Looking after KanMi

Why are you always happy?

A/N: No colours will be used in the chapter because the characters in this chapter will be speaking Korean... to hopefully save confusion... 

No one's POV: 

"This is a nice house" Chanyeol said as KanMi grinned and dragged him into the living room to sit down 
"We only have this house because mummy's  grandma left it to her in her will after she had died" replied KanMi as she went to switch the television on 
'Again with mummy' Chanyeol thought and he was about to ask KanMi why she kept calling Rika that but something else caught his attention 
"What are you watching?" he asked as KanMi's eyes stayed glued to the television 
"It's Pokémon" she replied as Chanyeol looked at the screen and then found himself being drawn to the show... he didn't have a clue what they were talking about... but the fighting scenes in his mind were AWESOMEEE.

Once the show had finished KanMi turned around to face Chanyeol and said "I'm hungry" 
"Well cant we order takeaway or something?" he asked as KanMi shook her head 
"It's not Wednesday, we only have takeaways on a Wednesday" she said and Chanyeol was about to say something but seeing the look on her face... she was serious... 
"But I don't cook" he said 'Maybe I should have bought D.O along' he thought to himself as KanMi came up with something 
"Can you cook Ramen?" she asked as Chanyeol slowly nodded and KanMi led him into the kitchen and showed him where the stuff was to make the Ramen 
"You cook and I'll see the table up" she said 
"Do I have to?" he asked 
"Well like I said, it isn't Wednesday and I'm to young to cook" she replied as Chanyeol sighed and set to cooking... making sure he didn't do anything wrong which could potentially poison the two of them. 

"And food is served" he said a while later as he sets two plates down for him and KanMi and left some over for Rika as the two of them sat down to eat 
"How is it?" Chanyeol asked as KanMi took a bite and gave him the thumbs up as he smiled and tucked in himself. Once the food was over and done with, the two worked together to do the dishes and decided to make soap beards to make each other laugh before Chanyeol decided to let KanMi stay up longer than she usually did. 
"I think someone needs to go to bed" Chanyeol said after seeing KanMi rub her eyes 
"Can you come read me a story?" she asked as Chanyeol sighed 
"Rika always does before I go to sleep" she said as Chanyeol gave in and let her lead him to her bedroom. 

"What story am I reading you then?" he asked her as she grabbed a book and climbed underneath her blankets and patted a spot next to her for Chanyeol to sit as he wondered over and sat down 
"This one" said KanMi as she handed him the book: The Tree Frog's Fable as he laid down next to her and kept his upper body propped up by the pillows as KanMi poked her head through a gap so it now looked like he was holding her close whilst he was reading... 

Once upon a time, lived in a Korean village a tree frog and his widowed mother. The tree frog loved his mother but he was a troublemaker. He was a child who went West when his mother told him to go East and did this when she told him to do that. 

At this point Chanyeol yawned as he was now tired himself but KanMi was nowhere near asleep so far and wanted him to continue with the story as he began to read on...

That's why, when it rains, frogs cry by the river. And that's also why when people in Korea do the opposite of what they're told, they're called Cheong Kaeguli, tree frog. 

Once Chanyeol had finished the story, KanMi was finally asleep and he wanted to move and leave her be but instead found his eyelids drooping and ended up falling asleep next to her.


By the time Rika had walked into her house it was well gone midnight, she hadn't expected Ryohei's parents to keep her in that long and she had no idea who was with KanMi at that moment. When she entered the kitchen she found a note from KanMi saying 

There's some leftover Ramen that me and Chanyeol Oppa made!!!

'Ah so she's with Chanyeol' Rika thought to herself before she paused... where were they? ... As Rika entered KanMi's room she couldn't help but smile when she saw how the two of them were huddled together and sleeping and she didn't want to have to break it up... but she did
"Chanyeol... wake up" she said as Chanyeol slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes 
"What time is it?" he asked as Rika checked her watch 
"11 minutes past midnight" she said as Chanyeol sighed... there was no way he was going to be able to catch a taxi home now 
"Stay here for the night, you can stay in my room and I'll sleep on the seat in the livivng room" said Rika as Chanyeol shook his head 
"I'll do that" he said as Rika sighed and handed him a spare blanket and pillow and he made his way to sleep whilst Rika checked over KanMi one last time... 



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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 6: KanMi is pretty smart for her age... Is Riis a mum or sister o.o
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 3: Woahhh
Want to know her past, but I know I have to wait haha
ItzJaeKay #3
Chapter 1: Wow wow what did he see...
Lol Tamaki reminds me of Ouran High School Host Club haha
keyforu #4
always happy with EXO!