The ugly duckling

Hyosung and the Seven Giants

Hyosung opened her door and stepped out, smacking her dry lips together and ruffling her purple hair.
"Morning guise......" She mumbled as she headed to the kitchen, eyes half open, or half closed.

Before she could even step another foot out stablely she stepped on a cylinder, causing her to slip and fall. She yelped loudly. Very, very, very loudly, and fell down flat on her .

"Damn! My S-line is going to go out of shape!" She cried as she got on her feet again. She rubbed both her eyes open and flicked her head. "Hold on a second, WHERE IS THIS???!!!!"


Sungyeol jumped from his bed, bumping his head on Hoya's stomach. "Yahh don't hit me!" Hoya yelled at him. "I'm sorry okay! I heard Mom screaming!"

"Huh, Mom screaming...?" Sunggyu woke up due to the commotion of his brothers. "Mom always screams though...."

"Shouldn't we go and check on her or something?" Sungjong asked brushing his hair down neatly.

"Sure, wake up Dongwoo and Myungsoo first." Woohyun took Sungjong and Sungyeol out of the book first to look for their 'mom'

"Aishh why do I have to face this every day...." Sunggyu got up and went to jump on Myungsoo's bed. "Kim Myungsoo~~~ Get your up you black haired anime character~~" Sunggyu chanted while jumping up and down. "Alright I got it......move away." Myungsoo turned

Sunggyu sighed and went to call Dongwoo up. "Dongwoo.....stupid Dino......move your ." Dongwoo stirred alittle and kept still.

"GET UP YOU LAZY BUTTS!!!" Sunggyu yelled loudly. Myungsoo and Dongwoo jumped. "Wh-what?"

"Great, you're up. C'mon, we gotta go look for mom. Dongwoo, get Hoya." Sunggyu sighed and pulled Myungsoo along out of the book.

"Oh you guys are up." Woohyun looked at them coming out from the excerise book aka their home.

"Genius. So have you found Mom yet? Why was she screaming?" Sunggyu asked.

"According to my ears, her voice came from there." Sungyeol pointed to the storybook. Their eyes followed his finger. "The ugly duckling?!"

"Whatever it is, we'd better go in first." Dongwoo walked in first, the others followed


"Where is this?? I didn't see this place in Google Earth......" Hyosung got on her feet and walked around. There were tall plants around her that looked like giant grass. The sky was unusually blue unlike the polluted skies back at home. The ground was soft with soil. Hyosung huffed as she was still her checkered button down oversized shirt and a pair of loose short pants. No shoes.

"Might as well look around." She started to walk. She went straight, never turning an inch, hoping to get somewhere.


"Quiz! Who knows the story of the Ugly Duckling?" Woohyun asked them as they too walked under the same sky as their mom. But they were not aware of this

"Me! Once upon a time, there was an odd coloured duck found in a group of ducks-" Sungjong started his story.

"A bunch, of ducks." Sunggyu corrected him

"A bunch, of ducks. They bullied him because they thought that he was ugly. Turns out he was-"

"Roast duck?" Dongwoo interupted

"A goose!" Sungjong concluded proudly

"A goose?" Sungyeol questioned

"A pretty goose." Sungjong said confidently nodding his head

"I don't think so?" Hoya said suspiciously "I remembered that he was not a goose."

"What is he then! A duck?!"

"A peacock." Hoya said.

"Hey wait there's foot prints!" Sungyeol shouted and pointed to the soil.

"About size 5......" Dongwoo examined it.

"How do you know?" Woohyun snorted

"Fahsionista man!" He replied and fist bumped Hoya.

"I think we should follow the foot may be mom's." Sunggyu said and they went along the trail of footprints, still argueing over the duck, the peacock and the goose.


"What's that!" Hyosung whispered when she heard some rustling on the tall grass. She turned to hear someone, or something, walking towards her direction. She gasped and jumped into the grass, hoping to hide, and hoping that that something will pass and not bother her.

"Hey the prints stopped here." A voice said. "And it turned into there."

Hyosung held her head down and wrapped her hands around her head, staying as low as possible and not moving a muscle. When she felt the grass around her move, she jumped out and yelled on the top of her lungs. "GO AWAY WHATEVER YOU ARE!!" She flailed her hands and punched infront of her.

Luckily for them, Dongwoo caught her wrists just in time when her hands were an inch away from Sungyeol. "Mom! Calm down!" Sungyeol yelled, taking two steps back

Hyosung opened her eyes and saw her 'kids' infront of her, one looking terrified, the other holding her wrists and the others looking confused. Her hands stopped flailling and scanned her boys.

"One two three four five six seven, all acounted for. Can you release my arms now dear." Dongwoo pulled his hands back behind him and smiled meekly

"So, what are you guys doing here? I don't know what I'm doing here either. Man this is confusing!"

"Mom! Focus! Firstly, how did you get here?" Hoya asked, cupping her face with both hands.

"I don't know, how did you?" Hyosung asked. Hoya pinched her cheeks, unable to resist her cuteness and baby fat. Which he too, had some on his cheeks.

"We walked here. IN here to be exact. We're in a book!" Sungyeol exclaimed

"Yup, in the Ugly Duckling. Which reminds me, it's a goose!" Sungjong shouted at Hoya

"What's with a goose?" Hyosung asked. The others just shrugged their shoulders

"So, what do we do now? We found mom, and?" Woohyun asked Sunggyu

"And we go back! Duh." Sunggyu answered nodding his head

"How?" 5 of them asked him, with the exception of Sungjong and Hoya, who were still bickering about gooses, peacocks, birds.

"Maybe, we could just come out like we did from home?" Sunggyu suggested. Sungyeol voluntered to jump out but he got knocked down by a barrier.

"Now what?" Myungsoo asked, arrows ice and torches shooting out of his eyes aiming at Sunggyu. Wait, if there's fire wouldn't the ice melt?

"I think, that we'd have to finish the story." Sunggyu finally said.

"Great. So we'll tell the story ourselves. Now, how does it start?" Dongwoo asked Hoya

"Once upon a time-" He started but was cut off by Dongwoo

"Again again. Do it hip-hop style. Nom' sayin!"

"Once. Upon a time, yo! Like this?"

"This, wil go on until the ends of the day." Sunggyu face palmed.

"Okay okay listen! Mom telling a story now!" Hyosung decided to take over and follow what Sunggyu said, at least it will get them somewhere. And she still needed to find Sunhwa, Jieun and Zinger. And her meat.

"One fine random day, there was a bunny." She started. At that time, a bunny really ran past them. What was weird was that, he was dressed in a waistcoat complete with glasses and a pocket watch. In fact, he was speeding so fast while looking at his pocket watch chanting "I'm late. I'm very very late!" he nearly knocked Hyosung over.

"Hey you!" 4 other colourful bunnies ran after that finely dressed bunny, holding a stick in their hands. Each had a sparkling badge at their chest, which caught Hyosung's eye. The bunnies colours were....weird.

"Did someone spray paint those bunnies??" Hyosung wondered.

Suddenly a cold gust of wind hit her neck. She slowly looked down, only to see black coloured bunnies holding spears. She had one near hers and the boys had one near theirs too.

"Wha-what?" She looked unbelieveably at the black bunnies.

"You're under suspision for a crime. You can whatever you want or choose not to say anything. But everything you say will be written down and used in court in future as evidence." The bunny nearest to her said in a robotic tone and pushed her along. She had no other choice to follow them for now.

"Mom, what's going on?" Sungjong asked.

"I'm pretty sure that bunny was from Alice In Wonderland. But we're in The Ugly Duckling! Is he in the wrong fairy tail or did you guys see wrongly?" Hyosung sighed. She was hungry.

"Even if my eyes were small I'm pretty sure that it was The Ugly Duckling." Sunggyu huffed.

"Anyway, let's move with them for now. We might find your aunts. If they're a threat to us, we can always have roast rabbit for breakfast." Hyosung told her 'sons'.

"Hey. Shut it behind there." The rabbit in front ordered in his robotic voice.

And they kept quiet until they reached their destination.



Finally! An update!
Do you miss me? Huh? huh? huh?

Originally, the 6 colourful bunnies were supposed to be a cameo
But, I decided to add them.
As a cameo.
They won't be following Hyosung and her kids to the next storybook.
Opps did I reveal too much?? =3

Happy new year to every one~~
2013 daebak~~

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Great story!
DinoMyungYeol #2
Chapter 13: Update soon...!!!!! Love your story very much... ^_^
Chapter 13: Hehe
I wonder who hyosung will end up with and will the infinite guys ever gp to the real world with her and all that
Chapter 12: Wow KIM HIM CHAN! *laughs*
Chapter 12: So it's like a flashback. Hmm~
Himchan is careless yet dangerous sometimes --"
Chapter 10: If Jieun is found already, then Hana is the only one left unfound~
But idk what storybook is this. I have no idea x___x I need a hint. Or maybe.. some :D
Sorry for reading this too late >< Update soon babe~
Chapter 10: Hyosung really acts like the mum
Daehyun is so cute
eine08 #8
Chapter 10: Finally Jieun! Now where is Hana?
And OMG this is so funny!
Please update soon >_<
Chapter 9: Youngjae, youngjae *shaking head* Is he too innocent or what? The super junior thing makes me laughing so hard! And the last thing where yongguk accepted his fate is like preventing me from stop laughing XDD
I'll wait for the next fairytale and hoping that they'd meet jieun or zinger soon. Update soon as well <3
Chapter 9: Woah sunhwa out her throne taken away
I never saw that coming