You Only Live Once


December 2012
Many people believed the end of the world was fast approaching. AJ and Kevin were not believers, but they wanted to spend time as if it were true.
Follow them on a heart-warming pre-apocalypse journey.
Because you only live once.


I had this idea. It's going to be really cute. Unlike my last Jaevin, this one will have a lot more than a few moments. It's gonna be super cute and though a oneshot, I'm trying to make it long. Yes there will be 2shin, Elseop and Hoonseop appearances kay no judging lol

I don't think the world is going to end I think it's a bunch of nonsense because really how can some old people predict the resetting of time. It's like George A. Romero predicting the Zombie apocalypse just because he had a cool movie idea.

I just like to write about this topic, it's really fun for me because I'm good with angst and stuff so yeah. I'm trying not to make this angst though, I'm trying to make it like a sappy coming-of-age story even though they're only in their twenties. Well.

I'm almost 100% I'll make a sequel following Hoonseop though. Which could be angst considering I kinda ship Elseop now, too. Hoonseop is my second major OTP but omg Elseop is cute otl so I want to include some sort of love triangle or something I don't even know okay

I REALLY LOVE WRITING FLUFF like I am usually not into the girly stuff, but when it comes to Jaevin OTL I'm going to plan their wedding okay I love fluff between them and because with Jaevin is like double win since they're my biases but I can't write it because I'm too clean. My friends would tell you different though OTL


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