we are happy

we are happy


As long as you love me,

We could be starving,

We could be homeless,

We could be broke…


“Jongin, can we talk for a sec?”

Their manager interrupts their practice, from his facial expression, looks like he’s going to say something which is not very good. Everyone in that room looking at each other in confuse, something bad has happened.

And Jongin knew it.

“Sure, here?” Jongin replies casually.

“No, not here, I’ll wait outside.”

He heads outside after wearing his jumper, and right before he reached the door, Junmyeon called him.

“Is everything okay?”

Jongin nods, “Yeah, why?”

“Usually he’ll talk to me first if something bad happened, so I just feel a bit strange.”

“Trust me, he’s just reaching his menopause stage.” Jongin giggles.




“I found an anomalous transaction in your bank account yesterday, did you really transferred that really big number of money to your… sister?” he stares at him deeply.

“Why, is that a part of company business?” Jongin smirks.

“No, but, I just … surprised, when I got this information from one of the staff, you could buy a luxurious yacht, car, and house with that money, is your sister in trouble with debt?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to but…”

“I can use my money to whatever I like, and I think it’s rude to keep an eye on someone’s financial record.” Jongin exhales, “Do I still have my personal life?”

“I just worried about you that’s all.”

Jongin sighs, “I was pretty much aware and I transferred the money myself, don’t worry.”

“You are not planning anything bad, are you?”

“No.” Jongin fast reply, “If I do, I’ll inform you.” He goes back to the practice room with mystic smile on his face, leaving his manager in curiosity.





“Are you keeping all those CDs?” Baekhyun opens one of Jongin’s collection of f(x) CDs.


“You have all of them, singles, albums, mini albums, even until their very last album before they disbanded.” Baekhyun is holding Nu ABO album and slowly, opens the page one by one.


“How’s Soojung?” Baekhyun gazes up to Jongin “Are you still…”

“No, I never heard about her since that day she left, this company.” Jongin quickly cut his sentence before this conversation gone too far.

“Me, all of us thought you are still in relationship with her.” Baekhyun puts the CD back to the drawer.

“I wish we are…”




 “Jongin, are you going with us? It’s Jinri movie premier tonight, all seniors are going.” Chanyeol’s voice from outside startled him.

“But we just reached home an hour ago.” Jongin quickly shuts down his laptop, and letting Chanyeol in.

“Are you going or not?” Chanyeol lazily asks him once more.

“I’m so tired, maybe next time, she starring a lot movies this year.” Jongin leans on his door, he looks a bit hesitant.

Chanyeol rises his eyebrows, “Okay then.”



That evening, Jongin and Taemin meet up for a coffee in café nearby after practicing, and apparently, Taemin has a lot of free time these days.

“I met Sunyoung yesterday.” Taemin takes a sip from his cup of Americano.

“How is she?”

“Great, she’s doing an amazing performance in her musical, and she just signed a contract with a famous producer and she got Mary Antoinette role.” Taemin speaks. “She beat Hyorin and several top names for that role, you know how amazing she is, our Sunyoung.”

“I’m still thinking that f(x) disbandment was our company biggest mistake.” Jongin frowns and stirs his coffee lightly.

“The competition in kpop industry becoming so hard nowadays, beside, they doing great job in their personal life, Qian noona and her dance academy, Amber and her dancer friends in America also doing great.”

“But our company agreed without hesitation, not like when they had an issue with JYJ, they let f(x) out from the company before the contract ended, without any hassle.” Taemin could feel the sound of disappointment in Jongin’s tone.

“They failed surviving in kpop industry but it doesn’t mean that they just sinking uselessly like that, they still have so much opportunity, but not in kpop.”

“Disbanding was their own choice, not people.”

“Jongin, you always sensitive when it comes to f(x), I know you and Soojung…”

“Stop right here!”


Taemin nods, “I have something to do, see you around.”

And then he left.




From : krysj

As you told me, I chose Richmond and I bought a villa there under my uncle’s name.

The villa is pretty, not too big but it’s enough for two of us, you don’t need to buy a car because we can use mine. Not so many people live there, the place is quiet and looks peaceful, no one will recognize you here, the lead dancer from exo, the most famous boyband in the world.

Can’t wait to see you,

Let me know when you are ready.

Ilysm… <3




“He’s not in his room!” Kyungsoo shouts breathlessly.

“He’s not in his parents’ house either.” Wufan sits on their dorm’s couch with phone still hanging on his hand.


They just finished their last activity that day without Jongin, that guy was absent because he said he’s not in a good condition. All of them, except Jongin, gathered in the living room with their managers, they are in completely silence, the atmosphere is quite cold and everyone seem in shock.


“Should we call cops?” Baekhyun asks desperately.

“No!” one of their managers shouts, “It’s suicide.”

“He could be kidnapped!” Baekhyun almost cry.

“Would you bring your suitcase, bags, and laptop if you are kidnapped?” Tao hisses.

“Listen guys..” their second manager speaks, “I know you all bored, I know some of you already reaching your limit and need some rest from being a spotlight, but this is the path you chose, once you stepped in you’ll never be able to go back, and I believe you all know about this and you guys are an adult now.”

“He’ll be back soon, I promise.” Says Junmyeon, but his face telling that he’s not sure enough about it.

“How do you know?” asks the second manager.



“If one of you know or have clue to find him, tell me now before I tell this to chairman.” He stands and collects his things, “Don’t even try to help him, it’s just same with plunge your friend into a hole.”

“Hyung, can we just wait until tomorrow, I believe we can solve this without involving the chairman.” Junmyeon says in panic.


The managers looking at each other, negotiating through eye contact for a moment.

“Tomorrow, if we still have no sign about him I can’t guarantee what will happen to you all.” Finally the second manager speaks, “Get some rest, we still have a lot of schedule tomorrow.”




He presses his phone to answer the call, “Yeah, just landed.” He immediately speaks before hearing that person’s voice.

“I’m outside, hurry up.”

“Do you have anything to eat? I’m starving.” Jongin chuckles.

“I bought coffee and sandwich for you.”

“You know, I need more.” He makes a whimpering voice cutely.

We solve this later, just, hurry up before I turned into an ice cube!”

“Okay, I’m hanging up the phone.”


Jongin steps quickened, just a few people walking around the airport because it’s 3 am in the morning in San Francisco, and looks like no one recognize him.


The door slides open and he steps out from the arrival building, still having a little jet lag, Jongin walks slowly while looking for the person who called him awhile ago among the people outside.


There she is…


Jongin fastened his steps and couldn’t resist smiling widely, it’s been two years and finally he could see her again. Moreover, they don’t have to hide anymore.


“Do you miss me?” Jongin asks with his teasing tone.

Soojung smirks, “I’ll answer it later.”

She helps him by holding his laptop, Soojung is wearing a big and thick sweater showing all of her collarbones and half of her bare shoulder.


“Your hair was red last month.” Jongin twisting her hair playfully, Soojung drives the car.

“It was maroon, moron~, do you like this color? Dark brown?” she asks.

“Love it”

Soojung rolls her eyes, “Hey, when is your flight back to Korea?”

“Just arrived here and you asking when will I go back? Rude!” He folds his hand crossed and pouting.

“Just in case, I have planned everything and so we could spend this precious time until a minute before you fly back to Korea.”

“I haven’t booked my flight.” Jongin says calmly.

“What? How many days you’ll stay?! Your schedules are seriously solid, I’m watching you all the time from here!” Soojung looks frustrated, “I’ll find a friend to help you with the flight, okay?”

He nods and agreeing all of her words immediately, he’ll avoid everything which could start a fight between them in this very little time of vocation. They fought enough in the past, and when they fight, the person who usually apologizes first was Soojung.

People always judge her rudely as a brat, but actually, she has bright personality and kind of loving person behind that ice-princess mask. When she laughs, she does it sincerely, and that’s why Jongin loves her so much up until now.


“This place is quite far from downtown, not so many people live here but it’s not isolated area either.” Soojung says.

“I’m sick of being around so many people.”

Soojung laughs, “I know!”

Soojung parked the car on the yard, the villa has not so many ornaments or structures, very simple and clean. And right behind the villa, there’s beach.


“Let’s watch sunrise.” Soojung exclaims from outside the car.

Jongin gets out from the car, the fresh seashore air makes his lungs feels relieve. He approaches her and takes her hand.

“The sunrise’ beam makes you look heavenly beautiful.” Jongin cares her cheek, “I want to hug you.”

Soojung smiles and spreads her arms, “Come.”




“According to SM representative, EXO will continue their activity without one of their lead dancer, Kai, until indefinite time. Kai, which is reported before, is not in good condition to perform. Further information will be out soon.”


“It’s been two days now, and we still have no clue at all.”

“Media and netizens are not so easy to trick, they’ll find out sooner or later.”

“No matter what, we have to protect this kid.”

“Asking police to investigate this problem is not an option.”


“Dear my friends, you all too overestimates this company’s power, we had this enough in the past.”

“I’m sorry, Mr.Lee.”

“Track his name, check his last transaction, check all the CCTV in the airport.”

“Are you sure, breaking nation security is too risky, Mr.Lee.”

“Ask Mr.Jun for help, what we’re facing now is just a kid, no matter how far bird fly away it will back to it’s nest.”




“Wake up sleepy-head!” Soojung removes the blanket harshly, and unexpectedly Jongin pulls her and locks her in his arm.

“I’m tired, what are you planning for today…” Jongin’s eyes a half closed.

“Cycling, then buy meat for our little barbeque party.”

“Can we just stay at home~” his voice a bit hoarse after swimming in the sea yesterday.

“I can go alone if you tired.” Soojung tries to get off from his arms.

“Hmm..” Jongin closes his eyes but not letting her free from his trap.

“What do you want?” Soojung turns to face him, and discreetly touching his .


Jongin cups her and massages them slowly, Soojung smirks and teasingly rubs her nose against his. Jongin bites her jaw gently and moves down to her neck and kiss it while Jongin’s other hand travels across her back.

Soojung takes off the boy’s shirt and less in a minute their clothes already on the floor. He is on her top, staring at her.

“If you give me an excuse…”

“You have my permission.”




Soojung is busy picking meats in the meat corner while Jongin is away searching for a wine, then her phone beeping.


From : Jinri

“I know he is with you now, just want to let you know that Jongin left the company without saying anything. I think he’s planning something more than just vocation… with you.”


She reads the message once more and her hand starts shaking, she knows SM very well, they will not let this happen, EXO is their biggest money maker right now and every threatening risks are not allowed.


“Is that true?” she asks softly.

Jongin gazes at her eyes, and he realized that he don’t have to pretending anymore.

“If you want me to leave, I’ll leave.”

“NO! You don’t know what you are doing, I thought the company knows that we’re arranging this vocation!” Soojung cries, “I have suffering enough all of this time, they only allowed us to communicate through email, they’ will completely cut down all the lines between you and me!”

“Don’t be stupid, Soojung, do you really think that the company agreed to let me fly leaving Korea to San Francisco alone?!” he grasps her shoulders, “Do you?!”


“Let’s just do this little barbeque party…” she sighs




After dinner, they walk to the beach and placing the mat on the sand, then lying there, watching the stars.

“Cold?” he asks.

No answer…

“We should ask for Tao’s help and stop the time, and stay forever like this.”

“Jongin…” Soojung says after a moment of silence. “If we’re fated to be together, I will wait, I’ll spend my entire life waiting for you.”

He cups her face and kisses her gently, “Don’t say something scary.” He kisses her cheek, “I’ll make God to write down our fate, you and me, together, forever.”

“We’re desperately in love, I love you and I regret nothing.” Soojung hugs him, let their heartbeat beating in harmony.

“Forgive me for being a coward.” Jongin’s tears flow down on his cheeks, and dropped on Soojung’s forehead.

“You’re not a coward, you’ve done enough to keep us safe.” She wipes his tears.

“I’m sorry after all.”




“Baby, wake up…”

“Wake up, please, open you eyes…”

Lazily, Jongin gets up from bed but Soojung is nowhere to be seen. He strolls along the corridor, heading to the kitchen and finds her standing, taking a peek from the curtain. It’s still dawn but looks like Soojung already took a bath because she’s wearing bathrobe and her hair is still wet.

“What are you looking at?” Jongin still a half sleep and joins her.

“They are here already, they are here to pick you up.”

Jongin’s heartbeat suddenly becomes faster, he narrows his eyes and yes, a few Korean staffs from his company standing on their yard, and cops…



“I’ve packed your clothes, hurry up and get ready, I’ll cook something before you go.” Soojung tightened her bathrobe and walks to the kitchen.

“I don’t wanna leave.”

Soojung glares at him, “You have to leave, or…”

“Or what!?” Jongin shouts, “I can do whatever I want! That in company’s profits depend on me! If they messing up with me, that would be their in suicide!”

“You wrong.”

“No, I’m not!”

Soojung caresses her forehead and walking to her room, their room…

“You have to leave or we’ll stop seeing each other.” Soojung lifts the boy’s belongings and brings them to the living room.

“You can’t do this to me!” Jongin cries out, “I’m so tired! I will not continue that slavery life!”

“Jongin, wasn’t it the risk you’ve agreed before you entered this world? Aren’t the seniors gave you so much clues and lessons?” Soojung hugs him, “You are happy to be in this industry, this is your dream, you just bored.”

“My happiness has gone away after you leave me that day.” Jongin sobs, his arms around her waist.

“I’m sorry that was my mistake for not informing you.” She his fluffy hair.

“I love you so much, you can’t imagine how hard my suffering each day without you.” Jongin wipes his own tears, “I love you.”

“Me too.”


Jongin steps out from the house alone, all the people who have waiting for him exhales a deep breath and somehow they look so grateful. Thank god this is not as hard as Romeo and Juliet.

“I’m sorry for making such a trouble.” Jongin says calmly.

“Never mind, boy, let’s go.” 



sorry for my terrible grammar OTL

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cleslie25 #1
Chapter 1: This is so sweet yet sad all at the same time. You should really write a sequel:)
Chapter 1: Aigoo ~ i really want a sequel !! Please make a sequel Author-nim !!
Chapter 1: i feel myself was tense when i read the story.
Chapter 1: Oh dear author-nim, can you make sequel where Jongin can crush down SM and live happily with Soojung TT and this is already good, I see no grammar mistake c:
KrystalHana #5
Chapter 1: You should really tag this with kaistal so that more kaistal fans could read it ^^ Anyways, great story and I don't see any bad grammar at all :)
dyvatasya #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god, i'm crying TT___TT great fanfiction author! ^ ^
Chapter 1: this is a good story. <3
make sequel plleassee~
Chapter 1: whoaaa, it was amazing and sad at the same time :)
risantiica #9
Chapter 1: sequel pleaseeeeeee:(
make jongin and soojung together
winterapril #10
Chapter 1: Poor Kaistal.