Chapter 2

My English Teacher (Hiatus)
Tiffany's POV

Ding~ The bell rang. I woke up from my nice and peaceful sleep. Everyone was getting up to get out apart from one person. Jessica. I tapped her shoulder to wake her up. No response. I poked her arm. No response. I beathed heavily and lifted up my arm. I closed my eyes and rapidly brought my hand down.

"Ahhhhhhh! Tiffany are you trying to kill me? Why did you hit me you son of a b**ch!" Sica yelled. I opened my eyes and smiled, making sure that my eye smile was showing so she wouldn't get so angry.

"That's not affecting me Tiffany!" She glared at me. I stopped smiling and stood up. I prepared to run because I knew Jessica couldn't catch me but Miss Kim was staring at me. I stopped moving and I accidentally got caught in a headlock from Jessica.

"Let go Jessica! I'm sorry!" I apologised.

"I'm not letting go until I get to smack your arm!" She twisted my ear.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh help me!" I screamed from the pain. Suddenly, a pair of feet stopped in front of me. We both looked up, only to see Miss Kim giving us a deadly glare. Jessi let go of my head and we both stood up straight.

"You two are making such a ruckus. Don't want to go to lesson? Fine. Stay here for the whole lesson. Count this as your detention for sleeping." She said calmly to us and started to walk back to her seat.

Jessica started making funny faces which made me giggle. Miss Kim heard my giggle and turned around. "Make one noise and you will both be disqualified from the test earlier. You're parents would be so ashamed of you two for entering the lower class." She said calmly once again. We both nodded and she walked back and sat down on her seat. Me and Jessica sat down in our seats too.

Another hour passed and we weren't allowed to get up or make a noise. Ding~ Yes! It was lunch time. Jessica sprung up from her seat and rushed out of the room. I was about to follow when "Miss Hwang sit down." I stared at Miss Kim and she stared back at me. I became really uncomfortable when I saw her looking into my eyes. I obeyed and sat down.

"Yes miss. Is there something I need to do?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Of course. Pass these to the Principal please." She threw a bunch of paper at me and the pieces flew into different directions. I stared at the messy pile of sheets that was scattered around the room. "Oops. Pick those up for me will you? And make sure they go in the right order. Thanks. I'll go and get my lunch now." She pretended to be sorry and she walked out. I saw her have an evil grin. I clenched my fist and punched the table once she left.

I didn't know what was wrong with this teacher. It's like she is purposely making me stay longer so she would be happy. Why would she be happy? She's not even in the classroom watching me... I crawled around the floor and picked up all the sheets. Once I gathered them all, I looked at the page numbers and tried to arrange them in the correct order.

The door opened and Miss Kim came in with two sealed sandwiches and two bottles of water. She smiled at me and I glared at her. She walked up to me and placcd a bottle and a sandwich onto my table, then she grabbed a chair and sat in front of me.

"Let's eat lunch. I bought some for you too. Forget about those sheets. I sent an email to the Principal already." She said and opened the packet that was sealing her sandwich. She took a bite and looked at me. "Aren't you going to eat? It wasn't cheap you know!" She laughed and carried on eating like a kid.

I giggled inwardly so she wouldn't know and it wouldn't be obvious that I was laughing at her. I opened my sandwich and took a bite out of it. I didn't know why, but it felt nice to finally eat in peace. When I was with Sunny and the rest of my friends, they would talk too much. I should be angry that she kept me in here and made me do work when she already finished it. But I wasn't, I was happy.

"Let me clear up. You can leave now." She told me. I nodded.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"For what?" She wondered.

"For buying me lunch." I smiled. She didn't talk or move for a moment. I always got that kind of response when I smiled to someone for the first time.

"Err you're welcome. I should repay you for helping me with the work.." She chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head.

"How much did the lunch cost?" I asked and took out my purse.

"No don't repay me! I get paid don't worry!" She grabbed my hand and made me put the purse back into my bag. A wave of electric ran through her body to mine. I couldn't take my eyes off her. We both stared at each other for a few moments.

"You should go now. Bye!" She walked back and waved. I smiled and waved back.

"Well, once again, thanks. And bye danshin!" I waved and walked to the door.

"Hang on! I'm not a danshin!" She yelled at me. I stopped in front of the door and looked back.

"Well you're shorter than me so you are short." I winked at her. A tint of pink appeared on her face.

"You're just calling yourself short!" I heard her yell at me before I left. I closed the door without replying. I stood outside the door and smiled. What a cool English teacher... I can't wait until tomorrow!

It was a brand new day! I got up early and brushed my teeth peacefully. I washed my face and had a quick shower. I changed into my uniform happily. Does anyone know why I am so happy? Well, I have a triple lesson of English this morning! I don't know why but I am so happy.

'Aha! Listen boy. My first love story.' My phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Meet you in 10 mins." Jessica said and hung up. I reveived these calls all the time. I was already used to it.

I walked out of the house and met up with Jessica. We walked to school together, hand in hand, without speaking. We both arrived at the English class, early today. We didn't want to get told off by Miss Kim again. I opened the door and we both walked in. The first thing I saw surprised me so much that I could've had a heart attack.

"Sit down girls." The teacher said.

"Miss Lee... What are you doing here?"

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Chapter 19: Update pls
maemae08 #2
Chapter 19: Urgh!.. pls update soon
babystrawb3 #3
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update.
Hope Jessica and Tiffany can mend their broken hearts.
Chapter 18: please update soon
Please update soon ~~~
Chapter 18: Its good to know that she's a addict
babystrawb3 #7
Chapter 18: addict huh?
Taeyeon Fighting!!
Thanks for updating.
tae1810 #8
Chapter 18: hi,new reader here,
you story is great! I love it!