chapter one

This Kiss




Today is the day.


Meet Kim Jongin aka Kai, currently a senior student in Seoul School of Performing Arts. He is not exactly what you would call popular but gets along with a lot of students due to his warm and playful nature. Quite an expert in terms of dancing and singing but no, those aren’t the things that make him the lead character of our story. Jongin is what you would call ‘love struck’ and he had been for about a year now. It didn’t help that he was in love with this particular girl.


Enter Choi Hyeri aka Ice Queen, a top student in the same school as Jongin. Almost embodies the very definition of perfection. She has the perfect grades, excels in physical activities, a pretty face, a good family background and the most imperfect personality. Every confession to her had been shot down in a heartbeat. No, she didn’t exactly get love letters and whatnot everyday but there hasn’t been a week that had gone by that her locker would be free from love notes and flowers.


Let’s proceed to the story, shall we?


Good luck.




She’s just gonna reject it, you know.


Are just some of the words of encouragement his friends had given him before he slumped back on his seat in the school cafeteria. He had been clutching too tightly on the envelope for quite some time now, debating whether to give it now or just wait another more year – oh wait, he didn’t have another year as this would be their last. Now or never.


She was already done eating her lunch along with her classmates and just as Jongin was about to stand up from his seat, a guy who he recognized as Huang Zitao (an exchange student from China who was quite the martial artist – how can he even compete with that) quickly ran up to her offering an envelope along with a bouquet of flowers, lilies to be exact.


He couldn’t quite hear their conversation but it was obviously another confession. Something he was supposed to do. But judging from her facial expression and was that Mandarin he just heard? It didn’t go as the Chinese boy planned. In a few seconds the boy was furious, he had thrown the bouquet to god knows where and crumpled the envelope that she clearly did not accept. Jongin had a bad feeling about this.


A number of students were witnessing the situation: Zitao had started yelling at her an incomprehensible string of (by the tone of his voice and the look on his face were probably insults and offensive things) words as he walked nearer, a dangerous aura surrounding him and Hyeri stood her ground with her signature poker face.


Jongin immediately jumped out of his seat and ran towards the two, standing in front of the girl. “I’m not exactly sure of what you’re saying but I don’t like where this is going, leave her alone.” He said, his voice shaking. The fear evident in his face yet he bravely wanted to protect her. “Who are you? Her boyfriend or something?” the other male retorted crossly, raising his eyebrow and directing his gaze to Hyeri who didn’t seem all too entertained by their current condition.


“W-well, no…” He started and caused the other boy to erupt in laughter. “Oh that’s right, she doesn’t have one, because she’s too cold-hearted—“


“Yet you still fell for me, didn’t you?” she finally spoke up with a monotone voice and shook her head. “I don’t have time for this, take your drama elsewhere, I still need to study for an upcoming exam. Rather than focus on this illusion you call ‘love’ I suggest you do the same. Then maybe who knows, you’ll get the chance to room with us in the cream section and maybe I’ll start considering your confessions.” With that, she picked up her bag from her seat and calmly walked out of the cafeteria leaving the students gaping in awe.


Zitao sighed in defeat, his shoulders deflated and ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance. Jongin on the other hand stood there, dumbfounded while his friends rushed to his side. Baekhyun, the first one to speak shook him by the shoulders, “That was really cool, Kai! You were like some knight in shining armor! You’ll definitely have a chance with her now!” causing the taller boy called Chanyeol to smack him at the back of his head. “Didn’t you hear what she said? She’ll only consider guys who get in the cream section! That’s like death sentence for your social life!” he reasoned with the other boy. “So you like her too huh, sorry about that back there. It’s just that… I’ve been trying to get her attention and nothing ever seemed to work.” Zitao spoke with his slightly broken Korean language skills.


“Yelling at her and almost attacking her isn’t going to help any better, you know.” Baekhyun said again as Jongin remained speechless at the current turn of events. ‘Get the chance to room with us in the cream section and maybe I’ll start considering your confessions…


To get in the Cream Section, one must not have a grade lower than 90% of the final grades in every subject, which is why there are simply only 15 students in the said section. When Chanyeol said that it was a ‘death sentence for your social life’ he wasn’t kidding. Because of all the studying and physical training they had to undergo to achieve high grades there was definitely no time to play around. It didn’t help that they were in the lowest section of their entire batch. They aren’t exactly an intelligent bunch, but they had their own skills and areas of expertise.


“Earth to Kai.” Chanyeol called out while waving a hand in front of the younger’s face. He blinked once and turned towards Baekhyun with his brows knotted.


I need a tutor.



Author’s note: AND THERE YOU HAVE IT PEOPLE! My first chapter. How was it? Shall I continue? Is it too predictable? Is it too cliché? Perhaps it is. But I’ll try to improve my writing next time. Please subscribe and comment about your feels and what your thoughts are! Thank you~

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Chapter 1: Great start and I would really like you to continue this :D
On the other hand , no grades lower than 90%? Damn that's hard. In our school, we need to have grades not lower than 85% and things are really hard already -.-
Chapter 1: I am in love with your writing style.
Chapter 1: LOL he needs a tutor. He can't be THAT bad in school...I hope...
O_O and awh he's in love. But the girl seems sort of...erm...snobby in a way, I guess? Not completely but it's visible. Awesome chapter! ^^