
Me vs. My Vampire Love

  "So if your not half blood vampires, you guys are full blood vampires?" you asked.

   "Yep" replied Mir as he lead all of you down to the living room. "Great that makes everything better"  you thought being sarcastic.

    "Actually it does!' said the man with the hat. "How do you always know what I'm thinking and how does that make everything better?" you said annoyed, trying to keep your temper.

     "Sorry about that but Seungho reads minds." G.O. said taking a seat on the sofa. "Being with full bloods is a lot safer than being with half breeds."said Seungho as he took a seat next to G.O.

     "How?" you asked "I thought full bloods have to feed on more blood than half breeds?"  "True" said Thunder as he patted the seat next to him, motioning for you to sit by him, in which you did, not knowing how he would react if you declined. "Even though we need more blood than half breeds, we have the power to control out hunger." he continued as he set his arm around your neck making your muscles tense up.

      "So, I'm guessing the....the vampires who d-destroyed the city were half breeds?" you said as tears threatened to fall from your eyes. "Yes" Joon said in a sad tone as he sat next to you also wrapping an arm around you.

       "The half breeds are planning on killing humans due to their lack of population" said G.O. "So i gue-" you tried to say but was cut off my your growling stomach, you lightly blushed due to everyone staring at you. "I'll go make you something to eat" Thunder said as he got up and left to the kitchen leaving you in between Mir and Joon who moved closer to you.


         After waiting for what seemed like hours for your stomach, but was only half that you started to smell something delicious. It smelt sweet but spicy at the same time. You followed the aroma to find an enormous table full of food. "This is all the human food we have right now. I hope it is enough." Thunder said as he took a seat at the table.

       "I don't need a lot of food, I'm not fat!' you pouted and put your hands on your hips. "No, you are not fat but you are too skinny." he replied calmly. You quietly pulled out a seat and began eating, also pouting. "What did you do this time Thunder?" asked the other boys as they all took a seat around the table. All of the boys began eating human foods!

      "I thought vampires couldn't eat human food." you said watching them stuff their faces, you also stuffing yours. "We can eat human food but we cannot live off of it." Mir said with his mouth full of kimchi. "Oh!" you exclaimed taking a sip of water Thunder had prepared for you, while the others drank what looked like wine but you knew it was blood. You weren't stupid, you have seen vampire movies before.

      "So I'm guessing the half breeds are turning humans into vampires to increase their population to outdo full bloods?"

     "Yep. This happens every 10,000 years. When the half breeds are done there will be little, if any humans left." Mir explained.

       "This time we know at least one human will still be alive." Seungho told you as you got up to put your dishes away. "Yea..." you trailed off thinking about your parents "so their probably vampires."

       "Their is a chance" Joon said sitting on the black leather couch. Tears started falling from your eyes again. "If you guys would have never turned a human into a half breed this would have never happened!!" You yelled, your voice cracking multiple times. All the boys looked at you in shock. You relized what you had said and ran to the room you stayed in, locking the door behind.

       "I didn't mean to say that to them. I always was an emotional person. I get mad and scared easily, it's just who I am."

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lucky9606 #1
I really want to read this fic
please update soon ^^
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 5: please update soon ^^
Chapter 3: Awesome fic, update soon please ~~
Chapter 3: Awesome fic, update soon please ~~