This Heart was Already Yours (remade)


Love was never an option for him. He had too much on his mind to think about finding a partner. Everything was normal, until he was presented with a fortune cookie with a fortune telling him about his "dream girl". He enters a dream where he meets a girl who claims to be his wife and that they've been married for three years now. Even though it sounded crazy, the dream, itself, felt real. The girl in his dream felt real. If she existed, would he ever be able to find her?


"How did I find such a beautiful girl...?" He thought to himself as he stared at her.

Suji looked up at him with reddened cheeks. Even though he hadn't known her long enough, he could feel all of his feelings for her rise up just by looking at her. The feelings didn't feel new though. It was as if these feelings had always been with him.

Gently, she placed her arms around his broad shoulders and moved closer. He watched the water trickle down her nose to her pink lips. Those pink lips softly met with his. Without control over his body, his hands took a hold of her waist and brough her body closer to his.  Even though they were in the cool water with clothes on, he could feel the warmth from her body.  He began feeling as though he was losing himself within the gentle kiss. The kiss was almost too gentle to the point where he found himself nibbling on her lips asking for more.

At that moment, nothing else mattered to him. All he knew was that she was his and that was enough to make his heart flutter.


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Waah!♥♥ Onew story. Remake. This is wonderful. TTuTT
Chapter 1: ohh ohhh so this is like the same story plot but a little change? awkayyy, I'm rooting for this (Y)
Chapter 1: i have read it even before making an account. i loved it. but now i'm curious about this one. update soon. :")