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-21 September 2012-

“Se Bin-ah~” Zico sang as he sat down on the stairs near the girl. “Here” he gave her a can of juice.

“Don’t want.”

“Can’t you at least accept it?”

Se Bin looked at Zico. He was using that cute pout of his once again. Sighing, she took the can but instead of drinking she simply put it near her on the concrete.

Despite that, Zico felt satisfied. “Why do you like this place?” he asked her.

“Because other than you, there is no one annoying me here.”

“But it’s so dark and…somehow scary.” Zico shivered. He could care less that Se Bin had just called him annoying. He knew she didn’t really mean it.

“That’s exactly why I like it.”

“Girls usually like pink cute stuff not creepy places.” Zico shook his head.

“Jiho, shut your mouth before I kill ya’.” Se Bin hissed.

“Yes, ma’am!”


-23 september 2012-

“I’m taking this.” Taewoon took the wallet out of Zico’s jacket. “And this.” He also took out the phone.

Zico frowned. He didn’t like it when his brother was so overprotective of him. He knew his intentions were good but it still annoyed him.

“Do you think I can’t leave this damn hospital if I don’t have my phone and money?”

“I don’t understand why you are so stubborn! Do you really want to die that badly?!” Taewoon screamed.

“I’ve been careful lately.”

“I know what careful means for you.”

“I really was careful. I even stopped rapping at clubs and running for no reason. I have stopped being reckless so please let me go!”

Taewoon shook his head. “You’ll stay here. I can’t let you go out anymore. Who knows what could happen.”

Zico felt his anger reaching its limits. He loved his brother. He really did. But lately, they couldn’t get along too well.

“What’s the meaning of prolonging my life if I have to spend it like this, in the hospital?!” Zico yelled. “Do you think I want to live the little time I have left like this?!”

Taewoon didn’t look at his little brother as he shut the door and went outside on the hallway.

-27 September 2012-

“Have you seen Se Bin?” Zico asked his friends. All he got as an answer was no. She wasn’t there that night. Not that he couldn’t see her, but she wasn’t there anymore.

-30 September 2012-

“What are you doing here all by yourself?” Zico asked the girl standing on the cold stairs near the river.

“Hmm” she mumbled.

“Why haven’t you been to the club lately?” he continued interrogating.

“Why haven’t you been rapping anymore?” she asked him back.

Zico’s lips turned into a wide smile. “You were only coming to hear me?”

Se Bin didn’t answer, making the boy chuckle.

“I stopped rapping because I don’t feel like doing it anymore.” He continued talking. “But I can always rap only for you.”

“Don’t bother.”

“Then do you wanna see some lyrics I’ve written?”

Se Bin turned her attention back to Zico. It didn’t sound like a bad idea so she nodded.

“Here.” Zico gave her a piece of paper.

“Look at me, stop turning your head
How is it that even your sulking is cute
Hm? Looks like you just smiled a bit, I’m right..

I’ll do better next time, I won’t make more excuses
So that curses don’t come out from your pretty lips again

We’ve fallen out, though we were madly in love
Your eyes became wet, drip drip drip drip
I didn’t understand your feelings
And in my crankiness, my anger swelled like a balloon and exploded

I’ll do better next time, I won’t make more excuses
So that curses don’t come out from your pretty lips again
You can slap my face, I’m not pretending to lose

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kpopluver4 #1
Chapter 5: i almost never read oc fics but this +-+
naznew #2
Chapter 5: Wow..sebin is a vampire..
Chapter 5: LOLOLOLOL~ vampire >o<
Chapter 5: She's a vampire?! o.O Wow! I almost cried~
why123you #5
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh, thank you for letting Zico live. I don't quite get the ending but I really like the story, especially the plot. This is amazing.
Chapter 5: Why did you make me cry? T.T I was like crying while reading the whole story!! T.T
but, yes, it is really a good story! one of the best ones I've read!
continue writing~!! you have a long way to gooooo!!
jainpark #7
Chapter 5: Woooooow this is oshem girl dont stop u should poplish it ... omg ur so good
leehazaini #8
Chapter 5: woaherz! Is there gonna be a sequel for this? Cause, i hope there will be, like they become vampires. Oooh, hottie!
Chapter 5: this is awesome. i cried from the 3rd chapter til the end. :( :) great storyyy. reallyyy! ☺☺☺
Chapter 5: WAAH YOU MADE ME CRY! IUEVFDN Ok so at the 4th chapter i was like "NO ZICO DONT DIE" AND I BEGAN CRYING. FREVD
Then when i finished the story i was like.. "AISH IM GONNA KILL THAAT AUTHOR FOR MAKING ME CRY.
But what did Se Bin mean at the end? o.o