Note to Self: Angry Maknae = Scary Maknae

The Adventures of Yesung and His Crazy Roommate

"I'm going to the lab today. I'll see you tonight" Kyuhyun declared, as he stood by the doorway. Yesung was just out of bed, and couldn't really decode the meaning of Kyuhyun's words.

"Huh? What lab?" Yesung asked, rubbing his eyes and desperately trying to clear his head.

"The chemistry lab, hyung. Don't worry about it" Kyuhyun replied quietly, a bit confused. Why was Yesung interested in knowing which lab he was going to? He wasn't planning on...

"Be careful" Yesung said before yawning. "I'll see you later".

Yesung felt for a brief moment, going up the stairs to the chemistry lab where Kyuhyun was locked up working, that something would go terribly wrong. Maybe it had to do with Yesung wonderful master plan, but also the behavior of Kyuhyun. Wasn't he a bit cold when he left? Yesung just felt something was wrong with the maknae. He had to be careful with his master plan, otherwise his well thought out strategy would turn out to be something frightful. He had never seen Kyuhyun angry, but Yesung was positive it wasn't a pretty sigh. Irritated, Kyuhyun already had a murderous aura, so Yesung couldn't even muster the image of a pissed off Kyuhyun.

He entered the lab quietly, bot sure if he should be wearing a lab coat or some sort of protection at least. There was Kyuhyun, bent over his test tube, reciting some kind of magic chemical formula, and mixing some solutions, while heating some over Bunsen burners. Now Yesung knew this was dangerous, and the maknae dealt with chemicals /and/ fire, but his feet took control before he could figure out that everything could go wrong and he could blow up the lab.
He tiptoe all the way to the working maknae where he simply wrapped his arms around his torso and pulled him into a tight back hug.

"Good morning Kyuhyun-ah!" Yesung sang cheerfully. Kyuhyun let out a strangled cry before turning around and glaring.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed. If it were possible to kill with a glare, Yesung would be dead...twice. His eyes were dark and angry. Everything about him just frightened Yesung, and if he had listened to his instincts, he would've been long gone. But he didn't.

"I came to visit you. I was bored, so I thought I'd pay you a visit" Yesung replied brightly, ignoring the voice at the back of his head telling him to run and hide.

"Leave" Kyuhyun ordered.

"No! It's so lonely out there, an I'm sure you could use company too. You can't make me leave" Yesung replied smugly and crossing his arms.

Kyuhyun glared for a few more seconds before returning to his test tubes, muttering he had wasted too much time on his dumb hyung already.

Yesung sat on one of the stools near the maknae's workplace
 and observed him. He was focused on heating a test tube and completely ignored Yesung. There was something different about the way he wasn't the messy curly hair, nor was it the deep frown on his forehead...his glasses! They weren't resting on his nose as they usually did. It also explained his frustrated whimpers as he tried to read his textbook but failed.

"You don't have your glasses today Kyuhyun-ah" Yesung declared, very proud of himself to have found the difference in Kyuhyun's attire.

Kyuhyun immediately stopped his work to stare angrily at Yesung. "Thanks for stating the obvious" he snapped.
Yesung was starting to get irritated himself. He knew Kyuhyun was dealing with a lot of stress lately, but it was no reason to snap at him for no reason. But Yesung had a very precise mission, and he would accomplish it even if he had to get his head ripped off. He decided he would tried coaxing the maknae into a better mood before beginning his mission.

"Calm down Kyu-ah. I haven't done anything, so don't rip my head off" Yesung said softly. "Did they break or did you lose them?"

Kyuhyun tried to turn away and hide by reading a book, but he failed. He was completely blind without his glasses. He could barely see his work everything was a blurry mess. He decided after, debating what he should do earlier that morning, he would perform the experiment by memory and take notes later.

"Kyuhyun-ah, stop this ridiculous game and tell me. I know as myope as my grandmother without your glasses" Yesung interrupted, now beside the maknae. Although he couldn't see very much, he figured Yesung had a smug grin on his face and had his arms crossed.

"I lost them" Kyuhyun whispered shyly. He was ashamed. He had lost his one and only way to read those important books and obtain his precious knowledge. He was at the mercy of whoever possessed his glasses.
"That's unfortunate. Do you have a spare pair?"

Kyuhyun glare again. "Do you really think I'd be performing this experiment based on what u briefly read about it yesterday if I did?"

Yesung once again felt irritation. That stupid brat always got the better of him, testing the limits of his patience. But he could understand Kyuhyun's feelings at the moment. He had once tried those thick framed lens and realized how bad the vision of his roommate was. Studying was the center of Kyuhyun's life, and it depended on reading. It must've been pretty panicking to not see and to lose the only thing that enabled him to read.

"I can read for you" Yesung told him, taking a hold of his arm and gently running his hand down it. The maknae was going to explode if he didn't stop thinking and keeping all those negative feelings bottled up. "Would you?" Kyuhyun whispered, his head bent in shame.

"Of course, stupid brat! So what are you doing? Potassium per...perchlorate?" Yesung asked, reading the title of the experiment.

"No, Manganese Sulphate" Kyuhyun replied. He felt really confused when Yesung chuckled lightly. "What is it, hyung?"

"You really are blind. You were on the wrong page," he giggled lightly. "So what step are you on?"

"I just started. I remove the zinc chloride and aluminum chloride from my sample. I think I now need to add oxalic acid and water and sulphuric acid" Kyuhyun explained. Yesung couldn't help but look at the maknae with amazement and admiration. That boy was an uncontested genius, but the fact he had managed to do this much without being able to read or see what he was doing was just mind blowing.

"You're really amazing Kyuhyun-ah" Yesung declared in awe. "You have to add C...little-two, H-little-two, O, C-little-four with...water and H-little-two, S, O-little-four" Yesung said very hesitantly. He had absolutely no idea what these were or meant, but Kyuhyun, stifling his laugher, seemed to understand and proceeded.

"Say hyung, how much oxalic acid, water and sulphuric acid?" He asked, taking what seemed to Yesung random beakers.

"Thirty grams of C-little-two-" Yesung started but was interrupted by the maknae expert reply, telling him it was oxalic acid.

"You brat," Yesung declared as the maknae looked at him smugly. "Anyway, 300ml of water and and 13ml of...what was that again? Phosphuric acid?"

"Sulphuric acid" Kyuhyun corrected.

Although Yesung felt completely ridiculous (it was basic chemistry, he should've known!), he was glad Kyuhyun's mood was improving.

"Hyung, I can't see the numbers, can you tell me when to stop?" Kyuhyun asked, while pouring 13ml of Sulphuric acid.

"Say Kyuhyun-ah, what did you mean when you said you didn't wish to be a rational nerd?"

The question caught him off guard. He suddenly lost control of his hands and ended up pouring a generous amount of sulphuric acid on them. He yelped and immediately washed it off, but the acid had already left a nasty red stain of irritated skin on his hands. Yesung barely had time to realize what happened. He just stood and stared as the maknae blindly searched the counter for the first aid kit.

"K-Kyuhyun-ah! Are you okay? Let me help you!" He stuttered before finding the first aid kit. "What can I put on it? Ice? Water?"

"Ointment" Kyuhyun replied.

Yesung froze for a second, not knowing if he should take him seriously.

"Do you seriously think it's the first time I get chemical burns? I know what to do hyung. Please help me finding it, I can't see what it says" Kyuhyun replied. It was painful, his skin still burned even if he had washed off all the acid.

"Of course!" Yesung said. He applied the ointment as gently as possible on the burnt area. He certainly didn't miss the way Kyuhyun's hand almost recoiled at the touch.

"Does it still hurt?"

Kyuhyun gave a childlike nod.

"I'm's my fault. I didn't mean to shock you like that...I just wanted to talk about it" Yesung declared softly.

What is there to talk about" Kyuhyun grumbled and lowered his head.

"Kyuhyun...please tell me. I want to help you" Yesung told him.

"If you want to help me, you should just drop the issue. It's not a happy story like you're expecting."

"Please Kyuhyun-ah" Yesung pleaded softly again. He was a bit frightened to ask since Kyuhyun seemed so against sharing the story, but he had to know.

"Fine" Kyuhyun resigned. He had his reason to keep this hidden. He knew it would change the way Yesung saw him and he didn't want that. He might've appeared careless cold and distant, but he really cherished the older boy and their friendship. Telling him /that/ story would surely change the precious thing they had.

"I wasn't born out of an happy marriage. I'm an accident between two people having an affair. When I was six years old, my step father found out, and divorced my mother, but even before, their relationship wasn't all roses. They fought a lot and I was a main cause behind their fights. My step sister always took care of me, but she was taken away from me when they divorced to live with her father. I realized, as I grew older and the fights and lawsuits continued, that love was absolutely worthless. So I buried myself in book, to avoid the aching pain of having my sister taken away from me, and my mother blaming me for everything" Kyuhyun said emotionlessly.  "There, you have it. You wanted to know why my mother despises me so much and  ridiculously pointless and fake."

Yesung took a few seconds to let that sink in.

"Kyuhyun-ah, I'm sorry...I didn't know..." Yesung started.

"Then you shouldn't have asked" Kyuhyun snapped back.

"I'm sure your mother doesn't hate you..." he continued, but the maknae's angry glare came back.

"Who are you to know that?! You don't know her! She hates me! That's why she sent me here, to get me away from her and my sister! You're just like everyone else, telling me she doesn't hate me, that she loves me. If she loved me, she would've killed me when she first had the chance" he yelled. Yesung had never seen him so out of control. His face had reddened, and his glare had gotten even deadlier.

"Calm down. I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Of course! Nobody ever means it. If you didn't mean it and you were sorry you wouldn't have said that. Leave! I don't want to see you anymore!" He yelled, smashing a test tube down on the floor.

Yesung stared at the maknae wide eyed. He wasn't sure if he should obey and leave and let the maknae to wallow in despair and sadness, or to stay and face his wrath. Watching the maknae's furious yet sad expression, he figured it would be best to let him cool off by himself first, then try reason with him. In the state he was in, Yesung would probably end up causing Kyuhyun to blow up the lab.



Yesung heard the door to their dorm open around eleven at night, and the quiet footsteps he just longed to hear. Yesung got off his bed and discarded his music to greet the maknae.

"Kyuhyun-ah?" He ventured carefully, wary that the maknae would snap again.

He looked surprised. He really didn't expect Yesung to be up at this hour. He had actually purposely stayed late to avoid seeing him. "I-I thought you were asleep. I'm sorry I woke you up" he said lowly before bowing his head and making a quick escape to the shower.

"Wait Kyu-ah!" Yesung called. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I...just foolishly wanted to know you better. I'm really sorry."

Kyuhyun just stared at his hyung. "It's fine. I understand. I thought you would be different but I was wrong, that's why I freaked out so much. Don't worry about it" he replied in a dejected voice.


Different? What was that supposed to mean?



Kyuhyun nervously shifted from foot to foot. "Everyone who knows this has told me the same damn thing. They lie. They tell me my mother loves me. But they don't know. They don't know her or me, or the fact that I deserve it. I thought you would see it another way, but I hypothesized wrongly" he explained. "Don't worry about it hyung, I've learned my lesson."

Yesung's eyes widened. What was that brat thinking again? He wanted to be different! He wanted to be included in Kyuhyun's life.

"No!" He blurted. Kyuhyun blinked at him in a confuses manner. "I want to be different. Instead of just saying things and not knowing, I'll show you you're wrong. Just give one chance to prove it to you" he rambled on, grabbing the maknae by the hands.

Kyuhyun was honestly surprised. It was the first time someone had so openly demanded to be part of his life. He had always been this sort of social outcast due to his nerdy and cold appearance, people had always kept their distances, saying all kind of things behind his back, calling the worst most hurtful things in the book. How was Yesung expecting to be part of his deranged world and not get hurt? He didn't know how to be kind, to have friends, to talk to someone about something other than homework. He was mean, blunt and emotionless, what person in their right state of mind would want that for a friend.

"Why would you want that? You'll get hurt. I'm not a nice person to be friends with."

"Nonsense. You don't have to change, just be the person you always are" Yesung said. "A snarky, nerdy, bratty, lovable maknae" he added with a smile and wrapping his arms around the maknae's tall frame. It took a few seconds before he, in a very Kyuhyun-esque manner, awkwardly reciprocated the hug, meaning he didn't pull away or make those strange sounds as he normally did when irritated.


"Can I tell you something hyung?"

Yesung smiled fondly and nodded.

"You're my first friend. Everyone else thought I was too weird, so I was always lonely" he said in a said indifferent voice but with childlike undertones. "Thank you hyung."




Sorry, first of all for the lack of update, I am buried in homework and projects, so I decided to post this before the weekend so I could focus on my lovely english final essay and my wonderful biology lab and applying to University. Secondly, this was totally not what I had in mind originally, and I'm not even sure this chapter is relevant to the story or helps the non-existant plot but it's all I have right now. I had originally planned killing Kyuhyun's parents and making him live with a crazy aunt, but I thought it was too extreme, so I then settled for divorce and killing either one of his parents and making the other abusive, but I also figured it would be a bit too heavy. Next was the "let's make Kyuhyun live in an orphanage" plan, which also kinda failed because I didn't like the idea. So I settled for this. It's not my fault I enjoy torturing Kyuhyun! I don't do it on purpose! I should get one of these T-shirts saying something like "keep calm and write sadistic fanfics starring Kyuhyun". I really don't know where this sadistic streak comes from, I'm not like that in real life I swear!

The main idea of this big rant is, sorry if it's depressing and not as shocking as planned, and at this point, I don't even care about grammar and spelling mistakes. 

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: There is only one week left before exams, meaning I will remove all forms of distractions from my studying environment including my fanfic writing device, my fellow iPod and the Internet in general. I will probably have time to write another chapter, but after that, it's almost 2 weeks without any writing. Sorry, school comes first for this hopeless nerd.  

Thanks to everyone who commented and subscribe~ Please comment, subscribe and enjoy~ 

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Chapter 17: Omg this story is amazingg HAHAHAGHAHA i did not even know whether to laugh or cry so i did both, this is hilarious, i love ittt♡(> ਊ <)♡
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 17: I really enjoyed reading about this very "unique" relationship, and happy that they got together again at the end....and the part about Kyu's ex room mates was hilarious...,I was in tears of laughter. Thank you authornim.
Chapter 17: I love it! It made me sigh, it made me laugh, it made me cry a little bit, it made me fall in love. This was an amazing read and I love how Kyu and Yesung's relationship progressed over the chapters and tbh, imo, Heechul played a large part in it (as well as Leeteuk I suppose). He did well in being able to give yesung and kyuhyun the little push for their relationship to progress. Thank you!
395 streak #4
Chapter 1: I think I read this before but can't remember about the ending, so I'm just gonna read it again <3
ZionCrushforever #5
Chapter 17: Almost 1 year since I've read this story. And it never failed to stir up my emotions. And of course I've been laughing like an idiot.
Chapter 17: Gosh. I love this story so much. And I'm about to die laughing in the ending when no one can stand kyu as their roommate ??????.
Chapter 17: Nice!! I loved it!!