Time to Test your Worth!


It took about ten hours until I finally got to Earth and when I landed I was in complete awe. Everything looked so beautiful. From the tall colorful buildings to the clear night sky, it made me wonder how Cassiopeia looked before it began to start dying. "I should probably cloak the ship so no humans find it," I said to myself as took a tiny remote out of my back pocket. I pressed the large white button in the middle to activate the cloaking device.


Now that the ship issue was solved I decided it was time to find a temporary place to stay, and something to eat... Man I'm as hungry as Changmin oppa! 




As I walked into town I began to feel humans, specifically male humans staring at me. I sighed deeply as I tried my best to ignore the many eyes staring at me. Maybe I was attractive to those humans... I can't think about that at the moment. My mission is way more important than those strange males. Also my hunger is more prominent than both of those combined. 


As the growling of my stomach started to really annoy me I noticed (well mostly smelled) a street vender selling freshly cooked chicken on some sort of stick. I looked in my purse to check my wallet to see how much won I had. 


Thankfully Yunho oppa's ability to teleport didn't limit to himself. He can also teleport objects, like money. In advance oppa made an international bank account for me and put some won in my wallet, knowing South Korea would be my first stop on my mission. I had about 200,000 won on my person. That should be enough for a stick of chicken, I think.


As I walked to the vender I bowed in respect before asking, "How much is one stick of chicken?"


The vendor smiled at my politeness and replied, "Only 500 won miss."


I smiled brightly, happy about the cheapness and quickly taking out 1,000 won as I said, "I would like two sticks please." After the exchange of money for food I bowed once again and said, "Thank you so much for the food!" 




As I enjoyed the street chicken I bought I walked around the city to get myself accustomed to it, even though my stay here would be short.


Suddenly my sense of peace ended when I heard a sudden shout for help in the distance. I used my "eagle eye" vision to look ahead to see what was unfolding. I then saw a woman cornered by two thugs! I threw my dinner in the nearest trash can and quickly ran towards the mugging.




No One's P.O.V


"P-Please don't hurt me," 25 year old Nam Mi Yeon said trembling in fear as the lead thug stepped towards her. Nam Mi Yeon was on her way home from the supermarket after buying diapers for her one-year-old daughter Young Mi while her husband is looking after her.


"Just give us all of your money and we won't have to get ugly," the shorter thug said as he took out a switchblade. Mi Yeon immediately froze in fear and shut her eyes tightly just wanting all of this to end.


"Hey who the hell are you," Mi Yeon heard the lead thug yell in a different direction. Then not even a second later, as ig God heard her prayers, Mi Yeon heard blows being taken and the sound of two bodies hitting the floor. When Mi Yeon opened her eyes she saw a girl most likely in her early twenties with fiery red hair stand there armed with what looked like a wooden sword.


The red head walked towards Mi Yeon and asked, "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?" 


Mi Yeon slowly nodded and replied, "Y-Yes I'm alright... K-Kamsahabnida."


The red head picked up the grocery bag filled with diapers and handed it to Mi Yeon saying, "You should hurry home. I believe your child would probably be needing these. 


Mi Yeon nodded slowly and then asked, "W-Who are you?"


The red head bowed and says, "Jung Soo Mi. Please take care and return home safely." After her introduction the red head Jung Soo Mi was out of sight. 




Soo Mi's P.O.V


As Soo Mi continued walking she couldn't but to smile to herself. That baby is able to see her mother tonight without any harm coming to her. As she continued walking she suddenly heard clapping and a male voice say, "Well done Cassiopiean! Well done!" 


Soo Mi jumped in alarm and took a immediate fighting stance and yelled, "Who are you?! Come out!!"


A man wearing mostly blue walked out from the shadows holding his hands up saying, "Don't worry! I'm not here to harm! You were the one searching for me right?"


Soo Mi lowered her wooden sword in confusion before asking, "What do you mean? You're the Guardian of the Seas?"


The man did a bow and said, "The one and only! Annyeonghaseo, Suho imnida~!"


"Suho-ssi... will you be able to help my world like you did here," Soo Mi asked, hoping he would say yes.


"Well you passed my first test in helping Nam Mi Yeon noona, but now you must pass my true test. Time to test your worth," Suho announces with a bright smile on his face.


"Bring it on," Soo Mi says in a confident tone.


'I'm about to test my worth to gain the assistance of the Sea Guardian, Suho-ssi. I won't lose!!'



I'm so, so sorry that it took forever for me to update!! *hides in a corner* I had so much going on that I didn't have any time! Please don't kill me!! T-T 

I'll do better!

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anilim01 #1
Chapter 2: I wonder what test Suho is planning! Hope u update soon!