Chapter 11 - Friends and Enemies

It's All Just a Game

When Jiyong opened his eyes he was greeted with an empty bed, one that he was sprawled over with the blanket only half on top of him. He sat up, glancing around with a groggy yawn as he turned off his alarm and stretched absently.

Where was Seunghyun? Normally Jiyong had to wake him up, so he wasn’t used to this feeling of being completely by himself. He glanced at the clock.

Somehow his alarm had been set for a half hour earlier than usual and he quirked a questioning brow, standing and fixing his boxers as he walked out into the small hall.

What he saw was Seunghyun putting the finishing touches on a small but nice breakfast, one that he’d probably had to get up early to retrieve from the cafeteria. He glanced up when he heard Jiyong, smiling softly though he did sigh.

“Ah, I was gonna give this to you in bed. Oh well, I guess the surprise is ruined,” he started, and Jiyong laughed, shaking his head.

“I can’t deal with this, this is way too cute for me,” Jiyong replied in a laugh, watching as Seunghyun walked up and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Jiyong slipped his own arms around Seunghyun’s waist, head rested on his shoulder as Seunghyun let out a comfortable breath and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

“I wanted a relaxing breakfast to start today so you wouldn’t start the day too stressed,” he admitted gently, one hand moving to run through the hair at the nape of Jiyong’s neck. Jiyong smiled to himself, eyes closing as he gave Seunghyun a little squeeze.

“Ugh, way too cheesy,” Jiyong teased, but the smile never left his expression even as he ate the meal that Seunghyun had managed to prepare.

For the moment, it managed to relax him, and the two talked the entire way to class that morning, Seunghyun mostly trying to keep Jiyong’s thoughts away from the fact that this was probably going to be one of the worst days they’d ever experienced. Neither of them were really ready for what the day was going to bring, and after how awkward and stressful the day before had been neither were too excited to find out. They might have made even more enemies they didn’t even know about yet.

As they reached the door Jiyong felt a tug on his bag and he turned, though his hand stayed firmly clasped in Seunghyun’s. Seunghyun turned around as well, both of them greeted with the smiling but out of breath face of Hyosonn.

“I’ve been running after you guys for a while now. Didn’t you hear me calling your names?” she asked, and the two of them shared a glance before shaking their heads.

“No, we were talking. But you’re here now, so…” Jiyong let his voice trail off, looking from Hyosonn to Seunghyun and offering the other a weak smile. Seunghyun nodded.

“Right…” he mumbled, the three of them walking up the stairs and taking the first steps into the hallway in what seemed like forever.

Just like the day before, every eye was on them. Jiyong wanted nothing more than to turn right back around and leave, but he kept his hand firm in Seunghyun’s grasp, offering his hand a little squeeze as they headed toward their lockers.

It was like the halls had gone completely silent.

News always travelled fast in schools, so there was no doubt that by now everyone had heard what had happened between the three of them and Kangdae’s group. They had probably heard a version that cut out most of the details, but they knew that something was up.

When they got to their lockers Jiyong was a bit relieved to see no new graffiti covering the metal and he smiled softly, reaching out to open the lock when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. He was spun around and Hyosonn and Seunghyun followed, met with the angered look of someone that none of them had seen before.

Judging by the expression, he had probably been a friend of Kangdae’s, and Jiyong bit his lip.

“You two are Jiyong and Seunghyun, right?” he asked, and there was a moment of hesitation before they both nodded. The other man smirked. “You two got my best friend expelled. I could kick your asses right now.”

This was what Jiyong had been afraid of. It didn’t matter if they’d gotten the group that had been tormenting them kicked out of school because there was always going to be someone there to take their place. Considering how no one had stood up for them before, Jiyong was fully expected to be punched square in the jaw in a few seconds. He silently braced for it, but the punch never came.

Jiyong had expected nothing to have changed, but when he opened his eyes he saw two students between the one that had been threatening them and themselves. Glancing at Seunghyun, Jiyong blinked and quirked a brow.

“They’ve gone through enough, just leave them alone,” the girl said, the boy beside her just standing his ground so the other boy wouldn’t be able to get close to them. Jiyong could see the bully’s gaze travel between all five of them standing there before he huffed and rolled his eyes.

“You two think you’re big shots, standing up for some twinks and their friend… Whatever,” he said, practically dismissing him after he shot pointed glances at Jiyong and Seunghyun. As he walked away the two students who had gotten between them turned, smiling softly.

“A lot of people think you two are really brave,” the girl said gently, looking down. “We just don’t know how to show it. So if you need anything or ever want to talk… We’re here.” She offered them a little bow, taking the hand of the boy that was with her and hurrying off toward a classroom. Jiyong turned to Seunghyun, blinking a few times before finally opening his locker and getting a few things he needed for class.

For most of the day the two of them were actually left alone, and Jiyong felt relief wash over him. He had fully expected to get beaten up again, not go through the day like almost normal students. The only thing he noticed were a few students staying near them every time they walked down the halls, students that neither Jiyong nor Seunghyun had ever seen before. It was like they were forming a sort of barrier between them and anyone that would dare try to mess with them. It made the day even less stressful.

When the day was over Jiyong and Seunghyun quietly slipped back to their dorm, changing and deciding to head out for the first time in a long time. Seunghyun watched Jiyong get ready, making jokes and teasing as Jiyong shot them right back.

It felt like old times.

Neither of them were afraid of someone tormenting them.

Neither were afraid of living.

By the time they were both ready it was already starting to get dark and they walked down the street, Jiyong providing colorful commentary about the crowds around them and Seunghyun listening with a smile and his arm draped over his shoulder to keep him close.

It was like all the positivity dropped away when both of them saw a familiar face in front of them and both of them stopped in their tracks.

When Jiyong saw Kangdae his immediate reaction was to turn on his heel and head to complete opposite direction. Kangdae was too quick for him to respond, though, and he bolted toward them, followed by a few of the boys that Jiyong and Seunghyun knew a little too well for their liking.

“Well what do you know,” Kangdae began, stopping too close for Jiyong’s comfort as both he and Seunghyun took a step back. Kangdae jut continued to advance on them. “It’s the little fags that got us all expelled.”

Jiyong looked between Kangdae and the three boys that were with him. He saw the uncomfortable frowns on their faces, saw the looks they all exchanged, saw one of them shake their head and the other two agree.

“Yeah…” one of them mumbled, taking hold of Kangdae’s shoulder in an effort to turn him around. He looked back angrily.

“What the hell? Let me go,” Kangdae ordered back at them through gritted teeth. The boy’s grip just tightened on his shoulder. He looked at Jiyong with concern in his eyes, something that Jiyong couldn’t remember seeing before.

“Kangdae, you’ve ed with them enough. We got expelled. Give up.” The other two agreed with him, trying to pull Kangdae away from them. Kangdae just shook his head and pulled from their grip, taking a few steps forward as Jiyong and Seunghyun both backed up. Much like this morning they both braced for the worst but it never came.

A moment later all three of the boys that were with him pulled Kangdae away and all but threw him in the opposite direction, the one that had been speaking before continuing.

“Kangdae, get a grip. Leave them alone. It’s not gonna get you anywhere.” When Kangdae gritted his teeth and tried to run forward again one of the others reared back and punched him in the stomach, which stopped Kangdae in his tracks as he hadn’t been expecting it. Kangdae fell to the ground, two of the boys looking at Jiyong and Seunghyun and the other keeping an eye on Kangdae. “Look, I know it doesn’t mean much, but we’re sorry. We listened to him and we were wrong. Just… Get out of here before he catches his breath,” he said, offering the two a nod before looking back to Kangdae. “If you don’t change your damn opinions you’re gonna lose everyone, Kangdae. Figure it out.”

Jiyong and Seunghyun were out of sight before the conversation ended between the four of them. Neither cared what happened.

All they cared about was the fact that they had more people on their side than they thought they did.

The night came and went, both of them deciding that going for food far away from where they had been planning to and where they knew Kangdae was was probably the better option. It was hard but both of them put the whole thing out of their minds, laughing and talking and having a good time, Seunghyun kicking Jiyong’s feet and trying to pretend it was an accident despite the mischievous grin on his face.

As far as school, the two had decided before the next day even started that it was probably going to become a routine: they would get to school, probably be threatened by someone early in the day, and spend a lot of the rest of the school day trying to avoid the people that were messing with them. Like usual they met up with Hyosonn. Like usual they all walked into the building together.

But for the first time in a long time, no one looked at them like they were outcasts.

No one was whispering.

No one was silent.

No one ran up to them and made fun of them.

Jiyong looked to Seunghyun, then to Hyosonn, who looked just as surprised. Then Jiyong saw the smile creep onto Seunghyun’s face as he squeezed his hand.

Maybe they would be able to have a normal school year after all.

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WOW I'm so sorry this is taking so long guys. I've been really busy with life and insanity. /cry


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Chapter 11: Wow. This was really well done! Thank you for sharing it with us. I live how the people stood up for what was right at the end. I know the world is changing and this happens more often. But I really look forward to a day when this always happens. Thank you!!
Blue82 #2
Chapter 11: ....I have no idea what to say. It's a beautiful story.
KikiGTOP #3
Chapter 7: I don't finish to read this story but is beautiful. I can't wait to leave a commentary. This exciting and beautiful, I am ib love with this story. You are a great writer.
starry_night2014 #4
Chapter 11: a heartwarming story... thanks!!
Chapter 11: ughhhhh all the waiting was worth it, thank you very much ^-^
Chapter 11: well come back!! it's been a long time... thank you for the update
Chapter 11: well come back!! it's been a long time... thank you for the update
GenieJ #8
Chapter 11: Wow, I just read this all in one go and it was great! I don't know if you plan to update any more chapters, but I think this would be a great ending as well.
Thank you so much for writing this :)
lrvip052012 #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!! I'm so happy, but is this the end?