Like a Dream

Merry Christmas in Advance



When the snow comes down,
When the whole world is filled with it,
The flower blossoms covered in snow shine.
Like you who shines.


          The snow was falling down gently, drifting flake by flake. Falling sweetly, softly, like quiet kisses. Kikwang tilted his head back to catch a drifting flake on his tongue, reveling in the feel of the cold on his cheeks and nose, and the warm hand tucked into his. The smaller hand fit his like it was made to be there all the time. He turned his head to look at his lover, whose head was also tilted back, eyes full of laughter as he too tired to catch flakes on his tongue.

          Kikwang felt his heart thump, out of breath, as his eyes met sparkling black ones. The hand in his tugged playfully, pulling him along the road.

        “Let’s go, I wanna see the lights!”

         Kikwang smiled softly. “Mmmm.”

         They walked hand in hand down the road, full of twinkling lights of all colors, shapes and sizes. Vivid colors and soft whites that reflected brilliantly off the snow and the windows of shops lining the road. Up ahead there was a park full of living and artificial Christmas trees, some decorated in snow, some white, some green. Covered in lights, ornaments, tinsel and garland.

         “Kiki, let’s go there!”

          Kikwang laughed as he was tugged towards an inviting looking coffee shop, bustling with customers and festivity. Kikwang glanced at the doorway of the shop as they approached. A jingle bell was hung from a red ribbon along with a spring of mistletoe. Kikwang grinned, pulling his partner to a stop in the doorway.

          Feeling the tug on his hand, the other turned. “What’s the matter Kiki?”

          Kikwang put his hands on his lover’s waist, staring into his eyes, grinning as the other blushed redder than the ribbon above their heads. “Look,” Kikwang said, gesturing above their heads. “Mistletoe.”

          His lover looked up, eyes widening, before he blushed deeper. “Oh.”

          Kikwang tugged him closer, “What you don’t want a kiss?”

         “Yah. Babo.” His lover hit Kikwang’s chest lightly. “Of course I do.” He mumbled.

          Kikwang flashed him another sly grin, eyes disappearing. He leaned down as his partner tilted his head back, eyes closed. Kikwang started for a moment, then placed a gentle kiss on a snowy white, plump cheek.

           Eyes snapped open. “Hey!”

           Kikwang laughed. “What? I kissed you.”

           Grumbles and mumbles could be heard from somewhere around his chest. Kikwang chuckled. “What was that babe? I didn’t quite catch that.”

           Irritated eyes snapped to his. “Fine, no real kiss for you then.”

           Kikwang laughed heartily, “Well I can’t let you be disappointed on Christmas now can I?” Kikwang started deeply into shinning black eyes before capturing the others lips in a passionate kiss.

Cinnamon. He tastes just like cinnamon.

          They might have kissed for days. Or maybe years. So lost in each other they knew nothing else. When they finally pulled away from each other, they could see their breath in white puffs on the night air. Kikwang pulled Yoseob to the side as another couple pushed past them to enter the shop, till their bodies were flush up against the side of the building, hidden from the street. 

         Kikwang murmured endearments into his lover's hair, before capturing those lips again. They exchanged breath, and love, and little bit of their soul in that kiss. With the snow falling all around them now in heavier flakes. Kikwang pulled back to brush gently at the flakes that had caught in the dark hair of the boy he was so deeply in love with.

           “I love you Yoseobbie." Kikwang wrapped his arms tighter around Yoseob. "I'd do anything for you.”

           Yoseob flashed Kikwang a brilliant smile. More brilliant than the Christmas lights that had seemed so very vibrant a moment ago. It blinded him and made his heart beat thump.

           “You’re all I need.” 

Kikwang smiled at that. They leaned into each other, foreheads brushing. 





“Yah. Kikwang. I’m not your mother, get up.”

What? “Huh?”

“Oh, you didn’t hear me the first fifty times? It’s okay, I like repeating myself. I said. GET. UP!”

            Kikwang jerked awake, arms flailing slightly, caught up in covers that he had evidently tried to trap himself in while he was asleep. He blinked sleepily at the agitated face looming at him.  “Doojoon?”

“Yes, it’s me. We have to record today, so if it’s convenient with your packed sleeping schedule, get up.”

“Awe, Doojoonie, I’m sorry. I’m coming, I’m coming.” Kikwang struggled to smile. Another dream.

           “That’s what they all say,” retorted the leader, softening slightly as Kikwang climbed out of bed. He watched as Kikwang fumbled around for clean clothes, apparently mulling over something.

           “What is it?” Kikwang asked, noting the leader’s expression.

            “Nothing,” Doojoon grinned. “But that must have been a nice dream you had about Yoseob.”

            Kikwang gaped.

            “Please, who do you take me for? I’m not blind. Besides you were talking in your sleep.”

            Kikwang tried to speak, mouth moving, but words wouldn’t come. He merely started at his hyung.

            Doojoon laughed. “Oh this is so fun. Made my morning it did. Don’t worry your secret is safe with me.” Doojoon slapped Kikwang on the back slightly. “I’ll meet you in the van Kwangie.” Doojoon laughed as he left the room, “Aish, these kids, if they only knew.”



You, it still feels like a dream.
And you, it feels just like a gift.
For you, even if I am in your arms,

I’m always scared that I may be awakened from it like a dream.


No, I'm not ending it like that. There'll be more. So anticipate!


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Jennasha #1
Chapter 3: Okay this fic was pure awesome and ugh my heaart what did you do to my heaart ;-; i really loved how it started, it made me feel all giddy and that jszz. but then it was judt a dream and wow .___ i didnt see that coming. but then it was all fluff and thst made me squeal in my head ;A; i really really liked the becaude it was ....adorable ? Yeah ;n; well done!!!