




                It was 5 in afternoon; Seunghyun and Yongbae were sitting on the couch with some coffee at the table while talking. It was like centuries they didn’t gathered and talked like this remembered they’re not a group anymore and busy with their own life and schedule yet the reason that brought them to this was the rumor about their leader having a serious relationship with the Japanese top model, Kiko Mizuhara.

                Suddenly the front door open and the 15 years old girl run to Seunghyun while crying uncontrollably followed by the object they were talking about before, the leader himself, Kwon Jiyong.

“Yah !!! Don’t run from me like that !!! Kwon Jennie !!!” He yelled out hoping that the girl that now was crying on Seunghyun’s chest would listen to him, her Dad.

“No !!! Leave me !!! I hate you !!!” The girl said still crying. Both Seunghyun and Yongbae confused with the situation. But when looking at the angry face of their leader, they realized something up between the father and the daughter.

Seunghyun then lead the girl to his room to comfort her leaving the tired and angry leader with his bestfriend.

“So, something’s up?” Yongbae asked, drinking her coffee. Let out a heavy sighed, Jiyong sat, he buried his face on his palm.

“I don’t know Bae. I just don’t understand.” Jiyong said with his low tone.

“About Jennie? Something’s wrong with her? Common, you can tell me.” Yongbae said, moved closer to him. Letting out another heavy sighed; he then looked to his bestfriend.

“Her teacher called me when I was in studio, asked me to look over her in school. I went to her school just to found out that she got scolded by her teacher because she punched her classmate.” Jiyong told the truth to Yongbae. The truth about his lovely daughter attitudes that now bothered him too much. Yongbae just nodded his head in approval.

“I don’t know she can be this bad.” Jiyong continued and bringing again his palm on his face.

“Man, she’s your daughter. She has your blood. Don’t blame her if she becomes this bad. You’re a bad boy.” Yongbae said gained the dead glared from Jiyong.

“Did you ask her the reason why she did that brutal thing?” Yongbae then continued.

“I was asking her nth time but she just said that it wasn’t her fault yet she didn’t tell me what the reason I want to know. She then was crying like crazy back then. You know that I can’t see her crying like that so as you can see, I brought her here remembered that someone that can comfort her well is Seunghyun hyung.”

“I see that.” Yongbae said nodded his head.

“Did I treat her wrong? Spoiled her too much so she becomes this evil? Man, I have but I never taught her to be like a criminal.” Jiyong said with his sadly voice. True he spoiled his daughter like a princess but then he thought that the true princess never do the thing his daughter done. Let out an angry groan, he didn’t know what to do.

“Don’t worry Ji. You can talk to her tomorrow. I believe tomorrow she can be better.” Yongbae said patted his bestfriend shoulder to comfort him.

Seunghyun suddenly came from his room towards his dongsaengs.

“No. You have to talk to her now Ji.” Seunghyun took a seat beside him. When he was about to go, Seunghyun grabbed his wrist.

“Tell about all Ji. Tell her about ‘her’.” Yongbae suddenly look at Seunghyun, startled with what he’d said. For the first time in years someone finally talk about the sacret topic, her. They didn't say anything about the said girl before, everyone in YG family, they once promised to themselves not to talk about her because it would bring the pain for Jiyong. Jiyong in the other side was thinking hard, should he tell or not. He just didn’t know what to do.

“She punched her classmate because her classmate asked her about her mother. Jennie doesn’t know about her mother Ji so she got upset and did that brutal thing.” Seunghyun continued gained a heavy breath both from Jiyong and yongbae.

“I’m not ready to tell her hyung. It just hard for me.” Jiyong said with his sad voice.

“She has the right to know Ji. She’s 15 years old. It’s enough for her, enough for her to know the truth, the truth about her mom. Look, she envies her friends. In the school she is the one that can’t show off something about this thing. As a girl, she must be sad. So now, make the things right. Tell her the truth, she supposed to know.” Hearing those words made Jiyong let out a single tear, knowing that his angel has suffered a lot yet he didn’t even noticed that.

Jiyong nodded his head. He was in his deep thought. How should he tell to his daughter? Does he have the courage? What would be her first reaction when he tell her? Will she hate him because he hid the truth from her for years? Walking towards the room, he then said ‘her’ name, in her heart.




Reached the room, he opened the door and saw the figure of his daughter was lying on the bed. Her back faced him. Approached her, he sat at the edge of the bed beside her and gently patted her hair.

“Hey honey, are you sleeping?” he asked knowing that his daughter still up. She was pretending sleep.

“Hey, do you want to hear a story before sleep? This is a good story. Want to hear that, honey?” He asked but he got no answer from his daughter. Comforting his position, he started.

“Well, once upon a time, there’s a very beautiful princess. She had a flawless skin, y body, beautiful hair, sparkling eyes, cute nose, chubby cheeks and beautiful pouty lips. Not only good looking but she had a beautiful heart, she was kind to everybody. She was great inside and outside. Everyone loves her so much, her family, her friends especially one bad prince. Yeah, the bad prince had a feeling for her. After confessed his feeling for her, they were finally together, love each other. Though the prince was a bad boy but the beautiful princess still loves him unconditionally. 2 years after dating, they got married and started a new life. Every day their love grew fonder and they promised to love each other, promised not to leave each other, they even promised to still be lovers even in the other world. Their got another happiness when finally the princess pregnant meant that they will soon to become parents. But happiness wasn’t always by their side. The beautiful princess wasn’t strong enough to deliver their baby. And then the princess gone and left the bad prince with their beautiful little baby.”

By heard the story from his own mouth, jiyong couldn’t help his eyes from got teary. In the other side, tears finally let out from her beautiful eyes but still she pretended sleeping. Jiyong took a breath to continue his story.

“The bad prince was finally changed his bad attitudes. For the past 15 years he is working very hard for his daughter, the love of his life, the last thing that the beautiful princess left for him. He love her so much, yeah the little princess. He wakes up every morning to make some breakfast for her though he doesn’t know how to make a delicious meal. He sends her to school every day before he himself go to work. He call or text her every day even he just has a little break only to asked her if she already got her lunch. He picks up her from school. Play with her every day even he’s dead tired. Cook her dinner and at the end of the day he always sing her lullaby before her sleep. He doesn’t want to miss every single time to see her grow up. But again, those things are not good enough. Though he done and will do everything for her, he know that she need someone, the beautiful princess, her mom.”

Jiyong couldn’t take it anymore. Told her the story himself made him felt such a pain in his chest. The tears from his eyes suddenly gushed out as she remembered about her, the beautiful princess. Yeah, he was told his daughter a story about him and his wife, the love of his life, the mother of his daughter.

His daughter, Jennie, was sobbing uncontrollably when she heard her dad story. At the beginning of the story, she thought that the story was made up by her dad to court her heart. But in the middle of the story she felt something that the story was a true one. And true when she noticed her dad was crying, she finally realized that the story is her parent’s story.

“Dad…” She said with her tremble voice now facing her dad.

“Park Bom.” Jiyong said softly.

“She’s the beautiful princess. She’s my wife. She’s your mom, Kwon Jennie.” Jiyong said, sobbing. Jennie in the other hand was crying by hearing the name that she never heard yet the beautiful name that finally make her heart finally relieved.

“I Love her so much. And when she left it broke my heart and made me falling to pieces. When she left, it was hard and hurt for me like she took my heart with her. How can I live without a heart? How can I live without her by my side? I would follow her back then but then I saw the figure on the pink blanket, she was sleeping so peace back then. With her innocence face, she gave me the strength to stay. Up until now she’s still the only reason for me to live my life. Yeah, she is you Jennie. You are the gift that your mom gave to me. You really like her, honey. Your eyes, your nose, your lips, every little thing about you resemble her.  How can I abandon you when you are my only reason I can remember her? I love you as much as I love your mom.”

Every word that came up from Jiyong however makes them both crying.

“I’m sorry dad.” Jennie suddenly said and hugged her dad tightly.

“No, daddy’s sorry. Dad supposed to tell you from the beginning.” Jiyong said tighten the hug.

“No. That’s my fault Dad. I’m a troublemaker, I make you upset.” Jennie was crying on her Jiyong’s chest.

“Shhh, don’t said that. That’s Okay. Everything’s gonna be alright now. You know the truth now.” Jiyong patted her hair, comforted her.

“Dad, forgive me?” Jennie pulled out the hug as she asked.

“Yeah, and you forgive me?” Jiyong asked back. She nodded as Jiyong pulled her for a hug.

“So, I heard before that you hate me. Was that true?” Jiyong playfully asked. She shakes her head.

“Good girl. Now, you should sleep. I’ll bring you out tomorrow.” Jiyong smiled. With that, Jiyong help her daughter to sleep. Put the blanket all over her body, kissed her forehead and hugged her as they both drove to sleep.





It was the day Jiyong took out Jennie to ‘meet’ Bom, her mother. She officially introduced herself to her mother’s tombstones pretend that it was her mother and wishing that her mother could hear out what she had said. After that they both left the flowers to her tombstone. White rose, Bom really like white rose.

As they walked away, Jiyong hold his daughter hand. She smiled.

“Dad?” Jenni asked as they walking.


“You said that I’m really looks like mom. Is that true?”

“Yeah you are, silly.” He chuckled. She pouted by hearing her dad chuckled. Looking how cute his daughter pouted, Jiyong giggled as he remembered that Bom used to pout like that.

“Yah Kwon Jennie. Even the way you pouted, it was really like your mom.” Jiyong said.

“Oh, anyway, the same thing between you and your mom is you both always running to Seunghyun whenever you sad. Ah, it’s sickening me.” Jiyong frowned remembered that in the past Bom was always running to Seunghyun whenever they both had a fight and now his daughter did the same. He just envies his hyung. Jennie laughed out loud when she saw how jealous her dad towards her uncle.

“But at the end it is you that have mom and me.” Jiyong smiled and kissed his daughter hair.

“Anyway Dad. I heard the rumor about you and the Kiko girl. I think that this is the time you move on from mom. I mean, not that we’re gonna forget about mom but for Pete’s sake you’re single about 15 years. And I don’t want my dad being lonely. Beside, that Kiko girl seems kind and nice. And of course she’s pretty y to be The Great G-dragon's wife.” Jennie teased.

“Hmmm, Listen to these honey. First, believe me or not, your mom is 1000 way ier than that Kiko girl. Second, I don’t care about Pete. What I care are you, you and you only. I have you so why on universe I will feel lonely? No in any way, sweetheart. And the third, That Kiko girl is going to be someone’s wife 3 weeks from now and that someone is your lovely uncle Seunghyun. So, don’t matchmaking me and her, got it?”

“Okay, I got it. But you’re not kidding about Uncle Seunghyun and that Kiko girl is getting married, right?” Jennie asked curious.

“Why on earth Dad tells you lie?”

“Whoa, that’s too something. I’m a bit sad Uncle will marry soon. I won't have any place to go when I sad.” Jennie made a sad voice.

“Yah, Kwon Jennie, you have me. I’m your Daddy.” Jiyong yelled dead jealous making Jennie laughed.

“Yah, what so funny?” Jiyong yelled again.

“Just realized something, Dad.”


“Seems like Uncle Seunghyun always being your big rival. From mom, me and now that Kiko girl. Hahaha, you’re really pathetic Dad.”

“Yah how dare you said that I’m pathetic. Listen, I don’t care about that Kiko girl because I don’t have any problem with her. My problems are your mom and you, I’m not that worry. Like you said before at the end it will always be me who has you both.” Jiyong said as he lifted up his daughter, gave her a piggyback and walked to their house.


“Bommie, thanks for giving me such a beautiful gift, Kwon Jennie. I love you and will always do. I promise to take care of Jennie, the mark of our love. I’ll see you in another life Bom. We promised to still be lovers even in another world. Wait for me, sweetheart. I Love you. Love, Kwon Jiyong.”

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ilabya10 #1
iamanja #2
T.T what is this?? So such a beautiful story but yet heartbreaking..the love between Ji and his precious daughter is overwhelming..and how's Ji so loyal to Bommie..aww :') Hope to read more good story from you soon !
ParkMonica #3
Chapter 1: Thanks for comments... i'll try my best for another gbom stories. ^^
Chapter 1: Omg it's so sad but also heartwarming. I would be devastated also if I lost the person I love most in this world. It's amazing Ji found the strength to move on for his little girl. And how they really love each other. Lol the seunghyun bit really cracked me up :) keep up the great work!
Chapter 1: Woahh this actually left me in tears!! T____T
Chapter 1: So sad.. T.T but still happy.. everyone will die soon right.. btw thanks for the gbom story.. and thanks jiyong for staying loyal to bommie :D
Aera21 #7
Chapter 1: omfggg this is so good yet heartbreaking;-; sobsss i trully can imagine Jennie acts as their daughter kkk kyeopta~ ahh! and finally i found a GBom and KikoTop fic in one! you made my day~^^ thanks for the great story Monica!
Chapter 1: bommie died?? andwae!!!!!! it's amazing that jiyong still single and continue to wait to be together forever with bommie in another world. and seunghyun, seriously jiyong?? hahahaha.. jiyong will be jiyong, over protective over his properties. it's a bittersweet ending..:D