Just Eat.

Let's Eat!

That’s Choi SaeRa. She’s been longing to fall in love. She was a person who never gives up on something. She was known to be really cheerful and a good cook.

She liked someone before, so she bravely confessed to the guy and even offered a lunch box as a present. Eventually, the lucky guy just rejected her offer by throwing the lunchbox at her face. To make it sound worse, she even got a “” out from his mouth.

One day, she was sitting in her classroom. The teacher was not in yet. She was actually doodling on her notebook when her best friend came to sit beside her. Her name was Yeseul.

“SaeRa-yah… Stop doodling and tell me that you’re perfectly fine.” She beamed. She was referring to SaeRa’s condition since the incident of being dumped.

“I’m perfectly fine, YeSeul.” She replied but she wasn’t looking at YeSeul’s face. Her fingers were doodling something. She found it calming.

“Look at me!” She protested. SaeRa slammed the pencil onto the desk and looked at her.

“I’m perfectly fine and I’ll be fine.” She said, firmly. She glanced over YeSeul’s shoulder to check on the teacher but the teacher wasn’t there.

Suddenly, a figure caught her eye. His side profile was captivating and beautifully perfect.

“Yah, do you know that guy?” She pointed over YeSeul’s shoulder again. YeSeul turned her face and she gasped when she saw a boy she knew was standing outside their classroom. She looked back at SaeRa intensely.

“Don’t tell me you want that guy.” She said. “He’s gorgeous but, you just got dumped last week, SaeRa!”

“What’s his name?” She asked, hopefully.

YeSeul ended up shrugging, “Kim Myungsoo.  He’s the coldest person in Earth. He’s the only son of our Principal Kim.” She said. “No wonder his nickname is L, he looks like he could kill anyone.”

“Kim Myungsoo.”




She felt like she fell in love at the first sight and she wanted to take a closer look to his feature so she waited outside the classroom, waiting for him to pass by. Moments of waiting passed until she spotted a familiar one. That’s him, she thought.

“That’s him. I know it.” She said to herself confidently and walked towards the boy. Meanwhile, she was actually hiding a bottle of plain milk and a packet of hand-made sandwiches behind her.

She noticed the boy was actually was about to go downstairs, so she quickly blocked his way and politely bowed. “Good morning!” She flashed the sweetest smile ever and she showed the hidden food. “Have this as your breakfast, please.”

Myungsoo did nothing but he was standing and quietly glowering at her. “Do I know you? And sorry, I don’t accept things from a stranger.” He warned coldly.

She stood still and when he was about to walk passed her, she blocked him again. “I’m not that kind of stranger.” She assured him. “My name is SaeRa, by the way.”

He bite his bottom lip, welled up in anger at her sudden absurd action towards him He didn’t even know who the hell is she. He chuckled in his smirk and snarled, “I said GET OUTTA MY WAY!”

Unconditionally, he pushed her towards the staircase. His sharp eyes wide opened as he realized that he just put a girl in danger. Before she actually fell on the staircase, he caught her and she landed on him.

He actually fell on the staircase, instead.

“!” He growled.




She tapped his feet impatiently, waiting for Myungsoo to pass by the alley. She was almost giving up when the corner of her eyes caught a glimpse of him. What else? She hurried towards him with a guilty face despite her sprained ankle from the accident.

She bowed. “I’m sorry, Kim Myungsoo-ssi! I’m truly sorry!”

“Yah, don’t embarrass me in front of those people.” He said and rolled his eyes, annoyingly. “It’s only my fingers, though. Nothing is serious. Stop apologizing like you’ve hurt a King.”

You looked up to him with teary eyes. “I deeply apologize. It’s all because of me.”

He grew speechless. Quietly, he blamed himself for those injuries that both of them had. He knew he shouldn’t grow some rash rage in himself.

“If you accept my apology, please meet me at the park beside the canteen.” She said as she actually planned something for him earlier. “If you don’t come, then I will bow to you like this, everyday.”

She left, struggling herself to walk away.

He was taken aback. “What does she want? She’s more mysterious than me.” He chuckled and his face fell. He couldn’t take it when a girl had to verge in tears because of him, his faults.




She spread the mat on the grass and sat on it. She stared at her lunchbox for a minute and grabbed it opened. Silently, she was hoping Myungsoo would come and enjoy the packed lunch. She smiled, satisfied with the neatly arranged food.  She closed the lid again.

She noticed someone approached her from a distance. “Oh! You came!” She said and she excitedly ran towards him, grabbed his arm and pushed him towards the mat.

“Have a sit, sir!” She said politely and made him sat.

Myungsoo looked at her suspiciously. “What is this? Are you going to having a picnic with me?” He said with a chuckle. “I mean a forced picnic?”

 “A reasonable guess.” She said while staring at his face. Flawless, she thought. She couldn’t resist more. “Since you hurt your right hand, you can’t eat by yourself, right?”

He cracked a small smirk. “So?”

She opened the lid and happily clapped her hands. “Let’s eat!”

He blinked in surprise. “What is this?”

She scoffed. “Aish! You keep asking me same questions! This is food and I want you to eat. With ME.”

He blinked again and chuckled. “Wh-what?”

She took one of the stir-fried vegetable with chopstick and her hands flew to him. “The airplane is going to Myungsoo’s mouth ~”

He jerked his face to the side and stared into space. Then, he opened his mouth when he looked at her back and she stuffed the vegetable into his mouth. He munched and displayed a bitter expression.

“Hmmm… It’s tasty, right?” She asked when she noticed a change on his face.

He swallowed the food slowly and drank some water. “It’s horrible.” His expression was bitter.

Her face fell but she didn’t give up. She took an egg roll from the lunch box and sang, “An airplane comes into Myungsoo’s mouth…”

He opened his mouth finally and egg roll stuffed into it. He munched it a few times and swallowed it before gulping some water again. “It’s salty. Very salty.” He spat.

“I’m sorry, again.” She apologized and tidied all the food into the lunchbox.




Another day passed. She blocked Myungsoo’s way from going to the canteen again.

“What do you want?!” He snarled. She shuddered because of his unusual rage.


He forced himself following her since his fingers were still hurt so he couldn’t help himself to eat and again, he sat on the mat with her. She took the food with the chopstick and stuffed it into his mouth as he opened it.

“Horrible.” He commented again. Her face fell and her eyes were teary.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized. She made him feel guilty.

“Hey, the taste is good but, I don’t like tomatoes and carrots. I hate them.” He said, pleasing her heart.

She looked up and smiled. “So that’s why you said this is horrible?!” She slapped her face and laughed. “All right, I won’t put tomatoes and carrots. Only this broccoli will be in the frying pan, okay?”

He chuckled and gave a small little laugh. “I want to try the egg roll.”

She nodded, “Sure! I reduced the amount of salt and oil.” She tucked the egg roll between the chopsticks and put it into Myungsoo’s opened mouth.

He munched it slowly. She burst out laughing just by looking at how he ate. Cute, she thought.

“How was it?”

“Better. Even better.”

He smiled.






The Principal wasn’t at school. Someone informed her that something terrible happened to Myungsoo and she felt her heart hammered in her chest. She hurried to the hospital and found his room.

As she opened the door, she gasped in shock as she saw Myungsoo was actually blindfolded. She forced herself to be brave, so she stepped in quietly.

He flinched. “Who’s that?! SaeRa?”

She stopped walking. “How did you know?”

“The lunchbox. It smells good.”

She smiled.  She liked it when he actually remembered her because of the lunchbox.

Suddenly, the door slid opened and a doctor with a nurse came in.

“Are you one of his friends?” The doctor asked as he approached Myungsoo and checked his condition. The nurse stood by him.

“Yes. What happened to him?” She glanced at the doctor.

The doctor sighed, “Someone sprinkled his face with sand. So, the sand entered his eyes…”

“I rubbed my eyes, and the sand cut my eyes.” Myungsoo cut off and pursed his lips. That was the reason. Myungsoo seemed not regretting his actions.

She nodded and bowed to the doctor and nurse, thanking them. Then, she approached Myungsoo and sat on a chair beside the bed. “It’s bad that I can’t see your eyes now…” She said and her eyes softened.

He looked down, “Why?”

“Your eyes are gorgeous, Myungsoo-ssi.”

He grew silent and unknowingly his heartbeat went faster. “Well, it’s bad that I can’t see your face now…”

“Am I that pretty?”

“No. You’re super ugly. I could laugh to death.” His sentence was icy cold, yet SaeRa had that inner strength. She was determined not to give a single damn about his hurtful words. She had loved him.

“Yah, since my fingers are still hurt, and I can’t see, can you stay at my house and feed me?”

She blinked in surprise. That’s right. The Principal would be away for weeks because of works, and his mom was dead already.

He told the maid to leave him for a while just to make SaeRa took her place, actually.





“Myungsoo-ssi!! Are you awake?!!” Her voice echoed through the house. She quietly sneaked into his house when nobody was around.

“Hmmmm” He grumbled under his breath.

“How long do you want to lie down on the sofa actually? Let’s have breakfast!” She shouted again, earning a grunt from Myungsoo.

“ing idiot! I can’t see my way!” He said with rage.

She sighed – forgetting the fact that Myungsoo was temporarily blind and his fingers were hurt. She huddled towards the living room and grabbed his left wrist to guide him.

“Wait, SaeRa.”


He was in doubt. He didn’t know if he could ask her to do something. “I want to take a bath.”

She released her grip, shocked. “WHAT?!!!”

“I smell bad, you know… Bath me.” His voice was really cold and sounded so bossy. She couldn’t help but to drag him over the bathroom.

She stared at him for a moment and bit her lip. “Can you undress by yourself?”

“My fingers….”

She flinched. “Okay…” She started to his white shirt and carefully removed it from his body. She gasped as Myungsoo was actually half- in front of her. That wasn’t she needed.

“Leave my boxers on.”

She nodded and unbuckled his belt before sliding his pants down. She gulped her non-existence saliva and the shower.

“Yah, scrub my body!”

She forced herself to scrub his back and front body. She felt her cheeks heated up, the upper body of Myungsoo was tempting like a delicious food to a hungry person.

She was rubbing his front body and suddenly, the scrubber slipped from her hand and she accidentally touched his chest.

“I’m sorry!”




A week passed. Myungsoo wasn’t blindfolded anymore. His fingers recovered successfully and his vision went clear. However, she was there, in his house. She took care of him like a baby and it was the last day since the principal would be home the next day.

“Myungsoo-ssi, I forgot to go to the market so I cooked what the kitchen provided only.” She heaved a sigh of disappointment.

Out of exhaustion of taking care of Myungsoo, she couldn’t help herself going to the market to buy the things.  She arranged the food nicely. There was Myungsoo’s favourite broccoli, egg rolls, kimchi stew, and butter-grilled chicken. She cupped the rice and put it on table, in front of his eyes.

He nodded signaling he understood. He went straight to the kitchen and gawked. The kitchen was like a broken vase. “YAH!” He roared. “How can you leave this kitchen in mess?!”

She cursed herself for leaving the kitchen in mess. It was because of bossy and cold Myungsoo. She couldn’t help but saying “I’m sorry!” loudly. She sat on the couch, waiting for him.

He came back and sat on the same couch. “Ah so… Since I was blindfolded, you never clean the kitchen, right?!” His voice sounded harsh even when he spoke softly. His sharp stare stabbed her heart.

“I-I do clean it, once a while.” She stammered, frightened.

“It’s weird how delicious food can be cooked in this dirty kitchen.” He said again, tapping the tip of the chopsticks onto the table and used them to poke the egg rolls.

“I know I like egg rolls but it doesn’t mean that I want you to cook the same meal for me.” He muttered again. “And what’s with the broccoli? It’s been almost a month we knew each other and you expect me to eat broccoli every day? Do you want me to be a broccoli?”

She nodded, feeling bad. She blamed herself for not asking him about his favourite food. He stared at her for a moment and chuckled. “At least I’m not starving. But I could get bored.”

He ate the butter-grilled chicken and nodded a few times while gnawing it. “This is nice, by the way. But I would like it if you remove the bones.”

She nodded again, taking every words poured by him.  He would always complain but he ate well. Really well. However, she felt that he shouldn’t complain when she cooked him food. She knew herself, she can cook well and nobody complained her cooking before.

“I would like it if you eat those food silently, Myungsoo-ssi,” She said softly.

He paused gnawing and looked at her face. He felt uneasy and offended. “What? Fine. If you want me to eat silently, get out from my house. I’m all healthy now.” He shrugged, at the same time teasing her hardly. He just liked seeing her heartbroken and helpless side.

She drew a deep breath, refraining herself from exploding.

“Oh thanks for bathing with me these days. Ah…thanks for being my sleeping company.”

It sounded so wrong for her. She eyed Myungsoo carefully and parted her lips to speak.

“Who do you think you are?!” She raised her voice. He pursed his lips and rolled his eyes arrogantly.

She stood, “I won’t be here if you didn’t ask me to!” Tears started to blur her vision. She was exploding her wound.

Myungsoo, however remained silent and nudged himself from looking at her.

“I bathed you, I cooked for you, I dressed you up and I even companied you in your bed! Now, I got a ‘get out’ from you?” She said mournfully. He didn’t move at all but he smirked silently.

“Do you actually know why I had been doing this for you?” She cried. Her shoulder flinched, holding from choking.

“Because I love you, get it?!” She said. “I love you, Myungsoo-ssi.” She sat down and wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

There was a few moments of silence before Myungsoo chuckled by himself.

“Idiot.” He pushed her body and hovered on her. She yelped helplessly.

“Do you actually know why I asked you to be here? Do you actually know why I still eat your food even though…. You put tomatoes in them?! Do you think it’s easy for a boy to ask a random girl to stay with him in his house?!” He roared.

She tilted her head and her eyes closed.

“Look at me, SaeRa. Look into my eyes and listen to me.”

She looked into his eyes forcefully. He leaned his face closer and brushed his nose to her cheek. He examined her face for a second and his heart flattered. In a flash, he gently crashed his plump lips on hers. She couldn’t help herself so she responded to his kiss affectionately.  Taking every inch of her lips into him, he smiled between the kiss.

“Because I love you, SaeRa. I love you too.”

She smiled and her tears burst from her eyes again. “Really?” She asked, her cheeks were as red as blood.

With a small smile on his face, he nodded and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Let’s eat!”

“Yeah! Let’s eat!”

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