Unicorn Barf

Unicorn Barf

Grrruupt! The restless stomach growled for the umpteenth time that night. Yixing, the half-unicorn, couldn’t stand the annoying grumbles he’s forced to listen to. It was as if he was stuck babysitting an infant who needs to cry just as much as it needs to breathe. The whiny brat refused to allow any peace, and quiet in the only dormitory situated on EXO Planet, Sector SM. It's been wailing for weeks straight! When will it shut up?! Not only is it a difficult challenge for the brown haired male to sleep, but it’s also hard for his fellow friends/roommates too.


“Yixing, are you okay?” Chen drowsily asked with a couple of knocks. “I heard your stomach over Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s obnoxious snores.” He added.


“Not really…” the boy on the inside of the room hesitantly replied. He tried to remain as quiet as he could. He didn't want him to hear.


“Okay, everyone get up, A.S.A.P! We need to aid the sick Yixing!” an urgent, loud voice echoed through the household. Without a doubt, everyone knew it was the “mom” of the house, Kyungsoo.


Yixing groaned, suddenly becoming a member of a duo composed of him and his digestional organ. He had just been tricked, no doubt. Kyungsoo probably convinced Chen to ask. No one liked telling the truth to the wide-eyed mother of the house. His motherly instincts always kick in, making him end up over exaggerating, and dramatizing everything. Kyungsoo knew everyone well –in fact, they all knew each other all too well. All twelve aliens, including Chen himself, knew he'd never turn down the offer of playing a joke –even if it was probably the worst prank in the galaxy. Chen just loves playing tricks; Kyungsoo knew it. He picked the perfect partner-in-crime.


The clicks of light switches, heavy sighs, and rhythmic footsteps signaled Yixing that the other eleven boys he was living with was already making their way to the conference room, which is also known as the living room. Whines, and complaints rumbled from the boys who finally wandered to Dream Land after countless of hours of insomnia due to the stomach grumbles. A deep frown crawled onto Yixing's face. They're not going to be pleased knowing the unexpected, late night meeting was all because of him.


Rolling off of the warm bed like a buffalo, Yixing stumbled off of his fluffy marshmallow. Suddenly, a sharp sting pierced the right side of his pelvic! It felt like someone was waiting for him to stand, only to shoot a bullet at him. Quickly, he shifted his body from leaning onto the mattress, to using the cold wall as support. He managed to stagger his way to the only door with the wall prepared to catch his fall occasionally. Gripping tightly onto his lower abdomen, Yixing grimaced at the brightly lit hallways while he slowly waddled to the nearest piece of furniture.


All of the males made themselves somewhat comfortable around the living room as they all waited for an explanation for the sudden “family meeting” ordered by Kyungsoo. Luhan and Sehun leaned against each other with their heavy eyelids shut. On the other hand, Xiumin was wide awake, chuckling at the others’ drowsy states. Baekhyun and Chanyeol played silly hand games as a technique to staying conscious, while the darkest one, Kai, hogged the only reclining chair. He permitted his limbs to sprawl in multiple directions as he pushed the lazy boy chair back. Tao and Kris looked ahead, letting anything roam in their minds while trapped in a daze. Standing against the wall opposite to the longest couch, Suho, Chen and Kyungsoo had disheartened eyes glued onto the lump lying down while clutching onto his middle.


Light pain occasionally visited Yixing as he claimed the couch as his own. A suffering expression was thrown onto Yixing's face every time a jolt of pain pinched a part of his body. Imagine the feeling of a thousand bees stinging your stomach all at once repeatedly for a fair amount of minutes. Unfortunately, the pain faded once in a while. Yixing knew what it meant every time he'd feel painless. He was well aware that it was only a warning for the next set of furious bees to come. Every time an expected sting returned, it attacked fiercer.


“Here,” Suho simply stated with a sympathetic smile. He extended his arm forward, handing Yixing a cup of water he specially made with his hydrokinesis.


Before Yixing could grab the glass cup after he graciously thanked for, Kyungsoo snagged it away. “Suho! You can’t expect him to drink something ice old when he has a stomach flu of some sorts!” Kyungsoo scold. His motherly instincts were soaring all over the place. “Chanyeol, can you please heat this up?”


Without any hesitance, the giant laid out his palm with fingers spread. A flame formed into a teardrop shape floated over his hand, dancing about. A proud grin graced Chanyeol's lips before he held onto the bottom of the cup that Kyungsoo was still firmly holding. No one ever understood why he always had to look cool by sparking up a flame above the palm of his hands, or pretending he shoots fire out of them when they all know he simply creates fire with his mind. Despite his super-hero dreams, the giant was pretty useful when they needed instant fire.


Before the water could boiled to a perfect temperature of a hundred degrees Celsius, a large cry paired up with shattering glass interrupted Chanyeol's concentration. As soon as the water started heating up too much for Kyungsoo's liking, he automatically retracted his hand, dropping the cup to the freezing wooden floors. All heads turned to Kyungsoo who was currently shaking his hand vigorously while blowing on it. Just as Sehun was going to offer to help cool Kyungsoo's hand with his aerokinesis, everything froze in place.


Looking around, Tao smirked to himself. He always loved watching the ridiculous faces bystanders would be caught making whenever he played with time. Out of all of the funny faces he had seen, Chanyeol takes the cake. His already fairly big eyes were doubled, and looking straight ahead. His mouth made a small circle, forcing the hollow of his cheeks to show themselves. His hair looked like he was suddenly shocked by a bolt of lightning. It was evident Chanyeol was whipping his head back and forth from the broken glass scattered across the floor and the equally as surprised Kyungsoo.


With one fluid movement of his hand, the setting started contorting; melting into one big dark mess. Gradually, everything around Tao started to spin until it picked up the pace as fast as a tornado. The swirls of mostly browns, and occasional stripes of a yellowy-white surrounded the time-controller. He closed his eyes, trying to get the right sense of time. It was difficult for all time-controllers to stop time at their desired hour. It practically took Tao fourteen years to. The silence deafened his ears while time busily rewind itself, replaying past events and erasing future ones. Everything started feeling overwhelming. Something just felt wrong. A mysterious, uneasy feeling filled Tao. He knew exactly what that meant.


It was time.


Opening his eyes, the scene before him instantly stopped. His surroundings started cracking after a minute, revealing specks of bright light. In a blink of the eye, he was no longer standing in the middle of a tornado, but in the middle of an isolated setting. Everything was totally white. There was absolutely nothing or anyone with Tao besides acres and acres of complete nothing. The male took his time walking straight ahead. His footsteps echoed loudly in the empty dimension. In a matter of seconds, he'll soon find himself walking back into the scene of the living room filled with friends. Tao knew that for a fact. Once a sudden blinding light shone, he knew he was back where he belonged.


“I can he– Urg, I hate it when you do that, Tao! I always get this weird feeling afterward. It’s like a bunch of needles pierced my eyes, and I became blind for a century or so until you unfreeze time.” Sehun grumbled as he harshly rubbed his sore source of vision. His face soon melted back into his trademark sour expression as he watched Tao smirking with the restored cup in hand.


“Sorry.” The time freezer apologized nonchalantly paired with a shrug. He didn’t see any fault with his actions –then again, he never experienced the stuck in slow motion effect that bystanders are forced to go through.


Without any instructions from the others, Xiumin willingly cooled the hot water with his own special powers, cyrokinesis. Wiggling his fingers, a sudden appearance of frosty air was somewhat seen in contrast to the moderate room temperature. A light breeze flew to the coolness over to the cup when Sehun merely wafted his hand in silence. Who said controlling air currents was a useless ability? Joining his best friends with the not-necessarily-expected good deeds, Luhan stared at the cup with slight concentration. No one in the room was surprised to see a levitating cup. It didn’t cause any brain stress to know that it was the Genius Luhan using his telekinesis to deliver the cup over to the sick unicorn.


Yixing forced a slight smile and managed to give a meek, “thanks”, as he graciously held onto the glass containing the lukewarm liquid. Elevating himself into a sitting position, the brown haired male observed the cup rather than drank it. His eyes were completely dull as he stared into the clear cup. It seemed like he was in a daze, trapped inside his head forever. He didn’t even seem like he was actually breathing. If someone were to suddenly enter their home, they’d probably think Yixing was a doll rather than an actually breathing biotic creation with his extraordinary stillness.


Only the tick of time was a playing soundtrack in the solemn quarters. Little droplets of water tumbling into the already created pool of soaked, dirty dishes flowed into twelve aliens’ ears from the kitchen. The humming of the white fridge also provided some distractions away from the ticking seconds. No one dared spoke –even the unceasingly chatty Kai. They were all too nervous if a sudden sound would break Yixing from his deep concentration. For once, he seemed perfectly fine –his physical state, of course. If they shatter his meditation, who knows what would happen to Yixing? Having the endless stomach growls, and the powerful punches to the guts returning is a high possibility. None of the EXO habitants wanted the title of the one who caused the unicorn extreme pain.


Tick… Tick… Tick...


In the midst of the consistent, annoying clicking sounds, an unexpected grumble rolled into the place. All heads whipped towards the couch where Yixing had occupied. A tipped over glass practically on the edge of shattering into a million, glossy shards situated right beside where the ill male rested. The stomach groans grew louder, and louder until it sounded like there was a microphone along with a dozen speakers inside of there. With every octave the stomach grew, the volume of Yixing’s cries of pain also increased. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face, quickly traveling down. Chocolate brown locks clung to his fair complexioned face as he gritted his teeth. He tightly clutched onto his stomach as if his life depended on it. At this certain moment, it really did seem like he would have disappeared if he removed his hand from his raging abdomen.


The other aliens all stopped breathing. They were all still as if they looked into the eyes of Medusa. None of them seemed to know what they could possibly do to aide Yixing. No one in EXO planet actually fell into critical moments of dying because of the presence of the magic healer, Zhang Yixing. Unfortunately, his powers are only limited to helping others. The unicorn-man’s hands can’t sprinkle out any sparks that would cure whatever sickness he was going through. The only ones with healing powers running through blood were all gone. His late parents were definitely out of the question, and Yixing was the only Zhang left existing. Who could the eleven aliens call? Plus at this hour too, who would come?


In a split of a second, something happened that none of the house residences expected. Yixing –the one who appeared to have the third World War inside him, the same boy who was looked like a gruesome creature would cut him in half and jump out, the dying unicorn– hopped onto his two feet, and dashed off to the back door. The ecru door was left completely open, threatening to close every now and then due to the blowing currents. There wasn’t anywhere Yixing could go to. The back door only lead to the spacious backyard which was secured by a gigantic fence. (They weren’t going to risk an attack of a space bunny again. Unlike the rabbits on Earth, on EXO planet those furry creatures are the size of a seven year old boy).


They all rushed out, twisting their heads in every direction. It was hopeless. Without any source of lighting, it's impossible to spot Yixing. Out of all days, it must be the one day where EXO's two moons goes into hiding. With the moons out of the way, the inky black sky overruled EXO as a sadistic monster. He painted everything with his black polish, hiding Yixing from his friends.


“Everyone, we'll divide into three groups. Holler if you spot Yixing.” Kris, being the more leader type of the group, sternly instructed. “Baekhyun, you'll be my personal flashlight.” he decided on his own.


Baekhyun nodded, understanding what Kris meant. He was the one that was able to control solar energy. He could literally shine brighter than snow when the sunlight is reflected on it. In a blink of an eye, Baekhyun was glowing like he had just descended from the heavens.


“I can be a torch! Do you guys want to see me light my head on fire?!” Chanyeol childishly offered, pointing at his head enthusiastically.


“As much as we would all love to see you bald, I think you should just lead the way with balls of fire around scattered around to light the way.” Kai suggested as he started advancing into thepure darkness. “Chen, you can use your electrokinesis to summon lightning, right?” he asked, body blended with the shadows.


The second shortest one of the bunch nodded, understanding what Kai was laying down. In less than a minute, grey clouds started to gather together. Flashing streaks appeared in a pulse-like fashion repeatedly. It wasn't as convenient as Baekhyun's or Chanyeol's constant lighting, but it was still better than nothing.


No one wasted time looking for Yixing. They naturally divided themselves into three groups. They would either following Baekhyun, Chanyeol or Chen –the only ones who can somewhat provide some kind of lighting. Baekhyun's team headed north of the backyard, Chanyeol's group searched east, while Chen's squad went west. Just when they all thought there was no more hope in finding that unicorn, Xiumin screamed at the top of his lungs. Everyone sighed in relief before heading back into the house aside Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Suho.


“Oh my goodness...” Suho slowly said, trying to comprehend what just happened.




The eleven aliens stared at the unconscious Yixing laid on the couch. Their heads soon turned to gaze at the equally as confused stranger covered in baby pink goo of some sorts sprinkled in what looks like colorful confetti. It didn't take long for them to remember the pink goo was actually unicorn barf –Yixing's vomit. The stranger was roughly five feet and nine inches. He had black messy hair and he wore a black plaid shirt. A very perplexed expression was painted on his well-proportioned face as he sat still on a chair he was strapped onto. After a couple of minutes of still being observed, his confusion was washed off, and replaced with a solemn, impatient face. He didn't seem to appreciate the fact he was tied with coarse, thick ropes to a chair with a dozen people watching him like an animal at the zoo.


Various questions were wondered out loud by the dorm residences. They considered poking the new face with a stick, but quickly dusted off the idea when the boy kicked Luhan in the shin when he neared with the television controller in hand. The feisty person even dared to repeat his previous actions when Sehun advanced closer to have a chat with him about his poor manners. What are they supposed to do with the violent stranger now? He didn't seem to like it when they got close. He certainly didn't want them to be touching him with lengthy objects either.


“Do you think he can speak?” Chen whispered to Xiumin loudly. He was hoping it was loud enough for his friends to hear, but for the weird barf boy to be oblivious of.


It seemed Chen's plan was foiled when the interviewee retorted something with a scornful expression. They all looked at each other, hoping the answers to their questions would be answered by at least one of the twelve males. All of the scattered gazes soon stopped at Kris who wore an indifferent face.


“Yes?” It was obvious he was trying to restrain his crankiness. With only roughly three hours of sleep, who could be smiling like a complete idiot?


Kris didn't remember anyone telling him that falling asleep past midnight due to someone's restless stomach, then waking up at an ungodly hour was going to be a part of the living with the other extraterrestrials. He was forced to have a meeting at three in the morning, which resulted to a search party held around four. It's fifteen minutes before five, and he still haven't made contact with his bed because he's forced inquiring some foreign creature bumming in their living room!


“You took a course on Earth languages! You can translate what he's saying!” Chanyeol exclaimed, nudging the bitter male's shoulder with his pointy elbow.


Kris tried not to let anyone see his dark-brown eyes rolling when he slightly walked closer to the boy. He loomed over the one dressed in black plaid. The others couldn't help but think the scene looked like Kris was bullying a stubborn kindergartener. After a glaring showdown, Kris began speaking fluently in another language, leaving the aliens completely confounded. What seemed like a common getting-to-know-each-other conversation, soon boiled up into almost an argument. Another minute or two, and the two figures would have been screaming for dominance.


“What's going on here?” Yixing mumbled during a yawn. He rubbed his tired eyes while he tried to sit up. A small smile graced his lips when a well-known sharp pain didn't stab him anywhere. When his vision focused, he noticed he was no longer outside fighting with the high possibility of catching a cold. He was back, safe and sound, in his shared home –only, the atmosphere was strange. The aura surrounding him wasn't peaceful. It was uneasy. “What's that?” he innocently asked, obviously meaning the plaid boy.


“Isn't that something you should tell us? We found him outside next to you while you were knocked out on the ground.” Xiumin replied.


Something suddenly clicked. Yixing's eyes doubled. His eyes searched everyone's before he heavily sighed. He parted his lips. His side of the story soon spilled out, surprising everyone. No one expected his answer. No one was quite sure how to respond...




Everyone stared attentively at the labeled diagrams, and charts Luhan was rushing to finish. With knitted eyebrows, and tongue slightly poking out, it was no doubt the angel-faced male was working hard on his explanation of last night's events, and the reason behind all of it. It was now the morning after the strange event. All of the dorm residences were gather around the kitchen table waiting for Luhan's breaking news regarding the boy dressed in plaid who was released as soon as they found out Yixing's story last night. They still took caution as to hide everything that could potential be used as a weapon –just in case the boy wanted revenge for tying him up, and trying to poke him.


What Yixing's told his friends last night was definitely shocking. It helped everyone get a better understanding of the appearance of the new face, though. All Yixing could recall was eating some random concoction he managed to put together a couple weeks ago while he was half asleep. After that, his stomach kept rumbling, but he never experienced pain until the last night. When he rushed out to the backyard, he started feeling a bit funny. The pain stopped in his stomach, but then his throat had a weird sensation. In a matter of seconds, Yixing barfed something massive out. When he opened his eyes, he saw something sitting in front of him covered in his unique pink unicorn barf. From the sudden surprise, he fainted. He ended the story by saying the latest event that happened was he woke up in the living room with everyone gaping at him. Even with Yixing's point of view on the situation, there were still too much unanswered questions. How did he manage to barf out some randomly Earthling? Why was his vomit even biotic?


After hearing the incredulous story, they focused their attention to one strapped onto a chair. They needed his side of the story to complete the puzzle. They threw numerous questions at him, but he kept his mouth sealed. Finally, after a long, stern chat with Kris, the male that was wearing plaid finally revealed some basic information. He dubbed himself, “Myungsoo”. He explained the name simply popped in his head, and he liked how it rolled off of his tongue. He told them he had no idea where he is, where he was from, how he was created, and how he has enough knowledge to live like a proper twenty year old man he appeared to be. He then continued his story, having it match up with Yixing's.


From what Myungsoo told them about his side of the story, he was merely sitting on cold grass with the breeze tickling his cheeks while looking like a pinata threw up on him. He had no idea why or how he was there. That was his very first memory. When he saw Yixing past out beside him, he tried waking him up, checked for any cuts, and a pulse. Then practically a hundred drops of fire was floating in the sky. Three men –which would be Xiumin, Chanyeol and Suho– approached him before Xiumin and Chanyeol man-handled him into the dorm. After that, he saw all the others while he was being tied down to a hard chair. Kris then started speaking to him in a language he didn't know he knew himself. The language being Korean. The rest was history.


“Done!” Luhan happily exclaimed, setting his poster papers on an art easel. He cleared his voice as he suddenly became serious.“You see, from the information I gathered from Mommy Yixing's, and Son Myungsoo's stories will make this situation clear as ice,” Luhan began. He pushed up his fake glasses as he fixed his lab coat he bought last Halloween. “If you look at Myungsoo's appearance, you can see he's wearing a very familiar black plaid. Now, does anyone know why it's so recognizable?”


“Hey...Is that my shirt?” Baekhyun squinted, examining every single detail of the shirt Myungsoo was sporting. “I remember that stain on the upper right sleeve! I've been looking for that a couple weeks ago!”


“That's exactly when Yixing started having stomach problems!” Luhan rubbed his chin,“Fascinating, eh? You see, my theory is, it's what Yixing ate that created Myungsoo. Do you guys recall that day when we ran out of food? Well, I'm guessing while we were all out doing whatever, Yixing got hungry. Obviously. So, what do aliens do when they're hungry?”




“Precisely! Knowing Yixing, he was probably half asleep while fixing himself breakfast. What happens when we're half asleep while cooking? We're still not fully aware of what's going into the pot! Baekhyun, didn't you leave your plaid shirt on the counter that day?”


“Of course he did. I, being the time master, remember.” Tao answered in Baekhyun's stead with slight cockiness weaved into his words. 


“Well, there you go. He consumed the shirt. The next thing I'm going to explain will be his, 'heritage'. Yixing has a thing for Korean cuisine, doesn't he? With all that kimchi he consumed, that can easily explain Myungsoo's obsession with pickled cabbages and his ethnicity.” the twelve pairs of eyes roamed to the male with the mop of black hair enjoying his second bowl of kimchi that morning. Myungsoo merely ignored the looks, focusing on his breakfast.


“But how does that explain how he became a human being, and not another bad case of diarrhea?! He knows way too much for someone that was just barfed out yesterday, too!” Suho argued.


“Did you ever think of glue? The glue combined everything together, forming a new structure. I think it's pretty obvious Yixing ate some textbooks Sehun brought home to study. That would explain his knowledge. Now, stop doubting science and me, Suho dearest. You're embarrassing yourself. Now that I think I made myself clear, I'm going to talk about his cold demeanor. When you think of his personality, and appearance, what comes to mind?”


“Um, ice?”


“No Chen, a pineapple!” Luhan exclaimed, smacking his pointing stick to a picture of what looks like a demented fist with a bad case of knuckle hair. Everyone blinked. They kept their mouths shut from any remarks about his terrible, misleading pictures. They all knew how much Luhan hate hearing negative comments about his “masterpieces”. He seemed especially proud of his pineapple, too.


“As you can gather from my work of art, the pineapple has a very fierce, cold, tough exterior. Despite the deceiving appearance, the pineapple is actually quite a sweet fruit. If you can recall from Myungsoo's story last night, he checked if Yixing was okay, didn't he? I'm sure if we study this specimen over a longer period of time, we can see his sweeter nature reveal itself over various experiments. I can promise you we'll also dig up other habits, characteristics, and many other interesting facts.”


“You mean you want him to live here with us?! He doesn't even speak Exonese! I don't plan living my life as a translator either.” Kris protested with his fist slamming on top of the table. “How do you know he won't suddenly turn on us, and kill us all in our sleep? I, for one, am not particularly fond of the idea paying for some potential murderer to free-load here. I already work hard to bring home food for you beasts to devour! I don't need another mouth to feed!”


“But Kris, he's brand new! He's like the new Gucci!” Tao insisted, pulling the blond by his sleeve. “We'd be the first to have a creature like him! I finally have something to rub in Smith's face. He's always bragging how he gets the new Gucci. It's so annoying. Guess who has the new whatever Myungsoo is? Me! He'd be so jealous!” he sounded out every syllable of his last sentence. A serious face was painted on Tao's face as his inner-diva unleashed itself. He stared Kris dead in the eyes, “I hate Smith. He's an awful neighbor too! Can we please just keep Myungsoo so he can pee on Smith's lawn?”


“Please, Kris! He can be our pet mascot!” Chanyeol added, pulling on Kris' free arm. “His name isn't cool, but I think it's pretty decent. Look at my face, and tell me it isn't adorable. Tell me no when looking straight in my eyes!” Kris tired not to crack up when he saw the hilarious face Chanyeol made on purpose. His eyes were twitching as he tried to roll them completely up to only display the whites of his eyes. His mouth was opened, allowing his tongue to drop out as if he was playing a dead animal. It was truly the opposite definition of cute in Kris' books.


“I think we should keep Myungsoo too!” once Yixing spoke up, everyone knew Kris was going to allow Myungsoo to stay. He was Yixing's upchuck after all. He should have the final say about abandoning, or keeping the creature.


“Fine, whatever. If you guys all want to keep it so badly, you're all going to work hard to tend to its needs. I'll be doing absolutely nothing. I'm not going to even supervise.” Kris last said before getting up to leave the room.


“Like your supervising does anything.” Kai bluntly said, earning himself a cold glare from Kris.


All of the other EXO Planet residents stayed back, observing Myungsoo's every move. They'd shout wildly every time the kimchi loving freak did something unexpected, or funny. They all noticed Myungsoo was actually quiet clumsy, and not that talkative. They figured it's because he's just shy around them. He seemed to favor Yixing the most, not that anyone was surprised. He was technically his mother no matter how you think about it. Yixing, though, didn't seem too happy around Myungsoo.




“Pst, Kris,” a pestering hiss bounced off of the blue walls of Kris' room. When he opened his eyes, he made out a blurry silhouette standing beside him. After a minute of adjusting his vision to night's darkness, he made out a familiar face. “Good, you're awake.” Yixing grinned.


Now. What's so important that you have to wake me up at five in the morning? I thought I was finally able to get enough sleep after that whole fiasco.” he grumbled, turning to the other side so his back would face the half-unicorn.


“We need to get Myungsoo out of here. He needs to go somewhere he belongs! He clearly doesn't fit in here. They're treating him like a pet! My barf has more dignity than that! He needs to be treated with the dignity and respect he deserves!” Yixing cried, sitting at the edge of Kris' bed. The sudden weight created an uncomfortable dip on the bed for Kris, but he remained silent. “I just want Myungsoo to be living a better life where he's treated like an actual equivalent to us rather than an animal. I guess it may sound lame, but I love Myungsoo, even though we just met. He's like my son, you know?”


“Thanks for feeling like I'm the person you're supposed to have a heart-to-heart conversation with, but, you're telling me this, why?” Kris asked, trying not to discourage Yixing by any way. He just never understood why his friends always find the strangest hours as an appropriate time to socialize. Instead of meeting up at three in the afternoon, they'd rather speak at four in the morning!


“Because you have the power of flight. You're half dragon!” Yixing stated the obvious. “I found the perfect place to leave Myungsoo. Luhan mentioned how he's a Korean. I was thinking we can leave him in Seoul. Someone's bound to help him learn more about himself, and Earth. He'll forget about us eventually...” the brown-haired unicorn sadly smiled.


After Myungsoo enters Earth to begin living like an earthling, he'll surely forget his past hours at EXO Planet. Scientists on Earth have yet discovered their kind. It'll be decades, maybe even centuries before they do. Whoever Myungsoo encounters would probably convince him EXO Planet was just a surreal dream he imagined. They'll tell him he had amnesia somehow. They'll use that as an excuse, and answer to his lack of background information. Maybe someday in the future, Yixing can be reunited with Myungsoo. Unfortunately, for now, he just needs to send his barf to Seoul, South Korea.


“Get your jacket. It's going to be a chilly ride.” Kris sighed in defeat.


Once they were both out in the backyard, Kris effortlessly transformed into his dragon state. Giants wings stretched out from his back as scales grown themselves onto his body. Sharp talons sprouted on their own while all of the new body parts replaced his everyday ones. If only his father was there. He would have been so proud. Kris looked just as beautiful as his mother did whenever she turned into a scaly beast.


With one foot, Kris carried the back of Yixing's shirt, while his other foot was wrapped tightly around Myungsoo's body. Boy, can that Myungsoo sleep. Throughout the ride, he didn't wake up even though he was being carried in a way where his legs, and head had no support whatsoever.


After thirty minutes of flying, the three found themselves on a blue marble called Earth. Yixing smiled, feeling like Pegasus, the legendary unicorn every horse dreamed of meeting. He was flying! He was actually flying thanks to Kris! He mentally noted a memo to thank the dragon after they complete their special mission.


“There!” Yixing yelled. His index finger pointed to a big building with lights on despite the early hour.


He forced the dragon to release his shirt, causing him to practically fall from the sky. In his black cloak that resembled much like a monk's, Yixing stood in front of the building, impatiently waiting for Kris to safely set Myungsoo down. With a massive gust of wind, the giant black dragon contorted into various shapes until he settled back into his human-like form. The two males dressed in monk clothing peeked inside through the windows. One woman was at the desk, busily typing something. Fortunately for the two Exonese men, she suddenly propped herself up, heading to the back probably for a quick washroom break.


“Hurry, hurry!” The half unicorn ushered, pushing Kris. Yixing rushed to the door dragging Myungsoo by his arms while Kris handled the unconscious male's legs. Thank goodness it was an automatic door. They ran inside, placing the body on the floor. Hopefully when the receptionist comes back from wherever she went, she'll know what to do with Myungsoo. The weirdly dressed males fled, giving only one glance back at Myungsoo.


“I love you... Son.” Yixing forced a smile as he sneaked one last glance of his unconscious, grown child. Let him go. It's for the best, he whispered to himself as looked down at the building from Dragon Kris' back.

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kate64100 #1
Chapter 1: woah, I don't even know what to think~ like, really, woaaaah, because, woah, Yixing~ barfing out~ Myungsoo~ woah~ ... we don't see this often~ or, like, pretty much never, lol~
but it's pretty awesome, though~ <3 though the end had me both awww'ing and a little sad, because, so lovely that Yixing cares so much and wants the best for his son, Myungsoo, but it also means he has to let him go with his kind~ D: let me hug you, you lovely being, uh~ <3
Infinite_8 #3
I LOLLED at th title!!!