It's Magic

Pixel Perfect


Tao held the camera out and looked at the display picture. A pixel clear photo was shown and he smiled at it. It was of Kris, the school's star athlete; also known as Tao's crush. Kris was in the air, jumping to get a jump shot. The look on his face was so perfect; ultimate determination, dedication and faith. Tao was sitting around about twenty metres away, sitting on stone stairs that overlooked the basketball courts.

"Woah!" his teammates shouted when Kris placed the ball through the hoop. Kris hopped down from the hoop and smirked. Tao smiled at him and clapped quietly. Then Kris suddenly turned around and their eyes met for a split second. Tao smoothly looked down at his camera and through his peripheral vision, he saw Kris look away as well, but he was still looking for a second or two, before he did.

Tao then got up and began to walk off quickly. If he stayed longer, Kris would see him and that's the last thing he'd want. As he walked back towards the school, a girl ran past him. he turned around to watch her run towards Kris and jump into his arms. Then Kris spun her round and round. They were the campus' famous couple.  

Kim Sunhee.

She was beautiful and so talented in paintings. Tao had once been to an art gallery at the school and he really liked her portfolio. That's what the most. He liked the girl who he was supposed to hate. It was so hard to hate her, because not only was she so talented and pretty, but she was also Tao's tutor in photography. She was the senior who was gladly willing to teach the Chinese boy the way to capture the world in a tiny frame.

"It's magic," she told Tao one day. "How can you capture the world on a thin piece of paper? It must be magic. Screw science."

Tao remembered that for forever.

Tao turned away from the happy couple and continued to walk to the school. He stopped by the photography class and walked in. Inside, there were a few juniors who immediately bowed to him. he acknowledged them by nodding before walking to a computer and hooking up his camera to the computer. He opened up the files and looked at the photos in full size. The juniors suddenly saw them and came running over.

"Sunbae, you're really good!" one praised. Tao just nodded before moving to the next photo. The juniors kept fawning over them and kept looking back from their photos to Tao's.

"Why do you have so many of Kris sunbae?" another one asked. Tao froze a bit.

"I'm doing an article on the basketball team. I took photos of all of them, but they came out blurry. Kris' ones came out best," Tao explained calmly. The juniors nodded.

"So you deleted the bad ones?" they asked. Tao nodded in reply. After that, all the juniors went back to their desks and started deleting photos. Then Tao clicked 'File' then 'Print' and then selected a printer, before clicking 'Ok.' he heard a rumbling noise at the back of the room and then quickly went over. As the pictures printed out, Tao ran his fingers over them, liking the feel of the art paper. Art paper was so much better than printing paper. Art paper felt more smooth and thick.

When the printing was all done, he picked up the pile which was around about two centimetres thick before walking to his locker. He opened it up and then put in almost all the photos apart from one sheet of paper. It had the photo of Kris' jump shot. He smiled at it. Then he shut his locker and walked over to the Newspaper club's classroom, holding the sheet. When he got there, he handed it in to a girl called Sunny who told him that she'd take it to the editor. 

"," she said when she saw the photo. "You never fail to impress us, Tao."

"Uh...thanks..." Tao mumbled and blushed. Then there was the sound of sneakers and shouts and Tao looked out into the school corridor. Kris, the basketball team and Sunhee were coming down and Tao jumped a bit on the inside. He quickly thanked Sunny before throwing his hoodie on over his head and quietly walking past the loud group. Tao swore he saw Kris look his way, but that was probably his fantasy. 

"Ah...Sunhee, I'll be just a moment..." Tao heard Kris' voice say. When he heard Kris coming towards him, Tao quickly quickened his pace. When Kris' pace started going faster, Tao then broke out into a run. "Wait!" Kris was calling for him. 

Don't let him see your face!

He heard that sentence in his head. Then he realized that Kris was also the captain of the track team and realized that he wasn't going to get out of there quick enough. So he quickly ran inside a classroom and jumped out the open window. He quickly grabbed the ledge of the window and held on. It wasn't too hard. Many wushu trainings kept him fit.

Kris arrived at the window and looked out.

"How the hell did he...?" Kris wondered aloud.

"Kris, what are you doing?" Sunhee appeared.

"I swear I see that boy everywhere. I just wanted to know his name," Kris said.

"Him? The boy from before?" Sunhee asked. "I know him."

"You do?!" Kris cried.


"Kai, I think?" Sunhee guessed. Tao scoffed a bit. She didn't get to see him properly. They conversed for a little while before walking away. When Tao thought the coast was clear, he hoisted himself onto the window ledge and hopped back onto the ground.

"Wait, I think I forgot my ba-" Kris ran back into the classroom and Tao freaked out. he wanted to jump out the window again, but Kris would know where he would go and jumping all the way out would just kill him. Tao chucked the hoodie back on quickly. Kris froze at the sight of him. "Hey! Are you Kai?!"

Tao shook his head and said, "Nope, you've got the wrong guy." Then Kris suddenly lunged forward. Tao quickly lunged behind a desk and Kris was suddenly on alert. Suddenly, Kris was trying to chase Tao around the tables.

"Kris, I just wanted to- woah! What's going on here?!" Sunhee cried when she appeared.

Not her too!

"Help me, I'm trying to catch-" Kris' sentence was cut short when Tao took the chance and dashed out of the room. "him..." Kris ended.

"Oops, sorry," Sunhee blushed.


Tao quickly ran and ran until he made it out of the school and to the school gates. He was puffing so hard and was wondering why Kris was so pressed on trying to find out who he was. When he looked up, he could make out the silhouette of a man, looking through a window. The man waved, but Tao didn't wave back. Instead, he ran and kept running, with his hoodie still on.



Well...that was a boring short fail. 

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Chapter 1: omgomgomg i'm so excited about this.the first chapter sounds good and asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl MORE!!!MORE!!! I NEEEEED MOOOORRRREEEE >< <3
Chapter 1: wow zizi~
don't worry panda, the dragon just want to know you hahaha XD
Chapter 1: wow zizi~
don't worry panda, the dragon just want to know you hahaha XD
Chapter 1: aigoo tao...why hide...
you should talk to kris...

love the update....
update sooooooooooon author-nim^^

oh's not a boring or a fail update...
cheer up author-nim^^
Chapter 1: yey!!!you posted this...

thank you thank you author-nim^^