Chapter 1

Show me How to Love


Hey, I just got home. I really hope you will read the messages I send you. I know it will be awkward at first, but I will message you every now and then. I know

the last time we talked I was really mad at you and I made you cry but now I understand that it wasn’t your fault. Please respond to me soon, I miss you, no

even worse I love you.


Taecyeon’s POV

            I love you. I loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. We finally end up together and then you leave. I hate you, but I love you. Why am I so

confused? I am done with you, I’m done with all it. I’m done with everything that relates you. I done with movies, I’m done with music that isn’t mine and lastly

I’m done with feeling anything including love. My heart is going numb, completely and its all because you. Now all I need is to get you out of my head. I look

outside to see a sunny day and I see you and me run around in the sun like we hadn’t had a care in the world. Then my heart pains even more. I look at all

the people outside the window having fun outside, all of the couples holding hands and all the children running around the world doesn’t make me feel

anything. The world just doesn’t seem right without you in it and I will never love again. I lay on my bed and the last words you ever said me vibrate through

my head. I know its my fault, I know I’m the reason why you left and you had the right to make me cry, but dammit my heart my world is not right. I hear a knock

at my door.

            “Hey, will you come out your room already.” Jun. K said to me. I remained silent and stayed in my sorrow. “You can’t stay in there forever, we have to

record soon.” I didn’t feel like recording, I didn’t feel like doing anything. I heard his footsteps walk away. Thank goodness I don’t want to deal with this right

now. I heard another knock at my door. The door knob started to turn and Nickhun came in.

            “Hey, man can you get up please.” He said to me with concern. “I know that its hard and all after he left, but you have to get up so you can be better

again.” I knew he trying his best, but my numb heart felt even worse as he mention him. Since he put some effort in it and actually cared I decided to get out

of his bed. He smiled at me and I tried to smile back, but I couldn’t no emotion could be expressed.

            “Thank you for that I guess.” I said.

            “Don’t worry I will always try to pick you up when you fall down.” He said as he kept smiling at me. “By the way here are the song lyrics.”

            “Oh great it’s called Heartbeat, that sounds so great.”

Nickkun’s POV

It seeing him like this, he is such a great guy and ever since that bastard came into his life trouble has always followed. I look at him and that sparkle

that gleamed in his eye is gone, his charismatic smile has disappeared and his voice is so distant. My friend that I’ve known for so long is not in front of me

anymore. I wish I knew what I could do.

A/N Sorry this is so short, but didn’t know what to write. I hope you liked the first chapter, I will make sure the next chapter is better, so stay tuned and


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I didn't think people actually read this so I kind of forgot about it. I will update this soon.


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Chapter 2: I hope it will be updated even after so long
Looks good and I miss taeckhun
Chapter 2: Minjun such an a s s -_-
keep it up ^^
kluzmongari #4
Chapter 2: UPDATE PLEASE <3
Chapter 1: Update soon >.<
kluzmongari #6
Love 2pm <3. hope this story comes back^-^