author's note

National Nobodies

hey guys, long time no see! i'm a horrible updater, i know. but i was re-reading this the other day to try and get my inspiration back when i realized that i'm not pleased with this. i had a set plan with how i wanted to go about this universe, and i've kind of lost it. also, my writing style has changed a lot since i started this fic. i can't write this way anymore, and when i try, it doesn't seem of high quality. i want to keep this universe and these characters, though. i love this world i've created. i want to expand and do what i can. but, i think the only way for me to do that is to start over and actually follow through with my acutal plan. i know you guys probably don't wanna hear that. i'm sorry, but i honestly don't like this anymore. i think what i'm going to do is restart this. i'll take down all the current chapters, but leave this story, and rewrite the story in the way i want it.

i don't mean to make you guys hate me. i don't want you to sit there and tell me this is good enough. you may think it is, and that's great! but it's not good enough for me and i know for a fact i can make this better. i'm so, so sorry that you guys will go through this, but it's just the easiest way for me to feel comfortable writing for this fic again. i hope you all understand, and please stick around because i love you guys, and i want you, the people who've been through this part of the journy with me already, to see what's yet to come!

once again, i'm sorry.

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hello (probably inactive) subs! i’ve been gone for years, but if anyone has advice on how to export from here to a mobile i’d appreciate it. i want to work on this again! i no longer have a computer, so i don’t know how to go about this. love you all, thanks for all the support you gave me years ago


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shawolfeelings #1
Chapter 9: aawww is sad that you re-writing the story... but doesn't matter, if the previous story was great, with more reason it will be the new!!!!!...
Plus you're being very kind with the readers, not completely erase the previous chapters...
I'll miss the old story, but I'll wait eagerly for the new.
Also is for the welfare of your story.
So good luck author!
Chapter 10: I thought the story was great before :(
Well all we have to do is wait I guess :) <3
Chapter 9: can you at least keep the chapters somewhere else for us to look back on? :C

lol im very nostalgic u___u

but *hwaiting* on take 2 of your story :D
Chapter 8: I LOVE THIS~~^^
_pequinessa #5
Chapter 9: Hey, if you think re-writing the whole fic it`ll be better for you, and also for us, beacause of better reading experience, that`s fine for me.
So don`t worry, I`m gonna be here, because I really like your fic and if it will get better, there`s not a chance I`m gonna miss that!
Good luck girl, hope you update soon ^^
Take care, and cheers up!
*sorry bad english, it`s not my first language*
Chapter 9: ugh!!! i feel like i waited for a whole year for an update and now you tell me you're going to start over! WHY?!?!?! :'( *sniff sniff*But ill being waiting cause I love this story so much. Update soon :D
Chapter 9: i'll still be here when you're finished with everything. im too in love with this fic to let it go lol ^^
Chapter 9: Although I love this, as an author I can understand. I'm having the exact same problem and I've considered re-starting too. Hope everthing works out the way you want it too ! xx
Chapter 9: Alright. If you have done your decision then I won't complain but I'll just tell you that I like it the way it is. Good luck! :) <3
hi! idk... this is so embarrassing?? but i like check this every other week or something to see if you update. i`m really a fan of this story XD