Would anyone hear me screaming behind these castle-walls?


You woke up feeling someones chest against your back. Your eyes flushed wide opened and looked down at your body. You let out a relieved sight when you saw you were still wearing your underwears.

What happened last night? You thought and tried to remember.

He laid you down on the bed and you on top of you. He gently your hair, then he crushed his lips against yours. He dragged his hand up and down your thigh and you gasped when he bit your lips leaving him the opportunity to enter your mouth. Your tongues met each other and he took of his shirt and began to kiss your neck. He found your softspot and you moaned in pleasure, you stripped of your shirt and he kissed every part of your upper body. He took of his pants, and so did you. The two of you started to kiss again, and he carefully bit your lip. You smiled and ran your fingers through his soft, beautiful, brown hair. He were on his way to take of your , when he saw that you looked scared. He stopped and began to kiss you again.

-Don’t worry, If you’re not ready, I’ll wait.

I DID THAT! I HAVEN’T EVEN KNOWN HIM FOR A FREAKING WEEK! You thought furiously dragged your fingers through your hair, then you quickly dragged on your clothes and ran out of the room, you were on the corner to the kitchen when you bumped into someone causing the both of you to fall on your butts. You apologized right away, and saw that it was L. He looked at you with his normal emotionless face and helped you up.

-Why were you running? He asked and looked at you.

-Ehh, I remembered that I have to do something important today?

-Really?This early? 6 in the morning?  And it has nothing to do with what happened last night? He said and smirked.

-Phsss, no, haha, what makes you think it has anything to do with that!?

-No reason, wasn’t you on a hurry? He said and smirked once again.

-Right! Bye! You said ran out from the house and out on the street. You ran, ran, ran and ran until the pain in your chest were unbearable and you stopped. After a little while your chest didn’t hurt very much and you began to run again. You reached a forest and saw a little path into the forest, and you followed it. After a few minutes of running you entered a big opening with a big tree in the middle, you ran towards it and stopped. There was flowers, beautiful flowers everywhere and you smiled at the view.

What a beautiful place, you thought, inhaled the fresh air and began to cough. Your face turned blue and fell down on your knees. You started to cough up blood and tears flushed down your cheeks.

Not again.... You thought and your vision became blurry.

The wind blew through your hair,  making you shiver. Your conscious was slowly fading away and you felt two warm arms around you. You could tell that it was a guy, because of his muscles. Something about him made you feel safe. It felt like you recognized him, and you tried to see his face, but you couldn’t open your eyes.

-Wh-who are you? You manage to say through the coughs. 

-I’m yours, he answered.
Sorry, for such a bad and short update :( But I've been studing and training all day ( And yes I have to studie in the weekend, I have a test next week :/
Well I hope you guys like my storie this far, and will subcribe, leave a comment, or vote on it ^~^ Hope you guys have a great day/ night , byebye<3
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Chapter 10: Aww so sad! I sometimes think like her too! But I don't cut myself... I can't... I value life but I wonder if anyone values my life or my living here...
Lol good story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
And no worries for updating late... Writing fanfiction is kinda hard xD
Chapter 9: I loveeeeeeee this chappie keep up the good work and update ASAP
Chapter 8: Please!! Update author-nim~!! :D
Chapter 7: Okay, I feel like Infinite is using her then when they get revenge on Teen Top they'll throw her away and not be friends with her anymore. I really do hope Infinite are not the bad people in here.
Chapter 7: I really hope he doesn't actually do it! I mean I'm not hating on Woohyun or anything.....
But we just met xD
Lol he could just pretend they did. Like take the clothes off and just lay there and if he needs to make sounds just have a recording of random moans
Chapter 7: Oh my god please update ASAP I love this story
Chapter 6: Ahh!!! Update soon~!!
Oh im curious~yeah!~
Chapter 5: Author-nim~!!! Update soon~!
Chapter 5: Update soon author-nim :D