After the Ticket Booth

Let me jump higher

You come to school in the afternoon the next day and go to the change rooms to get into your costume. You're lucky enough to have the first shift meaning you can pack up and go home straight after. You stand in the changeroom as you smeer white makeup all over you face for the base and start to apply your eyemakeup. You see a group of the girls from your team walk in all dressed up, Taenah with them.

"here" Taenah stands next to you as she passes you a tube of red coloured paint. 

"everyones using this for the blood effect so you should too" You look at the tube doubtfully but look around to see all the other girls have it on too and apply it to the area around your mouth and it looks like you've just someones blood out, it's creepy alright.

"Thanks" you say as you pass the tube back. You walk out to the ticket booth, you're station for the first part of the festival. At least you don't have to work inside you think. It was scary enough yesterday, the last thing you want to do is go back in there. You stand handing tickets to couples and groups of kids ready for the scary experience and shudder thinking about your own, the one good thing about all this makeup is that hardly anyone notices you and even if they do the good mood makes them ignore you.

You can hear the screams of kids and watch crying girls come out being comforted by their boyfriends. Sometimes the idea of a boyfriend sounds so nice but you have no one to date so you try to stick the idea back to the corner of your mind so you don't turn into one of the fake cutesy girls at school, saddly enough you feel like you have the slightest potential if you were desperate enough.

Your shift ends and you hand over the ticket box to the next girl in her grudge costume and head into the overcrowded changeroom and put on a denim dress you bought with you. You try to get to the mirrors but it's too packed to get at them. You decide to go to the taps near the gym area, it's out of bounds techinically but it's not like someone stands there waiting  for any kid that dares to walk by, everyones too busy off having fun everywhere else in the huge school to be bothered to go to the out of area sections.

You walk over to the taps and start to clean off your makeup. You look up at the mirror and get schocked at your own appearance, it's even scarrier with all the mascara running down. You start to work on the red mouth area as you scrub off the fake blood stuff. You rub, and rub, and rub ... but your skin is probably pink underneath you've rubbed so much but it looks virtually unchanged and just kind of smudged instead. You grab a wet wipe and rub as hard as you can as your skin tingles form the irritation but nothing comes off.What is this you think, why isn't it coming off you feel irritated, you work at it for ages and tears start to stream down your cheecks in frustration. You sit down head against the wall worn out. 

, , , !  you think angry as you throw the towel you were using. You put your head into you hands as tears continuously fall, you're just so tired and it's getting to you, you just want to crawl up into a ball you think and cry.

"" you say softly, soangry. This is just a ing way to toy with you, they probably all planned this, and the flour and bucket off goo yesterday. Everyone hates you. You kick your legs furiously as you hit you head back against the wall a couple of times breathing hard.

"Eunji... Is that you" a voice ask. You turn to wipe your tears and spot Chanyeol walking towards you.

"Why are you here alone" he says as he gets closer and you bury your face into your hands "... he-hey are you okay" he says anxiously as he bends down to next to you.

You lift your hands to show your face completley drenched in tears, your hair messed up because you've pulled at it and all this red still probably on your mouth.

"Do I look okay Chanyeol" you say crying.

"Do I look okay to you!, cause I'm not, I just can't do this" you say defeated, you take the tissues from around you and hold them up " I've been sitting here for the last twenty minutes, ALONE cause there was nobody I could call to help  me, Taenah gave me this to put on my face because she said everybody was and now" you trail off after speaking at a hundread miles an hour " now ... I can't get it off Chanyeol" you say as you meet his eyes "I can't and people keep doing stuff with the flour, and the metal can they dropped on us yesterday..." you say sobbing softly your voice so quiet it's barely audible.

"What metal can" Chanyeols eyes light up worried as he grabs you by the shoulders.

"Someone, dropped a ing METAL TIN on me and Kai last night in school, if it weren't for him, IT WOULD"VE HIT ME YEOL" you say histerical eyes wide as tears spill over.

"Everyone keeps doing this little stuff but it hurts okay, so where were you" you say as you hit him in the chest with your hand as your tears stream down your face" Where were you Yeol" you say as you hit him continuosly in the chest one hand after the other. 

"I just needed you" you whimper after a while of repeating yourself as you loose energy. You just grab his shirt and look up at him lifeless before letting your head drop as you think of the state your face must be in now. 

"Shhhh, It's okay I'm here now, I won't go promise okay" Chanyeol your hair and nods reassuringly eyes bright. He sits himself next to you one leg prompted up and the other stretched out. He takes your head and puts it against his chest while you grab his shirt. He sits calming you and running one of his hands through your hair. You cry and cry just letting it all out as his shirt becomes drenched  but he doesn't say anything and just lets you. You feel the warmth of his hand on your shoulder and the comfort of his chest against your face. 

You stop crying after a while and just sit in silence your eyes closed as you lay against Chanyeol quietly.Eventually you get up off of him to see him just staring at you contently.

"Yeol, why'd you dissapear from me" you say softly.

He hesitates before looking at you again ."I... I got this anonymous envelope on your birthday.. and it said things about you and Kai and all those photos were in there and I just needed to think for a moment..." he trails off. That's what was in there you think...

"I was going to tell you I promise, I just didn't find the moment" you say desperatley. Chanyeol grabs your hand knowingly and nods his head,

"I know ...  I know" he smiles a little.

"It's not like I believed everything in the envelope I just .. started to think all these things like maybe you didn't want me to know because you and Kai really were a thing and had been and you didn't want to hurt my feelings, NOT that I have those sorts of feelings" Chanyeol trails off again."And I didn't want to hurt you more and have people say stuff about you because I was hanging around you aswell, I realise that's not what I should've done now but ..." you nod slightly. Chanyeols voice goes quiet as he says the next things

"And, and then I thought maybe it was because you were embarrassed and I shouldn't pretend like I knew or maybe you were set up or you didn't want me to know because it was too personal or you didn't trust me-"

"NO Yeol, I trust you with everything, I trust you more than anyone else" you say making sure to look him in the eyes as you say it. "You're like my soulmate, not the way you use the word" you say as you both giggle a little "as cheesy as it is but a soulmate as in you know everything about me and know excatly how to look after me, and I don't know if I'm as important to you, but you're the person that matters the most to me ok, I didn't tell you for other reasons" you say as you shake your head " but Yeol, I wanted to tell you okay" Chanyeol nods. The two of you sit silent for a moment.

Chanyeol gets up and sticks his hand out to you .

"Come on, I can't hold back my laughter anymore looking at all that red on your face, I'll clean you up".

"You know how" you say looking up at him as he smiles. He takes you up to one of the empty scientific art rooms and sits you down on a stool.

"I've got permanent texta too many times on my face in class for there not to be a bottle of this magic stuff in the school" he says as he takes a clear white bottle out from one of the benches. He prepares a bowl of warm watter and soaks a little towel in it before dampening it with the other liquid.

"Yah, this isn't poison or something is it" you say weakly trying to joke around but he jst smiles and shakes his head before pressing the towel onto you face and slowly and gently rinsing of bits of the red out as he goes. He takes a little wet wipe and puts the stuff on it before he carefull presses it on to your lips and you pull back from the little sting. He softly places his hand on your face as to hold you in place as his eyes are fixed on your lips and he moves in towards you to make sure he doesn't sting you again. You watch him, your eyes trained on his movements. His long slender eyelashes face down as he blinks moving inch by inch along your mouth. He looks up at you and realises the distance before slowly pulling back.

"Done" he mumbles as he picks up all the stuff and walks over to one of the sinks. You get up to follow him and the two of you wash up bent over the tiny sink together. 


"Can I ask you just one thing though Eunji" he says hesitantly.

"Yeah sure" you say your eyes still trained on the towels.

"Do you though... like Kai" he says as he turns to face you. He catched you off guard and you stutter for a sec, for just a moment you consider it and you freeze a little.

"No ofcourse not, we're... we're just friends now" you say smiling at him.

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Guys I know I already posted on my wall and in comments >< but just incase you didn't see that I wanted to give you guys a thankyou for reading my first fic ^^


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upvote 4 dis story guys! i'm Lovi'n it!
Chapter 48: Amazing story authornim :))))
PrinceKai299 #3
Chapter 48: BEST STORY I'VE EVER READ!!! OmO!! Channie T.T
The Kai kiss scenes actually got me melting!!!! ToT
Exotic_Jm #4
Chapter 48: T.T
author-nim SARANGHAMNIDA..!!
Let's marry.. NOW..xD
this IS a Story..!!
I Love you author-nim..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this deserves more attention :( guyz upvote this so it can get the attention that worths. :D
Chapter 48: Aww it's over! I'm happy and sad at the same time! I'm glad Kai and Eunji ended up together but I'm also sad for Chanyeol, all those years liking Eunji, all that hope......aaaah it's so unbearable for me to think about. GREAT JOB!!! :D
LovingKPop4Lyfe #7
Chapter 48: OMG I KNEW IT!!! Great story :)) I love the twisted part right at the end :) does Cherri go with chanyeol!!?!?! *just a random thought*
Chapter 48: I knew.. I knew it just like CHANYEOL did. I knew she won't love Chanyeol like how she did for Kai..); IM SO SAD FOR CHANYEOL! DDDDD;
Chapter 48: poor Chanyeol D:
but Kaiiiii :D
NicoleBii #10
Chapter 48: Q~Q . i just love it so much. i'm going to recommend it to all my friends ! you're such a good writer. <3 i'm totally looking forward to reading your next stories. HWAITING!!! ^^