Off to the recording studio Part 1

WOOLLIM ENT New Girl Group ~ PinkPunk ♥ ~ Apply Closed!

It was 7:30 am.The girls are still sleeping since they slept late last night.Suddenly,the manager went inside their dorm."Girls! Wake up you need to go to the recording studio now!!!" she said while screaming.But non of them woke up to she have no choice but to use plan B.She went  to each girls room to wake them up.The first room was Alyssa."Yah! Wake up you lazy head!" Yoonji said."What?? Yah get out of my room" Alyssa said while her head is still buried in her pillow.Since Yoonji has a really bad temper she took her pillow and decided to hit her.Bam! She finally hit her.Alyssa woke up as soon the pillow hit her.She was still is sleeping mode and still blank "Wait who are you" she said "Yah how can you forget you own manager.Come on get ready we're gonna be late"

The next target was the maknae Lisa.She went to her room to see her already woke up reading a book while listening to rock music ofcourse -.- "Wow,I'm very impress that you woke up early! she said in her sweet tone."How can I sleep when the Unnie is snoring?" Lisa said."Tou should get ready.Were going somewhere".

Yoonji straight went to Ki Youngs room.When she got in she use the Plan A one "Come on wake up.Wash up." Yoonji said. "Shut Up! Go brother someone else..I'm sleeping!" Ki Young while waving her hand around."How dare you shut up me!I don't want to this Ki Young but I have no choice.The next thing did was the same thing that happen with Alyssa.She hit her a few times until she was fully awake.

"Skye is next.She will be easy." Yoonji said."Wake up Skye today you have a lot to do" shaking Skye hands."What? Why must it be today???I need my beauty sleep Unnie." Skye said while pouting."You can have you beauty sleep later just get ready first" Yoonji said then walk out."All the member are awake now! All I have to do is now just wait for them,they better not be sleeping again"Yoonji though to herself.

Authors Corner

So? How was it? I tried my best to make sure you guys can understand it! I will put part 2 currently using iPad to its kinda hard

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Chapter 9: update soonnn
panda_attack #2
sorry coz we finished your poster too late.. but it's done now.. you can take it and leave some comment at ours if you don't mind.. sorry again for our mistake =(
Chapter 8: Looking forward for the story to start \^^/
Chapter 7: Well what do you know.. I am the rapping trainer..
Chapter 7: Thanks for making me part of the cameo ;)
Chapter 7: wahhh i'm their hair stylist
Chapter 7: Wah I'm their dancing teacher ^^
Chapter 6: Congrats :)