Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony

You always wanted to learn how to play the piano. It is the frustration you’ve never gratified since childhood. You always asked your parents to enroll you in a piano class but they’ll not let you since they think the lessons are way too expensive and just a waste of time.

It is your habit to go to the music studio after class to watch the music club members play the piano. They are so talented and skilled, you admire and envy them. You really liked the way on how they press and play the piano keys gracefully. The beautiful and perfect sounds they make soothe and calm your soul.

One time, after the music club finished their practice, you decided to sneak in inside the music studio. Luckily, no one saw you. You immediately went to the grand piano and touched it. You’re very delighted to see it up close.

"I didn’t know you are this pretty." You whispered as you sat down on the wooden chair while carefully removing the cover of the piano keys.

You placed your fingers onto the keys and started playing. Well, your sound was awful and not that good. What would you expect for a noob like you? You continued playing and pressing the keys randomly until you heard someone speak.

"Wow, I didn’t know someone will be here today." He said. He had an accent which made you think he’s not Korean.

You froze and stopped playing immediately. You turned your head slowly to look at the mysterious person. The first thing you noticed about him is that he’s very good looking. He has light brown hair with beautiful rounded eyes, perfect nose. To be exact, he looks like the prince which only exists in fairy tales.

"I bet you don’t know how to play the piano." He added while he walked towards your direction. You quickly stood up and went beside the piano as you watched him sit.

"I’ll show you how to play it properly. Be careful not to blink." He smiled and started pressing and playing the piano keys.

The feeling was amazing when you heard him play. It’s different from the usual playing of the music club members. It’s too breath taking, his music is flawless and you can feel your soul dancing joyfully. You clapped and smiled when he finished playing.

"Did you like it? I still lack practice... I guess?" He chuckled. You shook your head.

"No. That was great, you’re amazing... compared to me."

He laughed as he shifted his gaze to you. "Yixing, Zhang Yixing." He introduced and smiled. You nodded.

"I don’t often see you... Are you an exchange student?"

"No, I’m just more active in dance club but I’m also a member of the music club. How about you?"

"I’m not a member of any clubs. I just really wanted to learn how to play the piano." You answered shyly.

"That’s cool. Don’t give up!" He cheered. He took a glance on his watch and looked back at you.

"Oh, I need to go! I still have dance practice. Nice meeting you!" He quickly stood up and dashed towards the door. Your eyes followed him until he left the studio.

"Zhang Yixing. He’s interesting." You thought as you grabbed your bag and left the studio.


"I’m going to be late for my first class!" You huffed while running towards your room. You’re carrying your books and notebooks when somebody accidentally bumped you.

"OUCHHH!" You whined as you dropped all of your things on the floor. You immediately scrambled and collected them.

"Sorry! I didn’t mean to bump you, here." He apologized, giving you your remaining items.

You looked up at him and you’re surprised to see the familiar face. "Zhang Yixing-ssi?"

"Oh, hi! Nice seeing you again." He answered, beaming a wide smile.

You grabbed your things from his hand and stood up. "Thanks for the help. I need to go now, I’m running late!" You said as you hurriedly ran away from him. He chuckled and continued watching you from afar.


"Whew. I thought I was going to be late for my first class. Congrats to me~" You cooed and sipped your milk.

While you were having your peaceful break, four girls approached you. Their eyes looked extremely cold plus they really look unfriendly.

"Why are they approaching me? I don’t even know them." You thought, completely ignoring them as you eat your bread.

"So, you’re the girl whom Yixing helped earlier?" One girl asked as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

"Um.. yeah? Is there a problem?" You rolled your eyes and asked confusedly.

"Yes there is." She replied, grabbing the glass of water from your tray and splashing it in your uniform.

"OH MY! You shouted as you quickly stood up from your seat. "What is your problem?!" You added, looking at them angrily while the three remaining girls started giggling.

The five of you caught the other students’ attention inside the cafeteria. They stopped eating and went to your side to watch the commotion.

"Don’t mess up with my fiancee woman! Don’t you even try flirting with him or else you’re dead." She threatened.

"But I’m not flirting with him!" You answered back.

"Disrespectful!" Her friend yelled and slapped you hard on your cheek. You placed your hand on your cheek and glared at her.

"Who are you to slap me?! My mother never did that to me!" You were about to pull her hair when another girl stopped you and grabbed your hand.

"Hey it hurts! Let me go! es!" You blurted as you tried pulling your hand.

"What did you say?" They said in unison.

"es." You repeated as you successfully pulled your hand away from them.

"How dare you!" The first girl was about to slap you when someone pulled her wrist.

"Yixing-ssi!" You gasped.

"So you’re bullying another girl? What’s your problem?!" Yixing asked madly as he tightened his grip to her wrist.

"Yixing, it hurts! Let me go!"

"No, I won’t, unless you apologize to her!"

"I won’t! She’s flirting with you! You’re now my fiancee! You’re mine!" Yixing removed his hand on her wrist and pushed her causing her to stumble.

"Hey miss, I’m not your fiancee! Never!" He glared and answered.

Yixing grabbed your hand as he led you outside the cafeteria. You just followed him until both of you reached the rooftop.

"I’m really sorry for causing the trouble!" He apologized, grabbing his handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping your uniform.

"No… stop, it’s okay. I can do that." You murmured, placing your hands above his.

He stopped his actions and looked at you. "Sorry." He said sincerely.

"It’s not your fault. I’m fine... except for the hard slap I got." You weakly smiled, grabbing his handkerchief from his hand as you wiped yourself.

"Is she really your fiancee?" You asked curiously. He shook his head.

"Never. I will never get engaged to that kind of woman. I’m better off alone." You chuckled as you fixed your hair.

"I guess... I’m not the first victim?" He nodded.

"But I’m really sorry to get you involved in this kind of situation. What do you want me to do to forgive me? If you want, I will kneel."

"No please! Don’t kneel!" You pleaded.

"I’ll do anything. I promise."

You looked up the sky and thought for a while until something brilliant came across your mind.

"Teach me how to play the piano and I’ll forgive you." You brightly smiled.

He scratched his head and sighed. "Okay. We’ll start your lessons tomorrow. I think I need to practice."

"Yes!" You gleefully shouted and jumped. Yixing laughed as he saw your cute reaction.


You went to the music studio and waited for Yixing. You continued watching the music club members when someone tapped your shoulder.

"Annyeong~" He greeted and smiled. You did the same.

"Let’s go inside. The piano’s waiting. He winked and held your hand, accompanying you inside the studio.

The music club members were surprised to see Yixing. It’s been a while since he visited them because he opted attending the dance practices more.

"Yixing hyung! It’s a surprise to see you here." A good looking guy with side swept hair greeted.

"Nice seeing you too Jongdae. I’m with a friend; I’m going to teach her how to play the piano." He answered, pulling you closer to him.

"Only a friend? Are you sure? She’s cute. By the way, I’m Jongdae." He answered, extending his hand to you.

You grabbed his hand and shook it gently. "Nice meeting you Jongdae-ssi."

"Nice meeting you too." He smiled and chuckled.

"Beside Jongdae are Luhan, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. I present to you our vocal line." Yixing proudly introduced.

"You’re lucky to have hyung as your teacher. I still don’t get it why he chose dancing club over us." Baekhyun hissed. Yixing laughed and patted Baekhyun’s head.

"Baekhyun, don’t be so bitter. Don’t worry; you’ll now often see me because of her."

"That’s good." He added and removed Yixing’s hand from his head.

"Hi, I’m Kyungsoo. Feel free to stay here." He greeted meekly.

"Hello, I’m Luhan." A doll looking guy interrupted.

"Now you know them, let’s start?" Yixing asked. You nodded and smiled. He pulled the wooden chair, as he let you sit down first. Afterwards, he followed and sat down beside you.

"If you need help, we’re just at the recording room." Luhan muttered, slapping Yixing’s arm lightly.

"Thanks guys. See you." He answered shifting his look to you.

"So... are you ready for our first day?"


You watched him removed the cover of the piano keys carefully as he placed his fingers above the keys.

"I’ll be playing on the right side while you on the left. Just follow me okay? We’ll start with the basics."

You placed your fingers gently on the keys as you followed every keys he pressed. His pace was just good enough for you to learn and understand everything.

"You’re a fast learner. Good job! But something’s bothering me."

"What is it?"

He placed his hands on your shoulders and lowered them down. "Relax, you look a bit tense and stiff." He whispered, making his breath touch against your ear. You blushed and shuddered.

"Better. Let’s continue." He brightly smiled, causing you to come back to reality.

"O-okay." You replied.

He taught you the basics and on how to read the notes properly. You never expected him to be a perfect teacher. After all, he’s really talented making you more interested about him.

"We’re done for today. Tomorrow, I’ll teach you a simple song which you can play, but I might be late for our class since I have a dance practice."

"Don’t worry! It’s okay! I can wait."

"What if you stay in the dance studio tomorrow? I’ll introduce you to my friends." He smiled, dimples showing.

"No, it’s really okay for me to wait. You don’t need to do that."

"Well okay, if that’s what you want." He agreed and ruffled your hair. You giggled and smiled warmly.


"I didn’t know my elective class will end this early. Now, what should I do? I still have 2 hours before I meet Yixing." You hummed.

You decided to wander around the school corridor to see and check if there’s something new or special. Unconsciously, your feet brought you to the dance studio. You immediately saw Yixing dancing and teaching some dance routines.

"What am I doing here?" You thought.

You hid yourself in a corner as you started watching him dance by the glass window. Just like his piano skills, his dancing is flawless.

"Such a perfect guy. No wonder why his supposed to be fiancée is way too possessive about him." You sighed while you continued watching him dance.

After few minutes, you noticed that Yixing was gone and another guy was teaching the dance routine. You quickly searched for him in the crowd, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Where did he g--" Your words were cut when a pair of hands covered your eyes.

"Guess who~" The stranger cooed and teased.

You placed your hands above the stranger’s and removed them from your eyes. You quickly turned around and saw Yixing, grinning mischievously.

"Did I surpise you?" He gleefully asked.

"You surprised me! Don’t do that again!" You laughed, hitting him hard on his chest.

"Ow! That hurts big time!" He replied, placing his hands on his chest. You looked at him playfully and laughed.

Yixing wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You froze with his sudden action until you realized his face is just an inch away from you.

"I like you." He confessed. Your eyes widened while your cheeks burned.

"Uh... You’re joking right?" You swallowed hard as you cleared your throat.

He shook his head and cupped your face. "I liked you from the very moment I saw you."

He was about to kiss you when a dance club member went out the studio. Both of you immediately pulled away from each other and acted as if nothing happened.

"Hyung, you’re here! Buy me a snack please!!" A younger guy asked. He instantly noticed you, as he shifted his gaze towards your direction.

"Sehun! It’s not yet break time!" Yixing scolded.

"But I’m really hungry! Wait, is she your girlfriend?" He asked, pointing at you. "She’s cute and pretty." He added and nudged Yixing.

"She’s just my friend! What are you talking about?" Yixing shouted.

"Hyung, why so defensive?" He scoffed and approached you.

"Hi! My name is Sehun! Nice meeting you! I’m one of the members of the dance club."

"Nice meeting you Sehun-ssi." You bowed and answered.

"Go back to practice. I’ll follow you after two minutes." Yixing said, pushing Sehun forcefully to the dance studio.

"But my snacks!"

"I get it! I’ll buy you one later!"

"Yay! Thanks hyung!" Sehun cheered as he went back inside.

"Moment ruiner." Yixing murmured and sighed deeply.

"I’ll just wait you at the music studio. I guess you’re still busy with the dance practice." You interrupted.

"Okay. I’ll try my best not to be late!" He quietly answered, lacing his fingers with yours.

"Just checking if your fingers are in still good condition, but I think they are." He whispered. You sweetly smiled as he removed your hands from him.


You glanced at your wrist watch for the nth time. Yixing’s already late for an hour for your piano class. You really wanted to go home but you insisted and chose to wait for him patiently near the music studio.

"Sorry I’m late!" He shouted. You instantly noticed that he’s having a hard time walking. He was limping and grimacing.

"Are you okay?" You worriedly asked and rushed towards him.

"Not that good. My waist got injured again. I guess, I overworked my body." He answered as you assisted him sit on the couch.

"If you want, we can postpone our lessons for today. I can wait until you fully recover."

"It’s okay. Give me a five minute break and we’ll start." He grunted when he felt a sharp pain on his waist.

"No! You need to go home and rest! I don’t want you to be overworked." You insisted. Yixing weakly smiled.

"Thanks for the concern. I appreciate it."

"No problem."


Yixing’s waist injury got worst as he needed to skip school for a week. You tried asking his friends if they know when he’ll be going back. They said he might go back by next week or after few more days until he had fully recovered from the injury. His condition made you more worried about him.

"Yixing-ah, how are you feeling right now? I hope you’ll have a speedy recovery." You whispered, pressing the piano keys hardly.

"You shouldn’t press the piano keys like that. You may damage them." A familiar voice said.

"Y-Yixing??" You’re surprised to see him standing against the door. He smiled sweetly and went towards you.

"How are you? Jongdae said you always asked him about my condition. Looks like I made someone worried." He teased, causing you to blush madly.

"O-of course not!" You denied while avoiding his eye contact.

"If you say so. Let’s start our lessons okay?" He answered as he sat down beside you.

You didn’t move an inch when he knew that you’re worried about him. It just made you feel embarrassed. You’re too shy to admit that you’re really concerned about him and his condition. Without hesitation, Yixing went closer to you and placed his hands above yours.

"I’m going to teach you my favorite song. Just follow me."

He held your hands and fingers gently as he gracefully manipulated them. Every keys you pressed and played produced beautiful and perfect melodies. You really enjoyed and loved playing the piano especially when you knew that Yixing made it more fun and interesting.

"I really really like you. I hope you didn’t take my confession as a joke." He seriously said, looking at you deeply in your eyes. You remained quiet.

"Don’t you like me?" He continued.

You shook your head. "You’re perfect. I just think that I don’t suit you. We are not of the same level."

"No. You’re wrong." He told you.

Yixing pressed his lips lightly against yours, giving you a short and sweet kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his forehead against yours.

"I love you. I really do." He pleaded and kissed you on the forehead.

It took you few seconds to completely process and understand what was really happening. You didn’t know what to answer because the feeling was still surreal. You waited for yourself to become more composed and calm until you got the courage to answer him.

"Yes. I love you too." You whispered. His eyes glistened with joy when he heard your answer.

He pulled you again for a kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back. He passionately kissed you until both of you reached your limits and gasped for air.

"I promise to be a good boyfriend and a piano teacher to you." He smiled widely making his cute dimples to show.

You pulled him for a hug and poked his dimple. "I guess, I need to be a good girlfriend and a student to you right?"

"Of course! If not, I’m going to punish you." He jokingly warned, hugging you back tightly.

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