
Let me jump higher

You arrive home and check your phone.

-Did you get home safely- Yeol

-Did you get home safely- Kai

You sit on your bed and stare at the phone in your hands, what are you doing right now, you think. These two amazing guys are there supporting you and being the best and you.. at this moment right now ... you can't help but feel guilty towards them. You don't want to admit it, but .. maybe, you just maybe feel something a little. But who for even, you can't like two people, right? NO omg you you mentally slap yourself, don't even think about it Eunji! You lie down exhausted and text both of them back.

-Yeah I did, thanks- Eunji

You wake up the next morning and Kai's already gone, your kinda thankful, this way you don't have to face the awkwardness as soon. You get to school and step off the bus and as you do your face lights up happy. Chanyeol, just standing there looking around like a dope, waiting for you. You run over ecstatic and practically scream hello and startled he jumps before greeting you back and walking you into the warm school building. He pushes you like in a tango train with his hands on your shoulders, when Taenah steps infront of the both of you ruining your train. You stare at her little to say anymore but weirdly she seems as happy as can be but you figure it's because Yeol's with you. 

"Hey guys" you just stare back coldly, Yeol next to you also backing you up with his muteness. She awkwardly laughs and sticks her hand out to you with two little pamphlets waving around. You look up to see a confused Chanyeol as the two of you read it.

Taenah's 18th Masquerade Bash!!

June 28th!! At 27 Foxway drive Yongsan-gu Seocho.

Make sure to dress up according to the theme, it's fancy dress after all!...

As you read it you're a little shocked, why the hell are you invited to this you think stumped as you stand there in disbelief. This chick put permanent red who knows what on your face YESTERDAY, it's definatley a trap you think. The bell rings and Taenah waves before turning around and skipping away. Chanyeol taps your nose to break your train of thought and heads off for class as well. You scrunch up the invite and stick it in the bottom of your bag as you run to homeroom hoping you won't be late.

Lunch comes around faster than you think, you're just kind of zoned out in class and after being drained in Maths you just need food in your system fast.

You walk into the cafeteria and spot Chanyeol ... with Kai. You walk over to the table with no where else to go and take a seat opposite the two. 

"Oh hey Eunji" Chanyeol smiles 

"Hey" you say trying to keep your voice as even an unidetifiabley awkward as possible.

"Hey" Kai looks up and continues eating.

"So are either of you guys going to go to Taenah's party"

"Probably not" Kai answers flatly

"Mmmm, me niether" you say 

"Guys no you have to come, Taenah keeps bugging me so I have to go but I can't let it just be me and her, I swear we'll go in for five secs and then be out, I'll take us for dinnnneer my treat" Chanyeol looks at the two of you pleadingly.

"Umm, maybe" you say looking sorry.

"What about you man" Chanyeol confidently puts his hand on Kai's shoulder sending him telepathic eye signals as hard as he can.

"I'm gonna rehearse that day... buuut I might stop by for a little while if it means free dinner" Kai says smirking

"OKAY, you can't take it back" Yeol says as he gets up pointing at the two of us.


"Lalalalalallala, fun at Taenah'sLALALALALALA" Chanyeol walks away with his tray as the bell goes making heart shapes at the two of us.

"Aiiish" You and Kai say in unison. You look at each other awkwardly.

"Look, Eunji if it's that weird ... pretend it didn't happen okay"

"What" you say looking up at him a little taken back. "Didn't happen?"

" I only did it cause those chicks were being annoying " he says as he goes to get up aswell.

"Kai, I don't know about you but I don't just kiss people on the cheek casually okay, whether or not it was a wish or whatever"

Kai watches you silent.

"Don't do like that, whatever your reasons ok" you say getting mad without even meaning to, why are you even mad... you should'nt be.

"Hey you agreed to play on my terms okay, and it's not like I did any harm" he says back at you

"Harm" you say eyes getting wider.

"Yeah... if you can't take a kiss on the cheek then what the , plus I heard Yeol kissed you on the forehead yesterday anyway, that doesn't seem to bother you" Kai says obviously annoyed.

"Keep it down, okay pe-people might hear" you say looking around carefully. Kai looks at you like you're absurd and you feel kind of weird being so careful of everyone but .. yeah. Kai throws his hands into the air irritated.

"SO WHAT! so what Eunji , why does it bother you so much what other people care anyway, is that why you haven't ever had enough guts to go anywhere with Yeol romantically, cause people might judge you" You throw down your spoon, that's a line he shouldn't of crossed, you go to get up furious.

"WHY EUNJI!" he screams across the now empty cafeteria as you start to walk away "SAY WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, or are you scared someone might hear" he says, voice filled with sarcasm. You turn around furious

"You WANNA knooow what I'm thinking, I'm thinking, gosh I'm so stupid for thinking you were a nice guy Kai, for thinking we should be friends and that when you kissed me on the cheek I was so ing stupid for it to let me feel ANYTHING, AT ALL. Like I said Kai I don't know about you but little things like that make me think and I'm so sorry I care what other people think but here's a quick fact, IT'S OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS THAT GET YOU ANYWHERE IN LIFE KAI" you shout as you stare at him unblinking.

Kai stands there quiet as he takes in every word you say and it pushes him down a little but at the end he looks up at you and just says

"Maybe you should get your own opinions sometimes, even if its harder than up", he practically spits the words at you before he leans in at your side and hisses teh next words with venom... "it gives you a little self respect" he pulls back and walks away silently leaving you there feeling so small.

You stand still pushing down the clog in your throat, you don't move. But what he said about your own opinions, did he mean about Chanyeol or him or ... just in general. You move eventually after getting a hold of yourself and head slowly towards the library, maybe you'll just sit out the next class.

You walk out after 4th period, the last thing you want to do right now is go home just incase Kai's there. You run into a bubbly Chanyeol who suggests going out just the two of you. You smile relieved for any excuse to not go home, plus its true you and Yeol haven't gone out together in what feels like in ages so you quickly agree. You just have to go return a couple of things before meeting him at the front and then you're set to go.

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Guys I know I already posted on my wall and in comments >< but just incase you didn't see that I wanted to give you guys a thankyou for reading my first fic ^^


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upvote 4 dis story guys! i'm Lovi'n it!
Chapter 48: Amazing story authornim :))))
PrinceKai299 #3
Chapter 48: BEST STORY I'VE EVER READ!!! OmO!! Channie T.T
The Kai kiss scenes actually got me melting!!!! ToT
Exotic_Jm #4
Chapter 48: T.T
author-nim SARANGHAMNIDA..!!
Let's marry.. NOW..xD
this IS a Story..!!
I Love you author-nim..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this deserves more attention :( guyz upvote this so it can get the attention that worths. :D
Chapter 48: Aww it's over! I'm happy and sad at the same time! I'm glad Kai and Eunji ended up together but I'm also sad for Chanyeol, all those years liking Eunji, all that hope......aaaah it's so unbearable for me to think about. GREAT JOB!!! :D
LovingKPop4Lyfe #7
Chapter 48: OMG I KNEW IT!!! Great story :)) I love the twisted part right at the end :) does Cherri go with chanyeol!!?!?! *just a random thought*
Chapter 48: I knew.. I knew it just like CHANYEOL did. I knew she won't love Chanyeol like how she did for Kai..); IM SO SAD FOR CHANYEOL! DDDDD;
Chapter 48: poor Chanyeol D:
but Kaiiiii :D
NicoleBii #10
Chapter 48: Q~Q . i just love it so much. i'm going to recommend it to all my friends ! you're such a good writer. <3 i'm totally looking forward to reading your next stories. HWAITING!!! ^^