Jonghyun's Present

Jonghyun's Birthday Present (Oneshot)

It was the early morning of April 8.A very special day for a certain someone.The SHINee members woke up one by one.First Key,followed by Minho,Taemin,Onew and lastly Jonghyun.The special boy of the very day.The other members had be wondering about what present they should give Jonghyun or do they have to plan for him a surprise party but they scratched out the thought as they were sure the fans would plan a party for Jonghyun.In the end,they haven't decided yet.

They all prepared themselves,brushing their teeth,bathing etc.Jonghyun had decided to go out for the day as he wanted to go out first and perhaps spend the day with a few friends or his fans.So he headed out first.The members had wished him happy birthday at midnight when the clock struck 12.

"I'll come back by dinner time so we could celebrate my birthday then.." He said before leaving.The members nodded and waved him goodbye also telling him to take care since his injury hasn't fully recovered.

"'s a good time to decide what we could get for him.." Onew said.The others nodded.

"But what should we get for him,hyung?" Taemin,the maknae asked.

"I'm not sure either..He doesn't really lack anything." Key,the diva who knows everthing about the members said.

"'s seems difficult.." Minho said,pondering still what they could get as a present for Jonghyun.It had to be something he likes.

"AH!" Taemin shouted making everyon turn to him.

"YAH! Don't shout in my ear!" Minho yelled at him as he was just beside him.

"Oops.." Taemin pouted."Sorry.." He gave his best aegyo look.Minho just shook his head.He could never ever resist that look.He ruffled Taemin's hair as he hugged him.Taemin smiled.

"So what's your idea?" Onew asked Taemin.Taemin smiled mischeviously then laughed a evil laugh which made everyone's hair stand.They had a feeling they wouldn't like his idea.But then,he looked at Key.Key was confused.He definitely didn't like whatever Taemin was planning despite not knowing what it was yet.

"We had always known that Jonghyun hyung has feelings for Key umma.." Taemin started."It's about time I get an appa too.." Taemin said.

"Ahhh.." Onew said,nodding as he got what Taemin was trying to say.Minho got it too.

"Not a bad idea.." He agreed.By now,the members were all looking at Key.Key was confused.Just what idea did Taemin come up with? That was what he was thinking.It took Key some time before he got it.

"Noo way!" Key shook his head furiously."NOO WAY! THAT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!" He screamed as everyone covered their ears.

"But that's the best present Jonghyun hyung will ever get." Taemin said.

"Besides,we all know both of you have feelings for one another so just get together already." Minho said.

"But I am NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER DOING THAT! NO!" He screamed the last part again as everyone once again covered their ears.

"Please umma...I want an appa.." Taemin begged giving his best puppy dog eyes and cute pout.He knew Key couldn't resist this.Key was trying hard but he knew he couldn't.In the end he just sighed in defeat.The members smiled.

"Well,that's decided.." Onew said as he clapped his hands and went to the fridge."Ima go eat chicken.." he said as he went to take out the chicken from the fridge and heat it up.

Soon,it was time for dinner.Key had prepared a party for him.A mini party just for the members.He had baked a cake and prepared dinner.It was fun since he liked cooking but he kind of dreaded night time.Not that he doesn't want to be with his beloved yeobo but he isn't prepared.At least not yet.

The dinner and party was fun.There was the birthday bash,jokes making,singing of songs and everything.They even managed to smudge cake on Jonghyun's face and hair which was super funny.Everyone was laughing and playing.It made Key temporary forget about what's gonna happen later.

Jonghyun had to go bathe because of the cake smudging and the members took this chance to push Key into the room which they shared.They did a hwaiting pose and all left,closing the door of the room and soon,the door of the dorm,leaving them all alone to themselves so as to not disturb them.

Key sighed and thought,'Oh well,I might as well enjoy this while I can.." he said as he took out his clothes and layed on Jonghyun's bed.

"Gosh it's cold.." He muttered softly under his breath.Then,the sound of the bathroom door opening was heard and Key blushed as he closed his eyes.He could hear Jonghyun's gasp and the gulping of his saliva.He soon felt someone hovering over him and a light weight pressed onto his body.

"You look so beautiful..and so darn y.." A husky and deep voice whispered seductively into his ear.Key shivered as he slowly opened his eyes.

".I want you.." Jonghyun said as he felt himself go hard.

"Then take me.." Key said simply and Jonghyun his lips.

"Oh I will.." He said to Key and kissed him.

*Imagine this part yourself.I wanted to write it but my headache is too bad.*

"This is the best present ever.." Jonghyun said as he gently layed beside Key,wrapping his arms around Key's delicate waist.Key was tired but he had to admit it was the best time of his life despite the burning pain he was feeling in his right now.

"Yeah.." was all he could say.

"I love you so darn much." Jonghyun lightly kissed Key's sweet lips.

"Me too.I would always be with you." Key replied Jonghyun.Jonghyun smiled.

"That's the best present I ever received in my life.." Jonghyun said."Thank you" He added as Key chuckled.Soon,they both fell asleep,looking forward to tomorrow.The other members came back and peeked into the room,smiling as they saw the sweet hugging couple.They closed the door silently as they smiled feeling happy for the 2 as they finally got together.They went to sleep soon as well.Taemin and Minho together and Onew alone in his room,all smiling and looking forwards towards a great day tomorrow.

Done.Comments please.I may edit the rated part later if I get better.I gonna go sleep already.Head hurts like hell.


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This is an amazing read.
calendaroflove #2
oppa!! :DD jong o jong
please edit the rated part soon~!!! i loved the story!<br />
I <3 this
i love it !! taeminnie so funny , he want JongDino be his appa :) awww JongKey so sweet !!! i love them so ing much !!
CUTE !! I love it.. Write again Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡
cool .<br />
jjong oppa's birthday .
Hwaiting! I really hope I'll get to read your one shot soon!! XD I can't wait!