A Thousand Miles – SS501 Fanfic



Setting: School with dorms. College-like school but it really is a highschool.

Jelaine Kim – main girl, lived in Germany since she was 2.
Analy Rui (spelled as Ana Lee Rui) – studied in their school since first grade; father is Japanese)
other girls to be revealed and posted here as the story goes.

Kim Hyun Joong – always acts before he thinks. Loves to tease his friends; and shouts mostly all the time since he thinks he has the right to because he is the leader.

Heo Young Saeng – Kyu Jong’s bestfriend since 1st grade. Silent but loves to surprise people,
he even makes impromptu decisions without his friends knowing. He is also called “Dr. Love” among the group.

Kim Kyu Jong – A very shy person, yet, very noticeable.
Always changes plans even buddies won’t agree.

Kim Hyung Jun – The maknae. Silent but loves to brag.

Park Jung Min – The comedy spirit of SS501. Always spit out jokes that are not funny;
but makes people laugh because of corny jokes. That’s his major, cheesy jokes.


I am Elaine, well, that’s how a lot of people call me.
But my real name is Jelaine. They’re just too lazy to give an effort pronouncing the “j”.
I am a person who prefers to get unnoticed. I managed to get through my 2 years in highschool
without getting special attention or appearance over large crowd.

Well, that was 2 highschool years ago.
I just bumped onto someone heavenly this year.

Author's Message
Hi there, miss/mister.
You just read the prologue of my fic.
I hope you enjoy. This is written out of pure inspiration.
I just thank the sun for giving me such bright days.
I promise to keep you updated.
If I'm gone, I'll let you know why, and I'm sure I have a good reason.
This is my first fic. I hope to get coomments and motivation!

Chapter 1. Part 1.
In a Rush

This is my first day in a new school. I am a new student again. My parents decided to let me study in Korea because of some stuff that they do not want me to know. I don’t care much though, because they really don’t give special attention to me either. And that’s why I do not expect much attention from others, too.

“Aah! It’s them! Oh my god~”
A group of around 4-6 ladies simultaneously started screaming and getting all hyped up. Someone or some people just got out of the 5-star like student’s dormitory at the end of the dormitory street. I wasn’t supposed to know what’s going on until some noona pulled me along with her. I guess she didn’t know that she left her daughter behind and was pulling the wrong person. We managed to get to the front rows of the crowd, exactly beside the straight path on the middle where a said group of boys are going to pass. The VIP area, as someone shouted. Lucky are those who could get to the front without getting bruises and stuff.

“Ahem,” I tried to clear my throat because I think it dried because of shock.
“Uh, noona? Noona?” I was like shouting already to her but I think she barely heard me. “NOONA! Let go of me!” I think I shouted too much. Oh yes I did because all the people near me are already staring at me. Thanks to the purpose of the girls, those boys have arrived. I felt goosebumps all over my body due to all the staring before. I didn’t even have time to look at those boys who just went out of the dormitory. I just pushed through the people and ran as fast as I could to get to the school.

Panting, I continued to run, but much slower than before. I was looking at my watch while jogging and next thing I knew I was on top of someone with the two of us laying on the ground. It took seconds for me to look at the person’s face because I know it was too near. When I got the strength (that was like, ¼ of a second), I immediately looked at the person’s face and realized he is a man. A man whose face is too perfect looking for a normal Korean student. We locked into each others gazes for seconds when suddenly, someone coughed.

“Ahem! Excuse me?”
I immediately stood up without even caring about my 3 textbooks that fell on the floor. I looked at the handsome man on the floor who still lay there, shocked. Then I turned my head to see who was there besides the handsome boy. I think I dropped my jaw when I saw the other guy. He’s also as perfect looking as the one whom I stumbled upon. He’s kind of laughing, but softly, but it was enough to show his dimples. My mind is blank, thanks to the first handsome guy, he called his mate to help him up.

“Young Saeng-hyung! Help me up! What kind of—“

“Gee, Kyu Jong, you’re too weak. You cannot show that image to a lady.” Then he motioned to help Kyu Jong, who was still, I think, dumbfounded about what happened. Lucky there are no other people here.

“Kyu Jong-ah! Why are you—“ Then he motioned to whisper something to him. It was a whisper, yes, but that was according to their position: Young Saeng’s mouth was at Kyu Jong’s ears. It sure was a whisper, but it was loud enough for me to hear what he is saying. “—blushing?”

Oh gee, I have to go, and fast. This was the first time ever that I get to encounter with such perfect people, men in fact. And I made Kyu Jong blush like a tomato. I think he’s angry, but then Young Saeng chuckled.

I quickly gathered my books and motioned to enter the school gate.

“Miss! You left a book!” He then raised my History book and ran after me.

“Uh, thanks. By the way, I am Elaine. Nice meeting you.” I turned to get going but then he kept on talking to me.

“How are you going to say ‘nice meeting you’ if you don’t even know my name?” He said sarcastically.
I turned to look at him. If I were to describe like how fantasy movies are described, he was bright and very gentlemanly at the first look.

“I am Heo Young Saeng. Senior. And that person you just stumbled onto is Kim Kyu Jong, my classmate.”

“Uhuh, nice meeting you guys.” And I slightly raised and waved my hand to Kyu Jong who was 3-4 metres away from me. After that gesture, he ran towards us and shook hands with me. I shook hands with Young Saeng too.

“You going to your class?” Kyu Jong asked.

“Yeah. Sort of. But it’s still early, I might go and take a walk at the grounds first.”

“Oh. May I just ask why are you running—you know”

“Uh, that. I was avoiding that large commotion of girls in front of that 5-star like dormitory. Some noona pulled me and though she was pulling her daughter. Then something happened, long story.” Then I forced to trigger a smile.

"Young Saeng! Maybe the rest pulled their bottoms already got to school, late. Oh gee, they never changed." Kyu Jong sighed then looked at me.

“AHEM!” Young Saeng tried to break the silence between Kyu Jong and I.


“Elaine.” I made him remember.

“..Elaine. Since you’ve got nothing to do this early, why don’t you accompany Kyu Jong in the library while he is studying? I am going to the cashier to pay tuition.”

“I don’t think—“

“NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I don’t want to hear anything~ BLAH BLAH.” Young Saeng was shouting and trying not to hear my reasons.

“Just go okay? Just remember, you are our friend now. So don’t get too awkward when you are with us.”

I didn't know what came into Young Saeng's mind and I didn't know what made me agree too. “Fine.” Next thing I knew, Kyu Jong and I were entering the school gate, together. 
Chapter 1. Part 2.
Detour and Introductions

“That’s the way to the library.” Kyu Jong pointed to a long hallway to our left with a wide glass door at the end. There was a “library” word printed across the glass. I turned left slowly without confirming if Kyu Jong is still with me. I reached the library door after a few steps, but the automatic door won’t open.

“Uhm, Kyu Jong? The door isn’t opening.” I called to him.

“Library opens at 10. Young Saeng-hyung didn’t mean the real library. He is talking about the place where I always study. I even got shocked when he said ‘library’ but I got what he meant after thinking sharply. Only both of us know where is that.”

“So, I guess I’ll be going now to my room since I can’t know where is that.”

“No. You should come with me.” He insisted.

“Is that an order?” My heart is already fluttering, I do not know why. But I am freakin’ sure that I am blushing.

“Yes. Could I make it an order? Oh yes I could. So..” He then pulled me by arm and went straight.

We walked ‘till the end of the hall then turned left, got out of the building and walked to a nearby area behind the bushes. We walked less than 3 minutes to get there. The place is so beautiful. Even though it is small and surrounded by bushes, it was like a very small hill with a tree on it. No one would even dare go there ‘cause it’s well hidden, even it’s in the middle of the leisure grounds.

“Whoa. I never thought there would be any quiet place like this in the leisure grounds.” I complimented.

“Only me and Young Saeng-hyung, the bookworms, knows about this spot. The rest of us does not know.”

“The rest?”

“Oh yes. Me and Young Saeng are just 2 of the members of SS501, there are 3 others.”

“S…S..5..01? Haven’t heard of it.” Then he gestured his hand and signaled us to sit on the grass.

“SS501 is a group of 5 singers slash dancers slash actors. I am shocked that you didn’t know us. We’re widely known in Asia and some parts out of Asia.”

“Oh gee. Am I talking to a royal? Haha. Kidding.” I felt that some drops of sweat were falling. I do not know why, maybe because that’s how sweat glands react when your heart is pounding like a tribal drum beat. I knew it was obvious that I am blushing, but I made no move to make it more noticeable. I just bowed my head with nervousness. I just noticed that it was my first—no—second time to be alone with someone with a heavenly face. Even so, he put my bangs aside and hung it on my ear.

“You’re sweating gallons. Here, wipe you face. You look like you are hyperventilating.” He reached my left hand and placed a blue hanky on my palm. “Don’t be shy. Just go and wipe it. Other’s might laugh at you if they see you as red as a tomato.” And then he smiled; a smile to pretend that he is not laughing. Yet, it was the most heavenly smile I’ve ever seen in my life. I heard my heart stop beating for a split-second then started again.

“T-tell me more about SS501.” I muttered. I looked up so that the cool air could hit my face and prevent more sweating.

“Aside from me and Young Saeng, there is Hyun Joong, our leader. Then Jungmin, the noisiest one, and Hyungjun, our maknae. I would introduce you to them later at lunch. It’s also an order that you have lunch with us.”

“Okay. Then it’s settled. Lunch.” Then the bell rang signaling the call for start of classes. I forced myself to agree even though I know I would be having a massive heart-attack later due to another 3 heavenly faces.
Kyu Jong walked me to my classroom. We were semi-running so that we could get there before the teacher arrives.

“So here we are. I’ll see you at lunch. LUNCH. Okay?” He insisted.

“LUNCH. L-u-n-c-h. Okay.” We did a high-five thing then I heard groups of ladies gasping and whispering.

I hid my nervousness and blushing face as I entered the room. I looked at the clock and noticed that our teacher is 3 minutes late.

“Hi there. I am Analy. You are a new student right?” The girl from my right said, reaching out her hand.

“I am Jelaine, but you can call me Elaine to remove additional effort pronouncing.” I was shocked but I still managed to give a smile.

“You sure are lucky. SS501 never had any girls that close with them. A high-five was first seen with a girl today, and it was you. They studied and boarded here since 1st year high school, and I guess you are their first “girl” friend.” Analy sure is trying to insist that I am lucky. I could feel it. Am I? Maybe I haven’t known SS501 that much.

“Err. Excuse me ladies? You talking about SS501?” A man with a slightly raspy voicesaid. “I am Hyungjun, a SS501 member. I’m their maknae, so I’m still a junior.” Then he reached out his hand to shake with mine then Analy’s.

“Oh. Hi Hyungjun, I’m Elaine. And I just met Young Saeng and Kyu Jong this morning. I’m glad to meet another SS501 member. Kyu Jong is really pressuring me to meet all of you later at lunch.” I tried to act naturally to hide the fascination that I am feeling. Hyungjun sure is a SS501 member. I could say it immediately because of white, perfect porcelain skin. Another alien, a very beautiful one, though. What did their parents do to make them as handsome as that? I thought.

He sat on the chair on my left. Just exactly before the teacher went in, Hyungjun tapped my shoulder. “Nice meeting you. Hearing that Kyu Jong invited you to lunch means you are a real friend of ours now. I trust Kyu Jong already told you about the trip on Saturday?”

“No. He hasn’t mentioned anything.”

“We’ll tell you at lunch.” Then he smiled at me, beaming a very childish smile. Right after, the teacher came in. 
Chapter 2.
Petty Quarrels at Lunch

Kyu Jong and Young Saeng will meet up at my Chemistry class. Kyu Jong texted in between classes and said that they will be picking me up 5 minutes after the lunch bell. 5 minutes because they want to avoid crawling eyes. I sat at the most visible table on my class, the one which could be easily seen from outside.

It felt like heaven. Is this right? Kyu Jong is standing in front of me, with his head tilted slightly to his right, preparing to kiss. I felt his palm crawling on my cheeks with his thumb lingering on the area under my eyes. I opened my eyes for a second, examining his closed eyes, perfect nose, and the smile which assured me that he knew that I was looking at him. Just exactly when I closed my eyes and Kyu Jong motioned towards me, someone coughed.

“AHEM. Elaine? Hello. Elaine. You alive?” I heard someone say. Getting my thoughts back, I could distinguish that it was Young Saeng-ssi’s. I was sleeping. It was a dream, at least. I knew I wasn’t ready for things like that.

“Hi Elaine! Let’s gooooo to lunch RIGHT NOW! I’m really hungry.” Kyu Jong shouted.

I gasped the moment Kyu Jong appeared at the door. He’s really shocking, I mean, what he did was shocking; Especially when I think about what happened on my less-than-5-minutes dream. Oh men, I must not let them know about the very paranoiac dream I just had.

“Oh Young Saeng…. and Kyu Jong. We’re going to t-the ca-c-cantee-n?” I muttered as if I just a had a very traumatic experience.

“Yes Miss Elaine, we certainly will. You need to meet the rest of SS501.” Young Saeng said with a bow. “And, are you okay? You look pale, no, you really are pale. You need something like medicine or water?” He now looked concerned as he sat and slumped his head over his hands on the table, his dimple showing effortlessly.

“She’s just hungry too, we should get to the canteen as fast as we could. That’s the biggest rescue we could give to her.” Kyu Jong said as if he was telling a joke.

“Hyung, are you telling a joke? It’s cheesy you know.” Young Saeng said along with a chuckle.

“Naah, just come on.” Then Kyu pulled Young Saeng by arm and me, by hand. Being stubborn, as always.

As we walked pass the isles of table at the canteen, I could feel millions of eyes browsing me head to toe.
We finally arrived at the table on the farthest corner of the canteen. No one sat there though, at least. I will still be able to control my knees when I sit and prepare to see another angelic set of men.

I sat beside the wall, Kyu Jong to my left and Young Saeng in front of me. No one talked for moments, but then, Kyu Jong broke the silence.

“Uhm, Hyung, Elaine, I gotta go to the restroom. My fringes are ruined already due to perspiration. Does anyone have a comb?”

I motioned for the small comb on my pocket when a man with a very deep voice teased Kyu Jong.

“HYUNG! You act like a girl! Why do you need a comb to fix your fringe? You could just use your hands or something. Gee Kyu Jong.” He semi-shouted.

For a while, when he was talking, I wasn’t able to look at his face because I’m having a hard time getting the comb in my skirt’s pocket while sitting. Then just after he talked, I looked at him and saw that he offered his hand to shake with mine.

“That’s Kim Hyun Joong, SS501’s leader, that one who’s very dark is Jung Min.. Where’s Hyungjun?.” Young Saeng said. Right after he said that, I reached for Hyunjoong’s hand and shook. Jung Min didn’t offer, so I just smiled at him.

“Hyungjun said he’ll be arriving right after he buys something just in front of the school. He texted me before my Math class.” I answered.

I felt that I was perspiring. Yes I am. I think it was due to the lack of air-conditioning at the canteen. Plus, four wide-shouldered and tall people are surrounding me. I motioned to get my handkerchief, but I realized that what I’m gonna use was Kyu Jong’s. So I motioned to return the hanky to him.

“Uhm Kyu Jong. Here’s your handkerchief. Thanks for letting me use it earlier.”

“Whoo!” You’re already that close? Kyu Jong, you jerk, very fast at getting girl’s heart.” Jung Min teased while he and Hyunjoong sat; Jungmin beside Young Saeng and Hyunjoong beside Kyu Jong. Jungmin spanked Hyunjoong at his shoulders then raised both of his eyebrows. Hyunjoong then pulled Jungmin’s hair after as if he understood what message Jungmin had just relayed to him.

“Elaine, what do you want to eat. It’s my treat. Just say it.” Kyu Jong ordered.

“You..your treat? No, no, I’ll just—“

“IT’S. MY. TREAT. Period. It’s an order. Remember? You cannot refuse when it’s me.”

“Fine. Just an egg sandwich.” I looked at Kyu Jong to give him a smile, an appreciative smile, I hope. But when I looked at him, I was shocked to know that he was also looking at me, and our faces are just a few inches away. I hurriedly turned my head down and twiddled my fingers. “Thanks by the way.” I heard Young Saeng tell his order to Jungmin and reached out his money. After that, Kyu Jong, Hyunjoong, and Jungmin went to buy food.

There was a few moments of silence between me and Young Saeng, but then I blurted out words without knowing.

“Do you have a girlfriend? I mean, ever?” OMG. What did I just ask? I better take up public relations studies. How idiotic did I get? I heard Young Saeng chuckle, but he answered my question.

“I did, I just broke up with her on my freshman year. It’s still childish love, I know, but we knew that there was something between us. But then, circumstances won’t really allows us.”

“Oh, sorry. I’m just idiotic.” Yes I am very idiotic. I thought.

While my head is dropped slightly, I could still see Young Saeng clearly when I look up. I wrinkled my nose then sighed. Young Saeng’s hand brought my chin up, posturing my face to look at him. I could feel seas of people gossiping about me. Young Saeng ran his forefinger from my forehead to the tip of my nose, a gesture I could vividly remember someone has done to me before. Then his palm lingered on my face and his thumb is playing on the area under my eye, much like my dream about Kyu Jong. After a few seconds, he withdrew his hand. I saw him smirk for a second.

“I told you that you are SS501’s friend now. Frankly, we are the boys who live there in your what-so-called 5-star like dormitory at the end of the dorm street. Hyunjoong, Jungmin, and HyungJun are those 3 guys that finally got the surge to go to school. Plus, they are the guys that those crazy ladies are screaming about.” He started.

“Oh. Jung Min’s worth screaming about? Ha-ha.” I tried to tell a joke but Young Saeng’s very serene personality doesn’t gave up anything, even a chuckle.

“Now I know why groups of ladies gasped when I had high-five with Kyu Jong earlier this morning and why all the girls in the canteen we’re gossiping while you’re touching my face—earlier.” I smiled then turned blank again. I could see Young Saeng smile, his cannot-be-bought smile. It’s something which could lighten up the pain you’re feeling, and could make you comfortable in an instant. I sighed then smiled after seeing him

“We rarely—no—we never had a girl this close to us. I do not know what’s different in you, but I feel that you are an individual who wouldn’t take SS501 for granted. I even feel very happy when I’m with you. I think Kyu Jong does too.”

I reached to him and pinched both of his cheeks. “You’re just too cute, Young Saeng-ssi. Maybe I’ll get a cardiac arrest if you continue to talk like that.” I pinched harder ‘till he reacted because of the pain.

“Ow! Elaine? What the heck—“ I continued pinching though~

“Hey, hey Elaine! You’re gonna make Hyung’s dimples run away.” Hyungjun’s raspy voice is very distinguishable. It’s like his personal signature. I quickly withdrew my hand. I saw red marks on both of Young Saeng’s cheeks.

“You just made me all nervous that I have to do something to stop you.” I said. Then Young Saeng started pinching me as his revenge. He even stood up to reach me and give all his efforts. I tried to stop him by hitting him, but all I could do is to hit his shoulders. We became like siblings quarrelling with each other.

“Woot. Our couple is quarelling. We’ll transfer tables to leave both—“

“NO! Stay here.” Me and Young Saeng simultaneously said to Hyunjoong who is teasing us. Then we settled down; I bowed my head and Young Saeng chuckled at my reaction. I just had my first quarrel with someone who isn’t human. As I had a closer look at him, I had my chance to examine his face more thoroughly. No flaws, more than perfect. Angelic. Soothing.

“So. Talking about the lunch on Saturday..” Kyu started while the rest of SS501 took their seats.

Chapter 3
Hyunjoong’s tantrums – 8712638712638 times as said.

“That’s it. It’s settled then. First thing on Saturday, we’ll meet at the airport. I’ll just text you guys what time. Okay?”

That’s the last thing Hyun Joong said before we separate ways when we had lunchon Monday. I just woke up very early on this Saturday morning, it’s still 3 AM. Good thing. I haven’t packed my things yet. We’ll be meeting up at the airport 7 AM sharp and depart from Seoul on 8. I just finished showering when I heard my phone beep. It’s a message from Kyu Jong.

I’ll pick you up in your dorm gate by 6:20. The rest would be coming with their own guests. I heard Hyung Jun will bring a girl named Analy with us. If you weren’t thinking, we’ll pay for both of your tickets.

Oh gee. I forgot. We’ll be traveling by airplane and I haven’t even thought about money. Man. How dumber could I get? “Thanks Kyu Jong. Sorry to make you guys pay for our ticket.” I replied. I packed my things as fast as I could. I don’t mind how early I would finish. At least, I could still check my e-mails and do other stuff like that, breakfast of course. I heard my phone beep again.

“HEY! ARE YOU AWAKE? Don’t you know what time is it already and maybe you are still drooling over your pillow? You should wake up NOW!” It’s obviously Hyunjoong due to all those capital letters which meant he’s shouting again. I’ve got to reply or else, he’ll think I gave up on him again.

“HOW DARE YOU. I woke up at 3AM. Much earlier than the time you woke up! And besides, I finished packing up my things!” And I guess this would be another start of our quarreling, yes it is.

“HOW COULD YOU PROVE THAT? It’s still 4:30. If you really are finished packing go outside you gate, NOW. Bring your things too.” Is he trying to pick on me or something? How could I bring all my stuff and go with him? Kyu Jong would be picking me up later~ GAH. Hyunjoong sure is a jerk. I looked at my window (which overlooks the front gate) and saw a red car. I don’t know the model yet, but my guess is it is Hyunjoong’s.

“YOUR ON THE FRONT GATE ALREADY? How come? You jerk! Kyu Jong’s going to pick me up later, so you better go on ahead.” Then I heard 2 loud knocks on the door. “OH GEE. HE’S ON MY ROOM DOOR ALREADY~” I sighed. I opened it though, wishing it was another person. But right after opening, there goes the leader rushing to my room, finding my backpack, gets it, then rushes out. I followed him quickly to explain things about Kyu Jong. Stepping out of the gate, I saw his car. It was a stunning red Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet. I know it from the first look because it was my favorite uncle’s car, and I used to ride there often back in Germany.

“Get in.” He said in a rush. As if there’s no more time left in this world. Without knowing, I stepped in. While he drove to some unknown place (well, unknown for me since this is my first time going out of the school and dorm grounds), I texted Kyu Jong saying Hyun Joong picked me up already and sorry if I brought him trouble hurrying packing his things up. Just when I raised my head, we were in some hilly place. IDK where it is. But sure it is pretty, the view, especially it is sunrise.

“You liked it?” Hyunjoong said calmly while we walked to a higher spot.
“Haha. I never knew someone as noisy as you would hang out in a place as solemn as this. Plus, I never expected you to be close to me after we quarrel so many times this past week. And lastly, I never expected you to be alone with me like this as if we weren’t born enemies.”

He unwrapped a popsicle then gave it to me, he helped himself to his own too.

“I always go here. It a must that I shout and do whatever I like at least 3-4 time a week. It has been going on like this for almost a year. I loved the breeze here, especially the view of sunrise.”

“Speaking of shout. You made me remember what I am doing in Germany.”

“What are you--?

“It’s also a must for me to shout whatever I’m feeling on the peek of a hill just a metres away from our home. We live in a valley, a valley with an opening on the north. And on that opening, there is a beach, a very vast one. There’s this group of rocks which are on top of one another. It’s easy to get on the top of those rocks. Then when you’re on the top, you could get the best breeze and serenity, add up the view of the sea as well.”

Hyunjoong started screaming random things. “AAAH! Why did you leave me? Why must both of you vanish together! AAAAH! I hate you both! I hate you both!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, obviously. He even stepped on his popsicle which also made me drop mine. But I was confused. To whom must he have a great hatred like that? I never knew Hyunjoong, a person with a very strong personality, would have problems like this. After screaming, he sighed then motioned back to me.

“Gee, I think I shouted too much. Didn’t I?

“May I just ask?”

“What is it?”

“Who are those ‘both’ you are talking about?”

“Parents. They’re gone just this morning. Car accident.”

“Oh. Sorry. But why pull me here?”

“Young Saeng said you are one great mood-uplifter even if you do nothing. He told me all about your quarrel last lunch.”

“Haha. That one? I felt sorry for his cheeks.” I made another dumb joke again. Hyunjoong stepped towards me then placed both his hands on my shoulders. I looked up, he’s just too tall for me.

It was just then I realized our faces are just inches away from each other. I smiled, trying to hide the awkwardness that I am feeling. I felt numb though, I cannot move a muscle. Feels weird. I am melting because of his gaze. After I blinked he wrapped his left arm on my shoulder, slightly pushing me to turn and look at the sunrise.

“I just needed someone trustworthy to know my feelings. And I could feel I can trust someone like you.”

After some awkward moments, we left for Jeju along with the rest.
Chapter 4
In love comes pain. Jeju Paradise.

We took a hotel-provided limo to take us to the hotel. What kind of royals am I with? We arrived at the hotel after an hour’s ride. I let the others go down first; I am still gathering my courage to see a very new place.

“Elaine? Don’t you have plans of going down?” I heard Hyun Joong said. Then he entered the limo again and pulled me by arm. “Gah, you’re too nervous. What is it worth to be nervous for? Just look.”

When I stepped out of the limo, a stunning I-do-not-know-how-many-floors hotel zoomed at me. It looked more like a palace rather than a hotel. “Are you some kind of royal or something? You guys are just some mere artists. How could you—“ Hyun Joong cut me short by introducing the hotel to me.

“Welcome to Jeju Shilla Hotel, Kyu Jong’s favorite.” Then he pulled me along with him.

As we entered the hotel, big chandeliers are glittering at the ceiling. It’s really like a castle, a palace. “Uhm, Kyu Jong? Isn’t it too expensive here? We could just stay by those inns we passed near the airport or somewhere in those parts. Just a cheap hotel would do you know.” I feel too guilty for having them pay for me, and the other guests, fees.

“That’s what Young Saeng said too. But what’s the purpose of our family pre-owning this hotel? Our fees are free, just do—“

“YOUR FAMILY OWNS THIS HOTEL?!” I shouted, catching all the attention of the hotel staff, even the janitors at the mezzanine floor looked at the balcony to know what’s happening.

“Pre-own. Correction. Now, here’s you key to your room, the number’s stated on the key holder. Your things would be bought there later.”

“Young Saeng-ssi, can I talk to you for a second? Just the two of us~ Please?” I just have to ask questions; questions which have been bothering my mind ever since I have met them.

“Fine. Let’s go to somewhere I know you’ll like. Serenity, it is? You look problematic, let’s ease that for a bit.” Then Young Saeng used a reserved car to drive me somewhere. Of course I don’t know. But I’m sure it’ll be serene since we’re driving near the seaside.

“Here we are.” Young Saeng said after a few minutes of-sleeping. “You sleepy? I’ll slap you so you’ll wake up.” Then he pinched my left cheek to fully wake me up.

Just when I opened my eyes, a very beautiful beach came right before my eyes. It’s so quiet; no one other than us is there. I wonder if any other person knows this place.

“Jungmun beach. My favorite place in Jeju.” He then carried me and laid me down on the center of the beach. “So, what do you want to ask?” he questioned while motioning to sit and opening a very large umbrella to cover us both. I don’t know how he brought that while carrying me.

“Sugoi, Young Saeng.” The exact Japanese word which describes the little wonder that he did.

“Haha. Go. Ask what you wanna know. I’ll be answering everything.” The sound of the waves is very soothing; it gives some tingling to my skin. Plus, Young Saeng’s bare arm was touching mine, gives some sort of a goosebump or something.

“First, what’s beyond all of you? I mean, besides from being SS501, I want to know things about your families and the like. You see, I didn’t even know Kyu Jong is some kind of ‘pre-owner’ of the hotel.”

“Oh. Hmm. Well, our leader, you see, his parents died today. They haven’t met since Hyunjoong’s sophomore years. He left due to his dreams. Kyu Jong is someone born from a ‘royal family’ as you describe. It’s obvious. Same goes for Hyungjun, well he’s more of a middle-class person.”

“So Kyu Jong’s naturally rich. Lucky he isn’t a badass. I always see rich people as ill-mannered ones.”

“So, Jungmin, he is a working student since Grade 3. His parents left him in an orphanage but he managed to escape and live on his own. Quite painful but I guess he’s too positive.”

“No reason why he craves attention and is very talkative.” I looked at him and gave a chuckle. Our faces are too close, much closer than before. It’s just then when I saw a mark on his lower left jaw. It cannot be seen from afar; maybe it’s from a long time ago. I touched it wondering if it still has texture. Then I heard him quietly laugh.

“Oh that. A car bumped me while I crossed the street running after my ex. She left for New York a year ago. I haven’t mentioned that to you. Sorry. I tried to hide it because I don’t want to spill it out of SS501. But I know your trustworthy, you are, ne?” He said while giving me a slight pinch in the cheek.

“Sorry about that.”

“You apologize too much.”



“I forgot them already. I’m sleepy.” Then exactly, I gave a yawn.

“The sound of the waves sure is soothing eh?” He pulled my head and made me rest on his wide shoulders.” At this time, I could feel the pain he’s feeling inside his heart. A break up with a girlfriend comes along with an accident? He sure loves her that much.

“Have you met her this year? I mean, any news?” I asked.

“Only news that her parents made her marry an American company president.”

“Sorry. But do you still love her?” It’s my first time to feel this kind of sympathy towards a friend. He’s in pain even though he shows a very calm and peaceful side of him.

“When I come to think of it, she’s gonna marry someone soon. I may as well as believe that we’re not meant for each other. How about you? Do you have any other experience like those of mine?”

“Well, it’s not a sad one. It’s a happy story even though in the end, he left me, for the good of both of us, at least. But the thing there, there’s nothing in between us. I didn’t even tell him that I liked him. We just known each other for a few months, he’s taking his vacation in Germany along with his family. It happened on my freshman year.” I frowned but I knew he doesn’t see it.

But when I kept silent for a while, I heard Young Saeng snore. It is also when I just realized that his head is already resting on mine. “I didn’t even tell a long story. He sure is more sleepy than me.” I whispered.

“HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! YES THE BOTH OF YOU! You’ve been staying there for an hour and a half already! ARE WE STILL ON A TRIP OR SOMETHING?” I woke up Young Saeng by patting his lap.

“Oh sorry. I wasn’t listening.”

“Somebody’s there.”

Just when Young Saeng and me turned to see who’s there, we saw Kyu Jong and Hyun Joong were already walking fast towards us, just like those big and gigantic ogres who are angry because they’re hungry.

“YA! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUNG SAENG?! ARE YOU ALREADY A COUPLE OR SOMETHING?! Just because you already are close friends, it doesn’t mean that you let him touch you like that!”

“ARE YOU MY BOYFRIEND?” I felt some kind of irritation slash anger now. But Hyun Joong settled down after I shouted at him like that.

“Hyunjoong-hyung never had a girlfriend.” Young Saeng whispered to me, then chuckled.’

“AH. Hyung! What are you whispering about!” YS stood up and calmed Hyunjoong down. Then they both walked towards their cars; YS patting Hyunjoong to stop him from cursing him.

“Why is he—“

“He never had a girlfriend. Just pardon him. He doesn’t know his way too well with girls.” Kyu Jong replied immediately as if he knew what I was going to ask. He helped me up while I remove sand from my legs.

“But why must he act towards me like that? I really don’t get him.”

My sudden anger vanished when Kyu Jong held my face with his two hands.

“Shh. Just enjoy your holiday.” Then he kissed my forehead. Then it made me remember everything I felt towards Kyu Jong: Those nights when I look forward to his goodnight messages, and those between-the-classes study sessions with him at our hidden place at the leisure grounds. I’m not falling for him. But I knew that I do since there’s no moment that I removed him from my mind. Petty love, that is. I cannot fall for him. I’ll get be hurt. He’s rich, and rich people always have rich girlfriends. Maybe I am just dreaming, he’s too far away from me.

I guess I’m not yet falling for him. Not yet. But who knows?
Chapter 4 Part 2
Maknae and Analy’s little secret

We spent the rest of the day by going to some of Jeju’s tourist spots: The Teddy Bear Museum, Botanic Garden, and the Pacific Land show. We can’t visit them all because we’re just here for a day and a half holiday. We went back to the hotel around 7 in the evening and walked straight back to our own rooms without much talking.

As I changed my clothes in front of the bathroom mirror, I remembered how Young Saeng and I looked at the beach earlier: My head resting on his while his head is on top of mine. Add up an umbrella. It looked like a photo shoot or something. Gah. He’s just my friend. We trust each other so much; I can’t let myself fall for him because of a simple moment like that. Besides, if I get torn because of my feelings for Kyu Jong and Young Saeng, what would I turn out to be? Someone aid me please, I thought. Then I heard my phone beep.

“Elaine! Mind if you get on the hotel rooftop now? There’s an exit at the end of your corridor, you’ll see it right after you get out. I’ll be waitin.g

I told myself not to act obviously in front of him. As I made my way to the rooftop, I realized that my heart is pounding like hell. Is it going to be just the two of us? I inhaled deeply before I open the rooftop door, “Relax Jelaine Kim, it’s just Kyu.” Then I opened the door a little to peek.

A full moon was there. Cloudless. Silent. I spotted someone at the end of the balcony. A silhouette of such perfect man—with a woman?

Then someone tapped me in the shoulder, it was Hyunjoong with the rest of SS501, except Hyungjun, who is our subject of spying.

“Did my message made you all hurried up?” Kyu Jong teased in a whispering manner.

“No Kyu jong. It sent adrenaline all over my body. I thought it was something serious!” All the members are chuckling now silently.

“Relax Jelaine Kim, its just Kyu.” Jung Min imitated with the ‘opening a door’ action, adding up a little exaggeration. Then they were like laughing crazy already. What’s more funny, they are laughing with just air coming out their mouth. Jungmin’s laugh sounded like a horse while Hyunjoong is already sitting and hitting the floor. While Young Saeng and Kyu Jong just checkled then continued to watch.

“If you just invited me to make fun of me then I’ll go now.” I said seriously so that they’ll shut up. Maybe acting like I am angry would make them feel sorry for me. They tamed, at least.

We were like watching a movie in a very narrow opening in the door. We could clearly hear what they’re saying because Hyungjun thinks they’re the only people there, so he talks normally.

“Are you cold?” Hyungjun said while removing his coat then transfers it to the girl.

“Thanks.” The girls sounded familiar. I just can’t remember. “Would we ever tell this to the rest of your group? You’ve been courting me for months. And now that we’re together...” She asked.

“OH MY GOD! They’ve been dating FOR MONTHS?! That Hyungjun maniac. How dare him not to tell us his thing with Analy.” Jungmin complained.

“He’s with Analy? So Hyungjun’s been acting when we—and Analy—first met at the classroom.” Good maknae, good disguise.

“Probably.” Kyu Jong replied.

“We’ll tell them tonight. It’s a good chance since there are no DSP aliens are around. We’ll it at dinner.” Hyungjun then checks his watch, and maybe, realizes that its time for dinner already.

“C’mon Jung Min! Call him already! Tell him it’s dinner~ let’s see how they prepare.” Hyunjoong commanded. All of us giggled while Jungmin walked a little away to talk to Hyungjun.

“Huh? It’s dinner already? Fine, we—I’ll go.” Then he cut Jungmin off. “Let’s go?” He then put both of his hands on Analy’s shoulders then bent down to kiss her. We couldn’t see any colors though because of the moon. It’s just their silhouettes, a pure scene from movies—barely seen in real life. It lasted like eternity, but not until the SS401 behind me clapped.

“Bravissimo. Our youngest already had his first kiss.” Hyunjoong opened the door widely then clapped again, breaking the two from their moment. I joined the clapping because I can’t hide the happiness I have for Hyungjun. We all walked towards the couple, saying joke and the like. Jungmin and Hyunjoong imitated what had just happened. While Kyu Jong and Young Saeng tapped Hyungjun’s shoulders to congratulate him for finally having the courage to say it to them. While me, I hugged Analy to congratulate her for officially being with Hyungjun. When I let go of her, she looked so shocked. As if a traumatic experience had just happened. Then when I waved my hands in front of her face, she talked.

“You guys..were..listening?”

The SS401 invited me to join their imitating but I refused since I heard my tummy growl.

“’C’mon guys, let’s have dinner. Haha! They’re still on shock. Just stop guys, you’re gonna traumatize them more.” I said, half-laughing.

So we went to dinner while SS401 is still imitating them on our way to the restaurant.
Chapter 4 Part 3
Midnight game.

“When did you exactly started courting Analy?” Jungmin interrogated like a lawyer.

“Midterm exams in my sophomore year.” Hyungjun’s mouth is full of sushi. As I looked at him while Jungmin asked him, he already ate 2-4 of them. 

“Hyungjun? Could you swallow those first before you answer us? The



Author's Message
Hi there, miss/mister.
You just read the prologue of my fic.
I hope you enjoy. This is written out of pure inspiration.
I just thank the sun for giving me such bright days.
I promise to keep you updated.
If I'm gone, I'll let you know why, and I'm sure I have a good reason.
This is my first fic. I hope to get coomments and motivation!



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MakiMaki #1
Waaahw this is amazing please update.
exoticzk #2
woahhhh it amazing
waaaa.. i love it.. Update soon!! Young Saeng and elaine.. i want them both together..:D
kenmari07 #4
hope you'll like it