A Tour of the Mansion

Just like a FANTASY

Will I be happier with my new life ? This seems so much like a manga I read… The girl loses her parents and finds out she has a grandpa who lives far away from where she lives. Then she meets her.. TRUE LOVE ! Will I meet mine as well ?!  Tiffany thought and started to smile with her eyes closed.

“Tiffany ? Are you alright ?” her grandpa asked. Tiffany didn’t answer back, but kept on daydreaming about her true love. “Mi Young?”

“Dad ?” Tiffany called and quickly stood up from her seat, but was pulled back from the seat belt.

“I’m sorry, was I disturbing you… Were you in the middle of a dream ?” her grandpa asked worriedly.

“Oh, grandpa… No, it was just that… You sounded so similar to dad’s voice…” Tiffany explained.

“Oh, you must miss him ?” her grandpa asked. “I miss him too,” her grandpa sat there with his head down. The atmosphere suddenly got awkward from the silence of the two.

“Grandpa, were you about to say something to me?” Tiffany asked.

“Oh, I was going to tell you that we’re almost to the airport..” her grandpa said and looked up at her.

“Oh, thanks for telling me, grandpa…” Tiffany thanked and leaned on her grandpa’s shoulder.

They arrived to the airport and went on the private airplane.

“Wow ! I’ve never been on a first class airplane or a private one. Do rich people usually get these ?” Tiffany asked in an amazed voice.

“Mostly..” her grandpa replied. “Now, Tiffany. I need you to take a seat and put your buckle on. This will be a long trip,” her grandpa mentioned.

Tiffany took a seat and buckled up. As the airplane started to move, she looked out of the window to see how fast they were moving. Once they were in the air, everything from the ground became small. Tiffany was so amazed that all her energy ran out quick and she went fast asleep. It took 3-4 days to reach Seoul. 

When they arrived, they got off the airplane and head to the mansion. When they arrived to their destination, Tiffany’s jaw dropped open when she saw the mansion. The mansion sure is huge !  Tiffany thought to herself. As she entered the gate, the guards lined up into two rows leaving a path in the middle.

“I am still dreaming ?” Tiffany asked.

“Dear, this is real. You are not dreaming,” her grandpa replied and walked up the path.

“Welcome back, sir !” the guards shouted and saluted.

Her grandpa gave a nod while she tried to act like a princess. When they entered the mansion, Tiffany’s jaw dropped again. She couldn’t help how amazed she gets.


Tiffany’s POV:

 Right when you enter the mansion, you could see a wide staircase with a red carpet across from you. Picture stands everywhere and guards everywhere. Then about 10 feet from you, there will be a little table with a vase of variety flowers, and as you look to both of your sides, there will be the kitchen to your left and on your right would be the gathering room or living room. And if you go closer to the stair, you could see a door behind it which will lead you to the back yard of the mansion.

Grandpa took me to the kitchen first. He wanted to show me the mansion instead of the maids. As we enter the kitchen, you can smell the good food the chefs are cooking. Grandpa say that it usually doesn’t smell this good every day because he’s always at work and doesn’t come home until  mid-night so the chefs don’t cook very often, but today they had to because they knew I was coming. The kitchen was probably ten times better than mine back in the U.S. maybe because it had more space and there is more than one oven, refrigerator, microwave, sink, and the materials. There will be a door the leads to the dining room. This side of the mansion was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. There’s huge windows with huge, white curtains that you can open which will lead you to a beautiful forest, a mini waterfall that connects to the awesome pool. And in the pool, you could eat in there because there’s already tables set in there and there is also a playground. It kind of because I’m 16 already and I can’t play on it because I don’t want to look like an immature, but the playground looks so cool that you might even forget your age and play on it. And there’s a walk way in between the pool, but when you’re in the pool, you can go through the path because in the pool it’s an arch instead of a barrier. That path leads to this little cabin where the hot tub is and an outside theater. That’s what grandpa told me so… I also asked grandpa why there is a playground if he doesn’t have any young kids living with him and he’s probably too old to play in it. He told me, my dad used to play on it when he was young. That means, grandpa has lived in this mansion for so long now. It’s probably because he made so many memories here that he can’t seem to move away from here.

There are also two comfy swings on the porch that you can lay down on. The outside looks very nice that I wanted to go but grandpa said I couldn’t because he still had so many to show me. Anyways, going back to the dining room, it had about 2-3 small pictures of each of the family members; grandpa, grandma, and dad. Then there’s this huge one, smack in the middle of the wall of all three them together. I finally get to see how my dad looked like when he was at least nearer to his age when he died. He probably died when he was 28, I don’t know… I really can’t remember. Then there’s the dining table which could fit 15 people. At both ends is the “King and Queen’s” seat. That’s as much I could explain the table.

Next, grandpa took me to the living room. It was so beautiful. The wall paper was cut into two halves; the top half was red with black lines crossing each other and the bottom half had a tan wooden wall paper. The tan wood is formed into squares that had a shape of a mocking jay in the middle.  The living room had a flat screen hung onto the wall and the sofas were placed like a half of square. There was a massaging, rocking chair too. I tried it, and GOD, did it feel so heavenly ! Then there are big windows behind the sofas, which again show the forest and pool. Its curtain was huge and red.

After the living room, grandpa took me upstairs. The stairs reminded me of the movie Titanic. The stair had about 50 steps, which is a lot ! And when you reached the top, there would be a room with a golden sign on top of door that says “office” in Korean. I couldn’t read so grandpa told me what it was. Again, there were two ways. But now instead of doors, it was arches with golden signs on the top. The right was for guests and the left was for the owners. Grandpa decided to show me the “owners” way and the “guests” way I can do it my own time since we were going to have guest over.

The first room was my dad’s room.  Grandpa told me that he would’ve let me keep dad’s room, but he just couldn’t. The fact that he couldn’t do anything for his own son was regrettable. He wanted to leave the room the way it was left. I tried asking grandpa the story behind everything, but grandpa said that maybe in the future he’ll tell me. I already knew he didn’t want tell because he was going get emotional. I understand what grandpa went through, and I don’t mind. Mistakes are forgiven and the past are to be forgotten. Going on, we went pass grandpa’s bedroom. He won’t show it to me because… I really don’t know why…but the more I think about it, the more I want see his room. GOD ! I really want to see it !

Next, was my room. When I entered, I was so surprised. This wasn’t what I expected. It was better than I thought. The room was probably as big as an average house’s living room. The bed was like a swing and PINK ! It had chains connected from the ceiling to support it to stay up in the air, but the bed was located on a stage looking thing. There were steps to go up to it and it had pink curtains, but it’s a mini version of a stage. Then the stage looking thing was located at the far right corner of the room. There were also windows that could open that led to a smaller porch than the one under my room. It had a nice scenery and the breeze felt amazing. We went to check the bathroom and it was so cool. The bathtub was made out of wood and around the surface of the bathtub would say lovely quotes like “Love is real when both partners are commited”. If you wanted to take a shower instead, then the shower was at the corner of the bathroom. It was smaller because it was only for showering and it had a glass door that opens like a cabinet instead of sliding. The toilet was also fascinating. It was at least better than the one at the house I lived in. After showing me everywhere, we heard the door rang.

“Oh, the guest are here !” grandpa shouted excited.



Hey readers ! This chapter is long, huh? And also boring too, huh? Well, I’ll assure you that the next chapter will get more interesting ! And since I have Christmas break, I might upload my chapters more often ! Anyways…

-toodles <3


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TwinkleeStar #1
Chapter 6: i really like this <3
Chapter 3: it sounds interesring! update soon OUO