This Kiss!

It’s a sunny Monday morning and the people at the arrival area of  Incheon international airport just got the shock of their lives when a girl came rushing outside and suddenly knelt down on the pavement with her hands outstreched like she’s giving praise.

 “LAAAAANDDD!” the girl screamed, obviously very relieved but oblivious of the stares she’s getting from by-passers.

“Finaaaalllly!!!!” she went on talking to herself. As if the screaming wasn’t enough, she suddenly leaned closer to the floor and kissed it!  The crowd flinched in disgust but the girl wasn’t even aware of the attention she’s getting. She stood up, dust off her pants, arranged her back pack, scan her surroundings, then strode off like nothing happened leaving the crowd in shock and awe.  

“Okay! Now what Sandara?” she asked herself not really knowing what to do. Four hours ago, she was so sure of herself. But now that she’s in Korea, her home, but a country so foreign to her, she just want to go back to the Philippines.

“Ani!” she exclaimed out loud shocking the elderly man beside her. “Don’t be a wimp Sandara Park! You brought this upon yourself so you have to stand firm! Remember why you’re doing this!” she went on talking to herself, earning weird stares from the old man.  “Deh!” she even replied to herself. “Fighting!” she exclaimed pumping her fist high.


It’s 10 in the morning and it’s blazing hot already, but for some of the girls outside a music station, it will be even hotter any second now. Anticipation is in the air as  girls spazz and giggle to themselves.  Then out of a sudden, screaming could be heard when a black van stopped in front of them, as security officials of the music station scrambled to block back the wild screaming fans.


“Opppppaaaaa!!!!”  fans scream as they wait for  the van’s door to open. “Oppaaaaaaa!!!” All hell broke loose when the door slowly opened revealing six men in stylish outfits.

“Gaaaahhhh!!!!! Oppaaa!!!!”


“Yah! Are you trying to get your self killed?!”  An angry driver screamed as Sandara scrambled to cross the street.

“Mianheyo!!!” she cried and bowed as the car zoomed pass her. “Pwew! That was close!” she sighed. “Now what?” she pouted as she looked around. “Gosh...I didn’t know Seoul is this big! Ottoke~” she felt twitch. “What did I get myself into?” she continued to walk around until she found a fountain with a nearby bench where she could sit.

“Ahhhh~” she sighed in relief as she slumped down. “Aigooo~ my poor feet!” she cringed in pain as she pulled her shoes off. “Ahhh~ that’s better!” she cheered as she wiggle her toes free.

For 5 minutes, Sandara just sat there while looking around the unfamiliar surroundings.  She felt happy but scared at the same time. She grabbed her back pack and reached for her wallet. She opened it and a picture of a guy greeted her.

“You made me do this!” she pursed her lips as her hands unvoluntarily went to trail the features of the boy’s face in the picture. “You made me promise! Aish!” her nose wrinkled in irritation. “I shouldn’t have made that promise with you! Now look what you’ve done! I’m lost! I don’t even know where to start looking for you! All I have is your stupid picture and this stupid necklace!” she went on as she clutched the necklace around her neck. Suddenly her phone beeped indicating a message.

Dog Poop: Hey unnie! Are you in Korea already?

Sandara grew excited with her brother’s message. She fumbled on her phone to send a reply.

Cheap Rabbit: Dog pooop! Yes! I arrived an hour ago! I missed you and umma already!

Dog Poop: Well we don’t! Lol! Just kidding! Take care of yourself arasso? Don’t be stupid while you’re there!

Cheap Rabbit: Yah! Your unnie is not stupid!

Dog Poop: Yeah right! Lol! Okay then! Bye unnie! Message us soon!


Sandara hugged her phone. She truly misses her younger brother even though he pisses her most of the time back in the Philippines. This is the first time that she’s  far away from home and it’s hard but she needs to do this. Then she stared at the picture again. ‘I better find you soon...”


“We are one! We are...EXO!” the six men exclaimed after the emcee of the music program announced that the group won  the “Mutizen award”.

“We would like to thank all of our dear fans for always being there for us.” one  of them said as he showed his eye smile making the girls scream more. After he stood back, another one of them grabbed the microphone. “Please continue to support us! Bbuing! Bbuinggg!!!” he exclaimed while doing the famous aegyo line making the crowd go even wilder.


“Yah! Put your freaking feet away from my seat!” Kris, the leader of the group, frowned at the guy seated behind him.

“But hyunggg! I want to stretch my feet!” Tao, the youngest, countered pouting.

“You’re kicking my seat!”

“But I’m not doing it on purpose!” the maknae answered, still shuffling from his seat.

“Just stay still!”

“But I’m not comfortable! >3<”

“Yah! Yah! I cannot believe you two are fighting inside the van!” Xiumin scowled at the two bickering members. Lay, the most laidback member, can’t help but chuckle at the growing commotion.

“Aish! I cannot believe those guys from the station are giving this crap to us!” Chen exclaimed while holding the trophy.

“What do you mean?” Xiumin asked craning his neck. Lay also turned his attention to Chen, forgetting the two still bickering members.

“This is just a piece of plastic!” he cried angrily, shoving the trophy to Xiumin, hitting the other’s nose.

“Ouch! Why did you do that?!” Xiumin scowled rubbing his nose.

“Yeah Chen. You should be more gentle with the trophy.” Lay added.

“HMMPH! That’s just plastic! I hate it when companies go cheap with their prizes! How come they treat us like trash?! We work hard for our craft and we deserve better!”

“Aish! Can’t you just appreciate this thing???” Xiumin frowned, passing the trophy to Lay. “You’re such a diva!” he went on.  Chen just stuck his tongue out as an answer.

“Aish! You’re such a disrespectful maknae!” Kris barked at Tao making the other 3 turned their attention back to them.

“H-hyung? H-how can you s-say that?” Tao replied with a shocked expression. “WAAAAAH!!! You’re so insensitive!!! I hate you hyunggg!!!!”  he flails his arms around hitting Chen and Xiumin together.

“YAAAAH!” the two chorused scowling at the maknae.

“WAAAAAH!!! Why do you guys ganging up on me????” Tao cried, pouting even more. “Lulu hyuuung!!!” he turned to the sleeping guy beside him and started shaking him. “Wake up hyuuung!!! Help me!!! The others are bullying me again!!!” he went on shaking the poor guy uncontrollably.

“Yahhh! What do you you’re doing?! Don’t wake him up!” Xiumin’s eyes grew large with horror  seeing the maknae shaking Luhan the “sleeping beast”.

“Yeah Tao...please stop that...(^.^”) ” Lay pleaded, worried that Luhan will wake up. Kris reached his one of his shoes and threw it at Tao making the other squeal with shock and pain.

“Hyyyunggg! You’re such a meanie! TT___TT”

“Are you trying to get us all killed?! How many times do we have to tell to NEVER EVER wake up a sleeping Luhan?!”

Tao pouted, massaging his head where he was hit. Xiumin and Kris sighed in relief when Luhan didn’t even bulged.

“LOOK OUT!!!” Chen cried all of the sudden as their van turned to a screeching halt with a loud blag.




Annyeong! (^.^) So how did the chapter one go? Was it okay? xD Please comment so that I will know. You can also send me your thoughts through pm. Also, I will gladly accept all criticism but please be nice with your words. No cursing me okay? xD This is just the beginning of the many more Sandara plus EXO adventure so please stay tune and be patient. xD I cannot update always but I promise to do my best in every update. Please READ.COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE and UP VOTE (if you like). I will greatly appreciate all of this. Thank you! ^.^\/



  1. Who is this guy that Sandara is looking for?
  2. Why is Sandara looking for this guy?
  3.  What do you think happened to EXO?

 Stay tune and find out the answers to this question! xD

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Chapter 1: an interesting beginning, but then i noticed it's been more than a year and a half with no update.
please update, i'd like to
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 1: woot please update! :)
Chapter 1: kyahhh! want more update,please....thanks :)
please update it's 2014 already T^T
ShaiRa1009 #5
Chapter 1: waahhh update soon >.<
waaahh imsoexcited:)
Chapter 1: made me lol hahaha! good job authornim~ uhm i think dara is looking for either one of the boys but idk why. and maybe ssantokki was on the way that's why the van came into a sudden halt. anyways, pls update soon! :)
layrie #7
Chapter 1: pls update soon
Chapter 1: omg. please update authornim! :)
Chapter 1: seriously i'm craving for this story!! Can't you update this author-nim? I love krisdara so muchyy<333 hehehe
Chapter 1: Author!!! Update juseyo~