Like a scar to a wrist.

Like a scar to a wrist.

Donghae sat slumped against the damp, cold brick wall. It reminded him that he did have some feeling left in his body.

He could feel how dirty his face was. His cheek felt sticky, the feeling of dried tears were encrusted on his porcelain skin whilst his eyes stung and were bloodshot. He was simply a mess.

Donghae was mature. He was independent. He was strong.

But only at times like this did his vulnerability show. His lips would droop and quiver, his soft, large brown eyes will fill with tears until it was just all too much. And they’d come trickling down like no tomorrow.  He didn’t like crying over these things, he despised reacting in such a way.

But what does someone do when they actually feeling their heart break? When they see what they were paranoid about the whole time? When they saw, their love, be unfaithful.

It’d replay over and over in his mind as he slept. As he ate breakfast. As he drank. As he did everything. It was engraved their like a tattoo to skin, a scar to a wrist.

Hyukjae, on top of them was what he always feared, and what he was always suspicious about. The thoughts would wash away when I love you’s were muttered and shown, but they were built up quicker than they could ever be destroyed.

He would spend times crying, the paranoia building each day. Words exchanged between the pair grew less, and Donghae just waited to be cut astray.

But Hyukjae never broke up with Donghae. It wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t that nice. Oh no.

He was unfaithful right in front of Donghae’s eyes.

And all Donghae could do was cry, and watch his tears wash away with the rain.

I do not even know what I wrote and why. Maybe my own life. Well, I hoped you all found some sort of decency from this.

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Chapter 1: The best revenge to a cheating lover, is showing them that you're better off without them.