Chapter 8

For A Change

It took two hours for Suzy and Myungsoo to arrive home. The only reason was because the bus decided to break down in the middle of the journey. It took them extra 10 minutes to walk home because they were tired so they dragged themselves home. Myungsoo, being the 'professional' photographer he is, would take pictures once in a while. It would be a tree or a house but most likely, it would be Suzy. Suzy would only sigh because she was too tired to tell him off and to stop it. It had been a long day for her. 

She thought being home would help... but it didn't. 

"Sunggyu hyung!" Suzy and Myungsoo heard as they walked through the front door. "Hyung!" Sungjong screamed again. 

Suzy and Myungsoo were frozen in their spot. Their eyes followed their mother's hand as it made contact with Sunggyu's face with force. Bright red liquid gushed out from the top of his head. It streamed down his face slowly, mockingly. That's all they could do at that moment because they were too scared. Who could blame them? They're only kids. 

Myungsoo searched for his other brothers, Sungjong was at the top of the stairs, watching his hyung getting beaten up. That's all he could do, follow Sunggyu's orders. Sunggyu ordered him to stay out of it. Dongwoo and Hoya were nowhere to be seen. They're probably upstairs, listening to music or taking a shower. They were smart enough not to be in the scene. Sungyeol was in a corner, hugging his knees with his head between his legs while Woohyun was beside him, comforting him. Their mother hurt Sungyeol, which results of Sunggyu getting beaten up because of interfering (like always). 

Suzy, who had the courage, walked calmly and stood in front of Sunggyu before their mother could throw another punch at him, Sunggyu couldn't even lift his head up. He couldn't open his eyes that much. Blood took over his vision. He was weak and in pain. He was crouched on the floor, his hand trying to shield his face as much as he could. He slowly dropped it when his energy level turned zero. 

"I said stop it." Suzy said through gritted teeth. Her eyes were shooting fire and her hands were clenched into a fist. 

"Suzy, what are you doing?" Sungjong whispered. Too scared to say out loud, too scared to get noticed. 

Their mother scoffed, "What are you going to do about it, little girl?" 

Suzy ignored her question."What did I tell you?" She took a step forward while her mother took a step back automatically. "I told you to stop." 

"I don't recall it." 

Suzy smirked, "Like how you don't recall that accident at that time?"

Myungsoo couldn't take it anymore. He walked towards them but a force pulled him back when he heard the harsh sound. His lips pressed into a thin line and he had the urge to get a lighter and burn their mother to death. 

The harsh sound made everyone look up. It made everyone open their mouths and made their eyes open as big as it could. The boys had the same feeling when they first witnessed each other getting hit. That harsh sound came from their mother slapping Suzy in the face so hard it made her cheeks go red. 

"Is this not enough?" Their mother spat at her. "Do you want more?" 

As if they practice, the boys screamed "No!" in unison. 

But it was too late. 

Their mum kicked Suzy in the knee, which made her fall down. She pulled her hair back and twisted Suzy's other arm back while laughing. What surprise them the most was that Suzy didn't make a single noise when she got hit. She didn't make any noise like it didn't hurt, like it was nothing. Their mother would have done more only if Myungsoo and Woohyun didn't interfere. 

But Suzy wasn't the type to give it. She wasn't the type of person who would lose so easily. 

Myungsoo pulled their mother away from Suzy and Woohyun did the same to Suzy. Suzy was only getting warmed up. She just needed to feel how much her mother could do. She hasn't seen the worst yet. Suzy struggled to free herself from Woohyun's grasp but he was too strong. She tried harder, thinking of all the things their mother did. 

"Let. Go." She threatened him. "Now." 

Woohyun shook his head, "No." Suzy growled at him. "I'm not stupid, Suzy. I've seen what she could do. You could die." 

Suzy scoffed, "You think I care? After what she's done to Sunggyu oppa? To all of you?" Woohyun loosened his grip slightly. "I'll make sure she won't win this time." Suzy freed herself while Woohyun watch her go, knowing he'll regret it later. 

Myungsoo, during that moment, was busy holding back their mothers. He nipped her skin now and then to give her some pain but he knew that wouldn't last long. Their mother stopped struggling which made him look up. He shot Woohyun a death glare because right in front of his mother, was Suzy. 

"Myungsoo oppa let her go before you get hurt." Suzy ordered. Myungsoo shook his head furiously. "Please" 

Myungsoo sighed and let their mother go. He was weak when Suzy used aegyo. Suzy nodded to thank him. Once again, everyone became tense. 

Suzy was about to take a few steps forward when she felt a shoulder on her hand. She turned around and looked at him with pity. 

"Oppa, go. You need to rest." She looked at Woohyun and Myungsoo, signalling them to take Sunggyu away. They looked at each other and walked towards Suzy and Sunggyu. 

"No, Suzy." Sunggyu shook his head. "I don't want you to get hurt" 

Suzy smirked, "Too late." 

Sunggyu lifted him hand to Woohyun and Myungsoo, telling them to stop. "Take Sungyeol upstairs and bring Sungjong to his room. I'll deal with it." 

Woohyun and Myungsoo could only nod. They took Sungyeol upstairs and brought Sungjong to his room. That's how they left. 

"Finally, we reunite together as a family again." Their mother sarcastically laughed. "How does it feel?" 

Suzy snarled at her and Sunggyu gritted his teeth. "We're not a family anymore." Suzy confirmed. 

"What are you saying? I gave birth to the two of you, didn't I?" Suzy wanted to vomit. "That makes me your biological mother."

Suzy had enough of it. She lunged towards their mother, scratching her face. Their mother fell on the ground with Suzy on top of her. Suzy punched her in the mouth, making her lips bleed. Their mother plastered an evil smile on her face and pushed Suzy off her. Suzy fell backwards and landed on her back. Sunggyu helped Suzy up while their mother got up. 

"How could you hit your own mother?" 

"How could you hit your own children?" Sunggyu shot back. 

Their mother ignored him and walked to the small table, located near the door. She picked up the flower vase, threw the flowers and water away and charged towards the two siblings. She pushed Suzy out of the way and smiled at Sunggyu. She lifted the vase up in the air and stopped midway. She was about to slam it against Sunggyu's head but Suzy pushed her to the wall, making a thud noise.

Their mother smashed the end of the vase against the wall and kept piece she was holding. She stood up slowly and started to walk towards them again. This time, the two siblings moved back in response. The remaining parts of the broken vase in her hand looked similarly to a glass blade, only this looked sharper and threatening because of it had about a million blades. 

Sunggyu stood in front of Suzy, shielding and protecting her. Their mother gave them a small smile and pushed Sunggyu with a massive force. He should have known it was coming. As his body hit the wall, he banged his head against the wall. He fell on the floor, unconscious. 

"Oppa!" Suzy screamed. She looked at her brother on the floor, lying there like he was already dead. The blood from before was already dry on his face. Suzy was broken and shattered inside. This was like watching her older sister in the accident. This was like walking back down memory lane but with a different story and a different scenario. 

Their mother smirked at Suzy before leaving her without a shield. Their mother walked towards Sunggyu and replayed the exact same actions she did before Suzy pushed her into the wall. Like before, Suzy stopped her. 

"Don't" Suzy said, almost pleading. "Don't you remember what I told you when you took me with you?" 

Their mother turned around and looked her in the eye, "You told me a lot of things" 

Suzy took one step forward, "I told you to stop hurting them." She paused and took another step. "Hurt me instead." 

Their mother laughed, "Your brothers won't even do that for you. Did you see how Myungsoo released me? He knew I was going to hurt you." 

"I told him to do it." 

"But if he cared, he wouldn't have." 

Those words, those words stabbed her in the heart. But if he cared, he wouldn't have, she repeated in her head. 

"I told him to do it." Suzy said again. "Now beat me up instead of him." 

"As you wish."

She proceeded to walk towards Suzy, the blade like vase in her hand. Suzy closed her eyes. She was tired and she only had enough energy to drag herself upstairs when this was over. She lifted her arms towards her head, making a shield with it. The threatening footsteps of her mother became louder. She could feel the vibrations that her mother produced with her foot against the floor. This made her heart pound. 

Suzy felt something poke her skin but she didn't dare open her eyes. Her mother digs the sharp vase into her skin and drew a line down her arm, which made blood ooze out. Suzy felt the burning pain, the liquid sliding down her arm and the relief that it wasn't her brother who ended up like this or worse. 

However, her mother wasn't done yet. Her mother walked behind her back. She stopped and lowered fabric on Suzy's shoulder, exposing her bare skin. Once again, she digs it harder than before and scratched it down her shoulder slowly. She knew that the slower it was, the more pain Suzy felt. Suzy let out a little cry. It hurt too much. Her mother went too far today. She wasn't even use to the punches or the scratches or even the whipping of a belt. 

Her mother broke the contact between the vase and her skin and threw it aside. "I'm done for tonight."She started to walk up the stairs. "If you don't want your brothers to get hurt tomorrow, I suggest you be ready and don't come home late." With that said, her other disappeared at the top. 

Suzy collapsed on the floor, in pain and agony. She held her tears in and her scream. She didn't want her brothers to see her like this. She glanced at Sunggyu, who was still unconscious at the other side. She sighed in relief and stood up. She slowly walked over to the mess and carefully cleaned it up. She winced now and then when she felt horrible, burning pain but she made sure she didn't make a noise. 

She went to the kitchen and got a dustpan and brush and swept away the broken vase. She got a cloth and cleaned the small amount of blood off the floor. When her feet and legs refuse to work, she crawled to the kitchen and pulled herself up by grabbing onto the chair. She chucked the cloth in the bin and walked slowly back to where Sunggyu was. 

She looked at him for a while but her vision started to get fuzzy. Before she knew it, she out and collapse on the floor.

At that precise moment, Sunggyu opened his eyes. 


Any news or feeds or any annoucements about this story will be found on the story feeds at the side. Check on it once in a while in case I've posted something. 

Sorry again for this... sad and badly written chapter. /goes in a corner and cries/ The story had enough MyungZy moment so far. 

Thank you.


Love, asdfghjklomg!

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This chapter is probably the longest one, right? 4 pages guise. 4 pages. Sorry guise f it's lacking. Take Care!


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Chapter 10: Please update soon:D
delena #2
Chapter 10: i knew it insu is woohyun's little brother, yeay kkkk. update soon please. such a nice story ^^.
soomuch_A #3
Chapter 10: What a small world, but still... too big to understand :)
Oooh I'm so relieved to knew that Suzy's fine..
Update soon... Myungzy!
shumz456 #4
Chapter 10: Plz update soon!
delena #5
Chapter 9: omg i am so panic here. what's gonna happen next? update soon!!! ^^
suho_S2_suzy #6
Chapter 9: plz take good care of suzy infinite.i count on you.hope her pain isnt much serious
shumz456 #7
Chapter 9: Suzy. Plz update soon!
Chapter 9: It's my first time wanting to kill an old lady.

I hope my baby girl is okay. geez painkillers don't help her. how much does it hurt then?
chiiruu #9
Chapter 9: Suzy, please be ok :l