that were laid out neatly on it.

"Hmmm, crackers, chocolate, marshmallows, and skewers," he smiled down at you and planted a kiss on the top of your head, "I think you got everything, jagi. Now let's make those s'mores!"

You laughed and shook your head as Chanyeol pretty much skipped over to the small grill that would be used to cook your sweet treats.

You sat down in one of the chairs as Chanyeol ripped open the bag of marshmallows and stuck one on a skewer before handing it over to you.

You twirled the skewer around in your hand as Chanyeol fixed one for himself. You tipped your head to the side when to you noticed something a little off about the grill.

"Ummm, Chanyeol," you called.


"I think we're missing something."

"What are you talking about?" he glanced at you.

You pointed to the grill that contained unlit charcoal, "We don't exactly have a fire."

"Oh," Chanyeol stared at the cold pieces of charcoal for a few seconds.

You gave him a look, "Oppa, you had one job. And that was preparing the fire."

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and set down his marshmallow topped sewer, "Fear not, my sweet! I can fix this!"

You smiled as Chanyeol concentrated on the grill. With a wave of his hand and a soft crackle, the black pieces of charcoal turned into hues of red and orange.

Chanyeol dusted off his shoulders and gave you a smug look, "Done."

"Well, you could have done that before I came out of the house," you muttered and placed your marshmallow over the fire to roast.

"What was that?" Chanyeol asked even though he already heard you.

"Nothing, nothing," you gave him an angelic smile.

"I thought so," he chuckled and placed his marshmallow over the fire alongside yours.

The two of you sat in silence as your marshmallows roasted. You smiled triumphantly when you removed your now perfectly golden brown marshmallow from the fire.

"Can you pass me the tray?" you asked.

"I don't know, can I?" Chanyeol smirked, his eyes on his marshmallow.

 Chanyeol glanced to his side and laughed when he saw you glaring at him.

"I'm just kidding! Hold this for me," he laughed and you took the wooden skewer from him.

He lifted the small table that the tray rested on and moved it so it was in between your chairs.

"Thank you," you said pointedly as you handed him back his skewer. 

You built your s'more on a paper plate. First a graham cracker on the bottom, then a piece of chocolate. You placed your marshmallow on top of the chocolate and using another graham cracker to hold it in place, slowly pulled the skewer out of the marshmallow.

You examined your s'more with a small smile and lifted it up to your mouth. Just as you were about to take a bite, you froze and you stared wide eyed at your boyfriend who was staring at his marshmallow that was on fire.

"What are you doing?!" you yelled.

"Calm down," Chanyeol quickly blew out his marshmallow, "Ah, perfect."

You made a disgusted face and took a bite of your own s'more as he stuffed the entire marshmallow into his mouth, "'Perfect'? More like cancer."

"I do what I like," he said with his mouth still full and his words coming out muffled.

You laughed and rolled your eyes. Chanyeol placed another marshmallow over the fire as you finished your s'more.

"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" you asked, standing up.

"Water's fine."

You nodded and walked back into the house. A few minutes later, you came out with two glasses in your hand. You walked back up to Chanyeol who was leaning back in his chair, staring at the fire with a half eaten s'more on a plate next to him.

"Here," you handed him one of the cups. But he instead took both from your hands and placed them on the table.

You yelped a little when he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap.

"Ah, why are you being like this?" you asked with a smile as Chanyeol hugged your waist and pulled you to lean on his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Is it a crime to want to hug my girlfriend?" he asked, his eyes on the fire.

You felt butterflies in your stomach when you felt warmth radiate from his body to yours.

"No," you mumbled as you locked your eyes on the fire, hoping the light from the flames would hide your blush.

"Then just enjoy," Chanyeol softly laughed and placed a tender kiss on your cheek.

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kellen_1825 #1
Chapter 1: yahhh chanyeol!! T^T you're killing me... Its so damn fluffy.. i just died. *dies*
Chapter 1: hehe.. It's so cute .. So fluffy..
LeetleHamster #3
Chapter 1: SO FLUFFY ^^
And Yes. Chanyeol, You are on fire (Cause he is hot, get it? LOOL, me and my lame jokes) <3
Great job again Author-nim :D
hojyasynamelia #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww so cute.....
Aww this one's adorable!
KrisHanna #7
Chapter 1: Channie is so adorable.. :DD

This is so cute :3