you can only discover so much at once

blind (date)

Yoseob had his hands in his pockets and his head down. When he walked, he lined up his heel to his toe and his toe to his heel so that he walked perfectly straight. Ahead of him, a young lady was walking through the art gallery, her heels clicking behind her and echoing throughout the empty building. Every few steps, she would slow down to look at a piece to her left or to her right, but she kept moving until something caught her eye.

She's sneaking glances at me, Yoseob thought. I guess she's more easily smitten than Hara said she would be.

The clicks stopped. Yoseob looked up to see her staring at a painting. She had her arms crossed and her head slightly cocked to the side. Yoseob stood next to her and looked at the painting, and then back at her.

But then again, she does look genuinely interested in the art.

Her eyes were lost in the dramatic colors of the painting. She searched for its meaning, and found one from within herself. Her lips parted to expel a silent, "Ah, I understand now." She put her arms down and stood up straight again. From the corner of her eye, she saw Yoseob, staring at her. She closed her eyes and tried not to make any assumptions.

He's trying to seduce me, as if I'm an object for him to fancy and nothing else, she thought. Junhyung must not know what his friend is like around girls.

She took a step backwards, but didn't move any further. She couldn't take it anymore.

"I can talk, too, you know."

Yoseob snapped out of his daydream and realized he really was just staring at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine," she sighed, turning away from him now. She walked into another room. Yoseob followed her. It was, to say the least, an awkward blind date. Both of them were beginning to walk slower and slower. Now, Yoseob and the lady were both staring at a light, wispy painting.

This time, Yoseob broke the silence. "So, Yoonhee..."


"You must visit art galleries often, right?"

"Mmm..." she paused and wondered how much she would tell Yoseob. "I used to, in high school and college. But after I started working, I lost a lot of my free time. I only get one day--two days if I'm lucky--off a week. And that day, I usually spend sleeping."

Yoseob nodded. Yoonhee waited for him to reply or ask another question.

"What job stole you away from something you love so much?" Yoseob joked. Yoonhee smiled at him.

"I worked at a restaurant in Seoul," she humbly replied. Yoseob thought of his mother's restaurant. He was beginning to warm up to Yoonhee.

"You must be really busy, then. But isn't your mother the curator at this museum? Why would you need to work at a restaurant?"

Yoonhee smiled politely. "I work because I want to. I like making food for people, so I worked to become a chef and wouldn't have to rely on my parents."

"Of course." Yoseob looked down in embarrassment. She's so temperamental. This date is not going well, he thought to himself.

Yoonhee walked away from Yoseob. I guess I could have been nicer, she thought. She turned around and saw Yoseob covering his face with his hands. He probably didn't think his question through. Look at him; he's just a kid.

Yoonhee cleared . "I think we should go now."

Yoseob's head snapped back up again. "You don't want to see the rest of the exhibit? There are still some rooms--"

"Nah. You can only discover so much at once," Yoonhee remarked. Yoseob nodded, secretly glad she was cutting the date short for him.

I guess it's time for my decision, now, Yoseob thought. He followed Yoonhee to the exit. On the way, they passed Junhyung and Hara on their own date. Their arms were intertwined and they walked in step. Hara slightly leaned on Junhyung's right shoulder. He spoke to her quietly. Then, they noticed Yoseob and Yoonhee.

"Hi, how's it going?" Hara asked.

Yoonhee signed that the date was terrible, but said, "It was great. We're both so tired now."

Behind her, Yoseob also shook his head.

"Well, I'll be going now," Yoonhee announced. She hugged Hara and Junhyung. "See you at the family dinner next week."

"Thanks again for inviting us tonight," Junhyung said.

"It's nothing. Hara's always complaining to me about how she never sees you anymore," Yoonhee commented. Hara shyly smiled and buried her face in Junhyung's suit. With that, Yoonhee simply waved to Yoseob and walked out.

Typical, egocentric idol, Yoonhee thought. She slammed the door shut behind her.

Junhyung hit Yoseob's arm and nodded to Yoonhee’s direction.

"What? We're not interested in each other. We're not going out again, so--"

"At least take her home," Hara hissed, slapping Yoseob's other arm.

"Aish! Fine, fine," he said, walking off. "But never set me up on another blind date!"

Yoseob quickly caught up with Yoonhee.

"Yoonhee," he called. She jumped a little at his voice, but turned around with an expressionless face. 


"Let me take you home."

"No; it's fine--my apartment is just down the street."

"Then let me do at least that for you," Yoseob replied. She nodded.

They began walking to the entrance hall to get Yoonhee's coat, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry," the coat checker apologized. Yoonhee just waved the matter off.

"My mom probably took it. It's fine." Yoonhee and Yoseob walked onto the street. It was windy outside. Yoonhee rubbed her hands together and tried to stay warm.

"Of all nights," Yoonhee explained, "Since my house is so close to the museum, my mom always takes my coats if she forgets to bring one."

Then, she felt something warm drape around her shoulders. She turned and saw Yoseob, in just his dress shirt, putting his suit jacket on her.

"Oh, thank you," Yoonhee said, caught off guard.

Yoseob studied her bright smile. That must be her real smile, he thought.

"It's the least I can do," he replied. He took his hands off her shoulders and put them in his pockets. He craned his neck back and closed his eyes. Yoonhee studied his figure and realized he wasn't a boy at all. When he opened his eyes, Yoonhee quickly turned away and began walking again.  But Yoseob saw her staring and smirked to himself.

They silently made their way to Yoonhee's apartment. Though they were side by side, Yoseob kept his hands in his pockets and Yoonhee kept hers clutching her purse. After a few minutes, Yoseob wanted to break the tension. He looked a little down the street and saw a large, fancy, new apartment complex.

"Wow, whoever lives in there must be a billionaire," he commented. At this, Yoonhee let out a genuine laugh. She even stopped walking when they were in front of it. Yoseob grew a little nervous. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Yoonhee covered and shook her head. "No, no, it's not that."

The doorman opened the door. "Good evening, Miss Park." Yoonhee stepped through the door and waited for Yoseob to follow.

But he just stared in surprise. His lips parted and his eyes widened in realization. "Ah..."

"Yes, I live here," she said, still giggling. Yoseob became embarrassed and combed through his hair.

"Ah, what I said earlier, then..."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not a billionaire, but it's an honor that you think I am."

Yoseob laughed and walked into the lobby. "It didn't offend you, right?"

"No, no, not at all."

"Okay. I mean, back then, I just wanted to say something beca--"

A drunk woman who was walking across the lobby had bumped into Yoseob, spilling her drink all over his shirt.

"Ah, sorry, sorry!" she slurred. She patted his wet shirt.

"It--it's fine," Yoseob said, shaking some of the liquor off his sleeve.

"Oh, what a solid chest!" the woman exclaimed. She began slapping his abs.


"Hyejin ajumma, he said he's fine! You can go now," Yoonhee exclaimed, grabbing onto the woman's arm. Hyejin left gaping open and looked at Yoonhee.

"Yoonhee-ah, this boyfriend's a lot better than that Jonghee--Jonghim--Jonghun--"

"Yes, yes, thank you," Yoonhee quickly said, shaking Hyejin's hand. "Now good night!" She waved goodbye to Hyejin, who made her way to the door. Yoonhee took a deep breath and walked to the elevator. She was lost in her thoughts about her ex-boyfriend. When the doors opened, she stepped in and leaned on one side. Outside, Yoseob coughed to catch her attention.

"Oh!" Yoonhee snapped out of it. "Yoseob, come up. You should at least dry your shirt." Yoseob nodded in agreement and stepped in. He noticed Yoonhee was more out of it, so he spoke up first.

"Is that ajumma always like that?"

Yoonhee scoffed. "Always. Ever since her son started selling himself and became famous."

"Famous? Like an actor?"

"Idol," Yoonhee replied, almost accusingly. Then, remembering Yoseob was an idol, she quickly looked at his reaction. He simply nodded and kept quiet.

The doors opened on the fourteenth floor. Yoonhee led Yoseob down the hall to her door. The inside of the apartment was just like Yoseob had imagined--clean, modern, and very, very expensive looking.

"The bathroom's over to the right. There should be some towels and a blow dryer in there." Yoseob followed her directions and found himself in one of the largest bathrooms he'd ever seen. When he found the dryer, he took off his shirt and began drying it.

Outside, Yoonhee had the heater and hung Yoseob's suit jacket on a rack. She was lying down on the couch, contemplating whether or not she had been rude to Yoseob earlier. Unable to decide, she the TV and began flipping channels. It was 2am, so only reruns were on. But something caught her eye.

It was a younger Yoseob, singing on Immortal Song. Yoonhee couldn't believe her eyes. Hara had told her he was the main singer of Beast, but she had no idea he was actually good--amazing--at singing.

Yoseob could hear the TV from the bathroom. He stuck his head out the door to see what she was watching. "Is that..."

"Yah, Yoseob!" Yoonhee exclaimed, turning around to face him. "Your singing is daebak!"

Yoseob turned away and laughed. "Turn that off!"

"No, I like it."

"But I'm right here. The real Yang Yoseob is with you. I can sing that right now, live."

"Really? So then will you?" Yoonhee piped up. She turned off the TV. Only the dryer was audible.

"Ah...I didn't really mean it..."

"No, you have to now." Yoonhee walked over to the bathroom and stood next to him.

"My voice isn't warmed up."

"I can get you some hot tea in the kitchen."

"But my whole body is cold."

"I can warm you up," Yoonhee thoughtlessly replied. She rubbed Yoseob's arms as a joke, but then she felt his muscles and took her hand back and crossed her arms. "I mean, the heater's on, so..."

Yoseob laughed at her shyness. Yoonhee smiled. His dimple's so cute. But when he laughs, it's not just cute. He's so...handsome. And in that undershirt...

Yoseob looked at her and caught her staring again. This time, Yoonhee didn't turn away.

"I can talk, too, you know," he said, reusing her line. Yoonhee melted in laughter.

"Then why don't you sing?"

"I don't know..."

"I thought all idols love showing off," Yoonhee joked.

"Maybe I'm not like the other idols you've dated," he replied. Then, seeing her sunken reaction, he continued, "or met."

Yoonhee nodded. You're not big-headed or egocentric at all. "Did you say you were still cold?"

"Well, just a little, but I'm--"

Yoonhee was already out of the bathroom. She picked up his suit from the coat rack and brought it back to him. This time, Yoonhee draped it around Yoseob's shoulders. She rubbed his arms a little and leaned over his right shoulder.

"Thank you," Yoseob whispered, turning to his right.

Yoseob felt Yoonhee's warm breath on his neck and her arms around his body. He turned slightly so his lips were in aligned with hers. He closed his eyes and--

Yoonhee let go of Yoseob and took a step back. His eyes snapped open and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Yoonhee was breathing a little harder. She tucked her hair behind her ear and stepped out of the bathroom without another word. Yoseob cleared his throat and looked back at his shirt. It was already dry a minute ago, but he still didn't want to leave--not if hadn't decided if he wanted to see Yoonhee again. Yoseob turned the dryer towards himself and let the warm air blow across his face.

She's not easy like the other girls--even after she heard me singing. I mean, I even walked her home and offered her my coat! Wait--what if...

Yoseob began to doubt if he did anything wrong at the beginning of the date to turn Yoonhee off. He stared at her, sitting on the couch, watching the blank TV.

Yoseob turned the dryer off and put his shirt back on. He walked over to the couch and leaned over Yoonhee's shoulder.

"Wanna hear me sing now?"

"Hmm," Yoonhee slowly answered, "I'm kind of tired right now."

"I can sing you to sleep," he said, combing through her hair.

"But then I'd fall asleep and you'd be alone, awake, in my house."

"Then I'll sleep with you," Yoseob thoughtlessly said. Then, realizing his mistake, he coughed and let go of Yoonhee's hair. "I mean-I'll--or--"

Yoonhee turned around and smiled at Yoseob. "There's no way you're singing to me now, you bad guy!"

"That's not what I meant--" Yoseob exclaimed, backing away from her. Yoonhee sat up straight and tried to slap Yoseob. He laughed and ran to the door. Yoonhee got there faster.

"Beat you," she said, sticking her tongue out. Yoseob tried to stop running earlier but he slipped on his socks and crashed into the door. His arms were around Yoonhee and their lips were close again. Yoseob looked away and took a step back. He combed through his hair.

"Sing to me next time," Yoonhee quietly said. She twisted her doorknob and opened the door. Yoseob looked at her in surprise. She quickly continued, "If there’ll be a next time."

Yoseob nodded emotionlessly. "Alright." Yoonhee fully opened the door and he walked out. She leaned on the door as he put on his shoes.

Still worried he thought she was rude earlier, she said, "You're a really nice guy, and way too nice of an idol. Thanks for tonight." Yoonhee remembered how Yoseob kept politely smiling when the liquor first splashed onto him.

"No problem," Yoseob replied. Yoonhee hoped he would say some affirmations back to her, too, but all he said was, "Goodnight."

Yoonhee nodded and waved as he walked back to the elevator. She closed the door and sighed. He really was a nice guy. And even thigh he was quiet at first, he ended up being pretty fun. And he wasn't overly cute or anything. And--

Yoonhee stopped herself from thinking about him too much. He didn't even say anything about another date. She yawned and walked back into the bathroom. When she the lights, she found his suit jacket, laying on the countertop. Yoonhee sighed.

"How could he forget this? He was even complaining about how cold he was without it."

When Yoonhee lifted the jacket, a small paper fell to the ground. She picked it up and instantly smiled.

It was Yoseob's phone number.

Outside, Yoseob was driving back to his dorm in a taxi. His eyes were fixed on his cell phone.

"Aren't you cold?" the driver asked.

"Very. But there's a good reason I don't have my jacket."

"And what's that?"

The phone rang.

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ohh my gooodd
cries sorry for stalking your fics
Chapter 1: haha love it ><
Chapter 1: Love the ending~~~

That jacket is such a match maker for them two ;)