And back into your arms I go

I'm home, baby

Kai sighs as he stares into the night sky. His eyes twinkle brightly, reflecting the stars that illuminate the pitch black horizon. His lips are chapped and cracked. His cheeks are red from the chilly air, and his whole body is trembling, missing the warmth of his lover's embrace.


The winter air is deadly cold, stabbing at his skin mercilessly as shivers after shivers run down his spine. The crystalline snowflakes rain down from the sky, and Kai suddenly feels so alone. He couldn't help but wish that somehow, his lover is thinking about him too.


He couldn't help but wish that somehow, Xi Luhan is thinking about him too.


It is the twenty-fourth of December, Christmas eve. Luhan is supposed to arrive at EXO-K's dorm at 6 p.m, but he's not here yet and it's already 7. Kai once again sighs deeply. With EXO-M and K's crazy hectic schedule, it's impossible to meet up with each other regularly. On top of that, EXO-M promotes in China and only comes back to Korea a few times in a year. This year, though, is specialThis year, EXO-M is coming back for Christmas. Kai is more than delighted that he's finally going to see his Luhan again after what feels like an eternity, but where is Luhan now and why is he not here yet?


Kai begins to cave in to his own paranoia, panicked thoughts running wildly in his mind. What if they got into an accident on their way here? What if they got into a car crash? What if their plane crashed? What if-


"What are you spacing out about?"


An oh-so-familiar voice interrupts his frenzied train of thoughts. Kai slowly lifts his head, afraid that he's only imagining that voice.


"Lu-Luhan?" he calls out in a barely audible voice, finally getting a sight of his lovely boyfriend's face. Luhan grins and opens his arms wide.


"I'm home, baby."


Kai could feel joyful tears prickling out of his brown orbs. He runs and throws himself into his boyfriend's awaiting arms. He buries his face in Luhan's shoulder as Luhan wraps an arm around his waist, the other hand his hair softly. It looks like those cliche scenes in movies where a couple reunites and hugs each other dramatically, only without the cheesy background music.


Kai's tears soaked Luhan's shirt within seconds, and Luhan couldn't help but chuckle. "Baby, I'm finally here, so why are you crying? Should I just fly back to China?" he asks teasingly. Kai abruptly lifts his head from Luhan's shoulder and puffs out his thoroughly flushed cheeks, pouting adorably. "You do that and I'll hate you forever." Luhan chuckles some more and Kai's cheeks gently. He looks into Kai's eyes with a tender smile on his lips. "I'm here to stay, so don't cry anymore, okay? Just smile for me. I've missed your smile, you know." He kisses Kai's forehead, then the tip of his nose, and down to his full, rosy lips. Kai gasps, flushing all the way to his ears. Luhan stares at him and almost coos at his cuteness. Oh how he's missed his Kai. "We should go in now. Kyungsoo told me to bring you in for dinner as soon as you arrive." Luhan nods before taking Kai's hand into his. "Let's go, then." Together they enter the warm apartment, greeted by the noisy bickering of their bandmates around the dining table.


They seat themselves on the dining table when everyone suddenly stops talking. Suho playfully scowls as he stares at the LuKai couple. "Well there you are, finally! We've been waiting for you guys. By the way, never knew you could blush that much in 5 minutes, Kai." Kai's eyes widen in astonishment. "You s-saw?" Everyone bursts into laughter of amusement. "Ever heard of something called windows?" Baekhyun giggles and winks at Kai. Kai rolls his eyes to cover up his nervousness, but fails as he blushes for the umpteenth time that night when Luhan whispers in his ear.


"Prepare yourself for what's coming after dinner, Kai. I don't think I'm gonna be able to hold myself back after such a long time." Kai gasps and whacks Luhan's head. "Y-yah! Cut it out, p-people might hear!" Kai stutters out. Luhan only smirks in response. With that, dinner begins. After dinner is over, the members retreat back to their rooms and off to their dreamlands. Those who occupy the rooms next to Kai and Luhan's, though, are not as fortunate. All night long, the BaekYeol and TaoRis couple could only groan in frustration and try to drown out the sound of LuKai's moans by burying their heads into their pillows, but of course to no avail.




My goodness it's finally done! >///< I'm sorry for the randomness and I know the plot is so, SO cliche. Sorry about that! m(_ _)m nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think about it! Kay then...until next fic! :D

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allsmiles #1
Chapter 1: That was cute! Listening to Miracles in December, it goes.with the story really well!! <3
dwiananing #2
aw kai why so cute >< i like this hehe
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 1: ‎​(>̯-̮<)‎​ cutie jongin :*
So luhan is the dominan here xD
dudukuma #4
Chapter 1: I love the plot, it is my KaiLu fav. one shot