Chapter 2

Forbidden Impulses


Chapter 2


By the time Kyuhyun woke up Ryeowook and Sora had already left and the rest of their group was also packing up their equipment back into their cars.
The drive back home was filled with awkwardness.

“Kyuhyun.” Leeteuk started the conversation neither of them wanted to have.

“About last night-” Kyuhyun tried to explain but was cut off by his brother.

“Nothing happened.” Leeteuk cut in.

“But-” Kyuhyun tried, but again he was interrupted.

“Nothing happened.” Leeteuk repeated firmly. “Nobody hears about anything because nothing happed. And nothing like that will happen ever again. Do you hear me Kyuhyun?”

“Uhh yes?”



As they reached back home the atmosphere lightened up a little.

“How was camp buddy?” Kyuhyun’s dad asked as he welcomed his son back home.

“I got into a fight.” Kyuhyun answered with fake enthusiasm.

“You what?!” Kyuhyun’s mother rushed out the kitchen upon hearing the words.

“Ah, that’s my boy. Who won?” His father proudly patted him on the back, obviously impressed that his son wasn’t as wimpy as he’d thought him to be.

“I did, obviously, and don’t worry mom- We kissed and made up ....literally” Kyuhyun joked mumbling the last part and Leeteuk laughed nervously patting Kyuhyun hard on the back.

“Oh he’s such a kidder.”


After that little trip, Kyuhyun never thought that he’d see the boy named Ryeowook again. After all he had no reason to. And Leeteuk did everything in his power to make sure he didn’t. He wasn’t going to let anything like that happen again, not on his watch. As far as he was concerned no little brother of his was going to become a queer.




“I don’t want to!” Kyuhyun protested against his father who was trying to persuade him to join one of the sports clubs which was taking on new members over the summer holidays. “I went camping with Leeteuk last summer like you asked."

"Kyuhyun, that was over a year ago now." His father reminded him.

"Why must I have to join the football team? I hate football!”

“Well it doesn’t have to be football. There’s the baseball club, tennis club, oh and they’ve started a new basketball club!” Kyuhyun’s father explained to his son happily while flicking through the youth’s outdoor activities leaflet.

“I hate sports.” Kyuhyun mumbled miserably.

“That’s too bad because you will be joining at least one of these clubs over the summer. I’m not going to let you lie around playing Starcraft all day.” Mr Cho informed him sternly. And Kyuhyun's expression grew even more miserable, if that was possible. “Hey, now don’t look so glum. Go out there, be active, make some friends.”

“I have friends!”

“Your gaming friends on the internet don’t count!”

“I hate you.”

“You’ll thank me for this one day.” Kyuhyun’s father chuckled and patted him on the shoulder.




“KYUHYUN! PICK UP THE PACE!!” the coach yelled at the newest member of his football team. The boy was trailing behind the rest of the team, desperately trying to keep up while they ran laps around the massive field.
This was just the warm up, but Kyuhyun was already sweating and out of breath. He wasn’t much of a sports guy. Occasionally he would sit through a game of whatever his father or Leeteuk were watching on their big screen but he was never up for participating in the game itself.
Halfway through the lap he just gave up, laying down on the edge of the field, clutching his chest while gasping for air with a hand over his eyes, shielding them from the rays of sunlight.

“KYUHYUN!! UP NOW!!” the coach yelled once again, but Kyuhyun simply ignored him and didn’t move a muscle, remaining in the same position. He was exhausted and there wasn’t anything that was going to get him to budge.

“Hey, ummm dude, you’re in my way.” A voice called out.

“Beat it kid.” Kyuhyun grumbled refusing to move.

“I’ve got to paint the sidelines on the field! Either move or I go over you!” the boy with the field striper threatened. Yet still no movement from the other party, just a lot of panting.
But the boy with the striper he wasn’t kidding. It wasn’t long before Kyuhyun was wincing in pain as the two wheeled device rolled over him leaving a white stripe across his forearms and stomach.

“Ahh! What the... Hey!” Kyuhyun yelled out to the boy as he stood up, rubbing the paint off of himself.

“Well I told you to move..” the boy replied not bothering to turn around, continuing to make is way down the field.

As Kyuhyun was about to march up to the other and give him a good hearing about how he was going to tell on him to the coach, he suddenly halted when he noticed the boy’s messy shoe laces. It couldn't be?

“..Ryeowook?” Kyuhyun called out questionably.
And the said boy turned around, eyes widening as he realised who the other was. “Kyuhyun?”


“Hey" Neither of them spoke for what seemed like an unnecessaryly long while. "I ..umm should probably uh, get back to lining the field.” Ryeowook suggested ending the awkward silence and quickly turning around and returning to his task.

“Hey, no wait up. What, uhh.. what are you doing here?”

“Working. My Dad knows the Coach, so he was able to get me a summer job here.” Ryeowook continued on his way, not paying much attention to the boy following him. “So you’re on the football team?”

“Yeah kind of, my Dad kinda forced me to join.”

“Cool. Ummm.. so shouldn’t you be getting back to practice?” Ryeowook questioned uncomfortably. He didn’t really know why they having this conversation. It wasn’t like they were friends or anything.

“Nah, the coach hates me anyway.”

“Practice only started today, what have you done to make him hate you already?”

“ at a sport he practically worships. I don’t think he likes that I’m not as passionate about it as he is.” Kyuhyun glanced back at the coach who wasn’t too concerned about his least favourite student leaving half way through practice. “Anyway, so you’re like the groundskeeper right? So you have the key to get in and out of this place?”

“Yes... what do you want with my key?”

“Nothing, nothing, I just need you to help sneak me out of this place. You would not believe how many people my father has paid to make sure I don’t escape.”

“Hmmm, what’s in it for me? I like having to see Cho Kyuhyun suffer, especially after our last encounter.”

“Ryeowook pleaseee! I’ll do anything.” Kyuhyun stood in front of the machine to make Ryeowook stop.

“Alright, alright. Quit your whining. I get to go as soon as I’m finished with the field, I guess I can sneek you out with me.”


As soon as Ryeowook was done and Kyuhyun had changed into hs normal clothes, the pair sneaked out through the back entrance of the stadium to avoid any of Kyuhyun’s dad’s spys.

“Ahhh, thank heavens!” Kyuhyun threw his hand into the air as he finally managed to escape that hell hole.

“Nooo, thank Ryeowook, who was kind enough to go out of this way to help you.” Ryeowook corrected him.

“I owe you.” Was all Kyuhyun was able to say while grinning like an idiot.

“You really hate sports that much?” Ryeowook asked amused by the other’s hatred of anything and everything that involved being physically activity as they strolled down the busy streets.

“You have no idea.” Kyuhyun replied before a car suddenly pulled up right next to them.


“Ryeowook-ah, get in.” The driver of the car called out.

“Oh Heechul hyung, where’s dad?” Ryeowook asked the man in the car.

“Busy, so he sent me instead.” He replied while fixing his hair in the rear-view mirror. “Hurry up and get in, I’m not supposed to park here you know. Your little friend can come too if he wants."

Ryeowook turned to Kyuhyun “Need a ride?”

“Sure but I can't be home yet, practice doesn’t end for another 2 hours.” Kyuhyun answered as he hoped in the car with Ryeowook.

“Well I guess you can stay around mine till then.” Ryeowook offered.

“That won’t be possible since no one’s at home.” Heechul in. “So I’m going to have to drag you two around with me for the day.” He said miserably.

“What! Why can’t you just take me home?” Ryeowook demanded.

“Because I have places to be and you’re not allowed to stay at home by yourself. Mom’s orders by the way, not mine.”

“But I’m 17 already! This isn’t fair.” Ryewook whined.

“Don’t blame me, this is all your fault. Thanks to you, Mother is paranoid. I told you don’t let her watch weird films like ‘Home Alone’, but nooo, would you listen to me?”

“That was a family friendly film!”

“Yeah well, you picked it. So this is still technically your fault.” Heechul replied.
Ryeowook huffed, staring out the window trying not to get too angry at his overly protective mother. He was old enough to get a summer job but not old enough to stay at home alone? Where was the logic in that?

“Hey, stop making that face.” Heechul attempted to comfort his brother in his own way. “Atleast you have this friend of your’s to keep you company.”
Ryeowook awoke from his train of thought as he remembered he had forgotten to introduce them to each other. “Oh yeah, This is Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun this my bother Heechul.”

All the while Kyuhyun was to busy fazed by how feminine both brothers looked to speak his greeting.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 2: Esto es cool por favor termina la historia espero la siguiente actualización :D
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 2: Lol kyu meet the beautiful brothers XD
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 1: O.o their fight is so cute
leunah23 #4
Chapter 2: this is so cute!!!! so interesting :) i wanna see how this story will
unfold ^^
Chapter 2: Oh~ this is sweet please update soon I need to read more xD kisses for u :)
wintertmm #6
Chapter 2: they are so pretty. yeah really enjoyed that show
Danniellaa #7
Chapter 2: hahaha cute heechul...........