❝What Have I Gotten Myself Into?❞ //: editing



 Kim Mari has arrived at SM High, a little over three years since her mother had died and her father has left her with everything he could possibly get his hands on. Her meeting with a large group of great looking men, whom are nonother than the kings of the school, dubbed under the name EXO-K, changed her life completely. And why would that be? Amazingly enough, these stunning creatures are high ranked vampires.




My breath continued to get heavy as my legs continued to move forward as quickly as they possibly could. Stopping wasn't part of the question as of now. I couldn't stop, I just couldn't. "Their" footsteps continued to chase me, no matter how fast my footfalls were, the were always so close. Tears brimmed my eyes, and I tried my best to wipe them away without jabbing my own eye with my heavy breathing and my running making every arm movement jerk. They were inevitable though, so reluctantly, I let those things have my tears, since my only goal for now, was to do nothing but to run as far away from them as I possibly could.
"Mari! Please!" His deep voice rang out as I ran just a little faster, which certainly wasn't much at all. I refused to look back at them. They don't deserve my attention, none of it at all. Relief swept over me, though so did anxiety, as my ears picked up the lack of footsteps that were not my own. Stopping still wasn't on my mind until I was gasping in pained breath from the stitch that quickly grew in my side, being the only cause for me stopping in the first place. When I had stopped completely, being as I was one-hundred and ten percent sure that I was as alone as alone could be, I shakily made my way towards a close by bench.
I truly didn't pay much attention to the fact that I was in a park that looked as if it had been abandoned for as long as it has even been here. It truly was beyond creepy, though that didn't truly matter to me at the moment, nor my tears that began to sting both my eyes and cheeks. Rubbing at my puffy eyes, too scared less at the moment, it didn't occur to me at all that I was being watch.





Main power - Telekinesis

The power to move objects with one's mind.

Age - 17

Her mother was the only one she could honestly say was her parent. Mari's father was nothing more than a addicted alcoholic that came home every night with drama, and on those special nights, a nice big bundle of violence that was alternatively given to her and her mother. By the age of 14, her mother died of brain cancer. If her father wasn't selfish with his and her bank account, she may have survived if given the opportunity for treatment. Though with her father, that was most likely the one percent out of a million and three. Being alone for three years has truly been a struggle, though it's helped her in many ways. Taking the money she's earned for granted like her father is a trait that had been thrown out the door. Mari has many people to thank, and as for many, she truthfully has Mr. Yun to thank for giving her the job she has now and Mr. Choi for the apartment that he lowered the price of for her to be able to pay for it and live in comfortably without much extra stress, and Sulli, for being her closest, dearest friend. Now all there was was school to deal with.


Main power - Teleportation

The power to demeterialize matter { objets, people, and one's self } and remeterialize in another place.


Secondary power - Manipulation of the mind

The power to control thoughts, actions, and speach through the mind.

Age - 238

Jongin always seems to find himself getting into trouble with anyone and everyone, those troubles seem to be the worse when he's drunk or with a group of women who seem to keep their relationships locked between their teeth to see where they can go with such a good looking male such as this 238 year old vampire. Jail and fines were always a trouble of his before he'd met Joonmyeon's coven, and what a shock, those fines were nothing more than for ual harassment. But hey. Being as old as one could get and could be, that meant nothing to him, especially if his ed up family whom didn't care where he went, what he did, or how he did it, gave him money how he needed, when he needed it, and where he needed it. Everything worked out in his favor then.


Main power - Mind-Reading

The power to hear what another is thinking without having been told so.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 293

Baekhyun's almost unnaturally cute being seems to get him a lot of attention with the mortal woman, which frankly, isn't what he wants at all. The fear of falling in love and then losing the one that he does love because of them finding out whom and what he is always keeps him from getting anywhere with anyone. His coven members are the only ones that are able to keep him happy and seemingly healthy. He's always feared love due to his mother and father always cheating on one another almost every night with someone new. They each new about their on going affairs, and Baekhyun was always afraid that he would turn out to be just like his parents, which is exactly what he didn't want at all. The exact opposite, to be honest. Taking care of himself, and just his body isn't one of the things he's all too good at. Drinking blood. Now that's the one thing he hates more than anything - More than the thought of falling in love. He knows that someone has to be hurt in order for their bottles to be filled pretty much everyday, though he doesn't say anything about his reluctance to drinking the liquid, and he drinks it just as he's told to. It's certainly not what he likes, but as long as s are happy with him, then that's fine with him.


Main power - Lie Detection

The ability to detect lies from a present person without being told specificly that they are telling a lie.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 277

If one were to compare each of EXO-K's members to one another, then someone would be able to see that Kyungsoo may just be the most normal creature from the rest. His life was normal, his family was normal, his friends were normal - Everything for him was just sickeningly, perfectly normal. The only reason being, no one wanted to tell him what he was, and why he was what he was. It was a secret that everyone would avoid, decidedly coming up with random stories just to bring in a new subject. Kyungsoo's parents were always worried as to what their son's power would be, and they were very afraid that it would show them to be the very liars that they were, and that it did. He never liked being lied to, and finding out that his entire life was nothing more than a lie, seemingly ripped his heart to shreds. Finding Joonmyun's coven when he ran away from his life of lies was what he considered to be the most amazing thing that could possibly have ever happened to him, and he couldn't be any more thankful than what he was, and is now.


Main power - Human Radar

The ability to detect where people are
Limitations : Capable of detecting those whom he is close to by heart, not in a physical sense.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 158

Where his parents ran to and how long ago it was that they did run away, is too far back for Sehun to remember. The only thing that he can remember of his extremely long childhood, is that the different men and woman that took him away always gave him back due to his lack of emotions and wanting to get too close to them. Of course, he'd answer the occasional yes or no questions that his current parents would ask, but other than that, he wouldn't answer them, and he'd lock himself in his room, sitting in the corner until the power that he knew he would gain came to him. It took much longer than what he would have preferred, but it did come to him eventually, and that's all that mattered - Until he realized that he couldn't even use his power properly. The fact that he was incapable of growing any kind of relationships with anyone else, made his newly found power useless. Even after finding his place in EXO-K's coven, he still couldn't seem to properly use his power. Being unable to use his powers and grow relationships honestly made Sehun wonder if he was even less human than what he knew he was.


Main power - Enhanced Sense

All five senses are hyper sensitve.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 282

Vampires are real, obviously, correct? Does anyone believe in werewolves, perhaps? Why not? What if someone were to tell someone else that they'd seen things out in the forest that were out of the ordinary? Well, don't you worry. They don't exist. That thing in the woods that happen to startle hikers is nothing more than Chanyeol - A simplistic vampire that refuses to drink the blood of humans, which is exactly why he's out in the forest. To quench his thirst with the blood of roaming animals. As most can imagine, it's quite difficult to catch an kind of animal, even for a cold-blooded creature like Chanyeol. Paying attention to one's surroundings and using the smallest of sounds, tastes, smells, and unfamiliar touches and sights is extremely needed. That would explain a bit as to why Chanyeol's power is what it is. It was when he'd stumbled upon a scentless creature that caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, that he was able to properly meet others like him. Perhaps the city life wouldn't be too bad. He did have a pretty good control with his need for blood, after all, and a change in his life wouldn't be too bad, maybe.


Main power - Levitation

Being able to hover a few feet off of the ground
Limitations : Can only levitate one's self


Secondary Power - Time Control

The ability to pause time.
Limitations : No more than fifteen seconds before the world's original time is back into it's respective motion.

Age - 467

The head of EXO-K. The one member that truly died before his transformation. Why his body isn't mangled from the fall, and why he's the only member capable of remembering what truly happened before his shift into a walking icicle. He'd gotten into some financial troubles with, hm, bad guys. The money he owed was an outlandish amount, and Joonmyeon really couldn't get that money as quickly as what he hoped he could. - And that legitimately was the death of him. He as captured and threatened for the money, as if it would magically appear once they were done, which it obviously didn't. A rash decision was made between the leader of this group of men and his right-hand man. Long story short, they shoved him off a cliff with jagged rocks below. Cliche, but it happened. After his death, everything was nothing more than just a black, yet fuzzy blur. Now here he is. Doing the best that he possibly can to care for 11 males while trying to keep their secret - Well, a secret.



Main power - Blood Manipulation

Being able to control anything and anyone that has flowing blood.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 412

Just one word. One touch. A single look, and he could get a person to do as he pleases. Well, that's certainly what he was told he could do about 398 years ago, when the people he knew and loved found him alive instead of being what they thought was 'torn apart by what the guards thought was some kind of bear or leopard.' This information was used to his own power quite often. He'd never really get into trouble, being as most people were willing enough to comply with what Luhan's current demands were for the time being, though for those who found it wrong to steal for the benefit for someone they've never met, he'd more than happily make them do it, while he sat back and watched with a couple flickers of his fingers. Simple as that. Maybe someone should have told him that his powers won't always work. Especially against those who are much stronger than he. Yifan was more than impressed with him and his power. The new coven was then born with nothing more than those two. The beginning of EXO-M.



Main power - Shape-shifting

The ability to change one's physical appearance : body shape included.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 405

Do you remember that girl that guy was flirting with back at the bar last week, or perhaps that elderly lady that seemed to have been just the right age for the Early Bird's special at that restaurant that group of young teens go to? That's Yifan. He's quite pretty, even as a wrinkly, older aged woman, right? No? Perhaps someone needs some glasses? Or perhaps the answer to the question that must be floating in most people's head. Yes, Yifan is a shapeshifter, and no. He does not tell anyone of his real body shape while in the current form of a young yet attractive female. Even someone such as himself needs a little bit of fun everyone now and again. Who's it to hurt?



Main power - Hypnosis

The power to put one in a sleep-like state before being able to control them in a mental sort of way.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 224

Keeping up with his body's appearance while going through one school to the next, learning what he could before doing what he could to get kicked out of the idiotic structures, was pretty much Zitao's life. Moving from school to school while learning different skills along the way. Martial arts was always apart of him, but not so much as math, foreign languages, as well as being a psychiatrist. Although his parents were never happy with him and his regular disobedience at both home and school, he did always seem to help both of his mother and mother out when they needed something to do. Hypnotizing them and making them think that they had nothing to fight about was truly amazing to them, but the only problem is that he couldn't seem to bring them back after getting them into the correct stage that he needed for them to be in , in the first place. They were always so sweet towards one another. They were always going out on dates to keep their marriage strong while learning things about their partner that they never knew before, leaving Zitao to take care of himself 24/7. He'd certainly hypnotize them again, if he didn't care about them. He just wouldn't do that. Spending his life alone and away from them so his parents don't have some kind of burden on their shoulders, seemed like a much better solution.



Main power - Illusion Manipulation

The power to be able to change what a person sees.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 255

Jongdae was seemingly innocent, acting as if nothing was wrong with world around him. What? Where there not suppose to be a river flowing right down the highway? That wasn't normal? Huh. Odd. Jongdae was pretty sure it was always there. Either that, or maybe he'd just imagined it. The world may never know. >Tootsie Pop LOL<. Friends aren't a natural part of Jongdae's life. No one trusted him. He'd screw with their brains, their minds, and make them see things that weren't really there, whether it be either good or bad. If he really wanted to be that desperate though, he could always come up with a friend and have everyone see him/her as to be the cutest, sweetest little bundle of fuzz. Even if he had imaginary, yet real friends all the same, it got lonely. Overbearingly lonely. He needed someone there for him. Someone he could actually touch, smell, maybe even taste, who knows. Certainly not Jongdae. He just needed someone. Anyone. Everyone, if possible. The turtle was willing to crawl out of his shell. For a little while, at the very least.



Main power - Emotion Manipulation

The power to be able to change what a person is feeling, or the atmoshpere of an entire group of people.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 479

Minseok was nothing more than the mediator in his younger- much younger -days. Many people looked upon him in awe at how well he could appease some random argument that he's never even heard of until that very moment. One could say that he is peace. One could be an absolute idiot and say he's world peace- Well, he certainly could be if he wanted to let their existence out to anyone and everyone from one side of the earth to another. Probably wasn't a good idea to help the mortals too much. Minseok was emotion, peace- He was love and hate, happiness and sadness, anger and forgiveness. This has always been 'him.' Or, that's what most people think, at the very least. If he were to reflect back onto how everything had played out, he'd surely would wonder as to what would happen if he'd not flipped out and thrown multiple sharp objects at the two blondes. Perhaps he'd continue to be the mortal's and immortal's savoir from abuse. Being as he's living with Yixing at this point, the didn't let his thoughts fly and he knows he would have eventually tried to shrink away from his life from how much it really did . What a life. Thanks, Xing.


Main power - Enhanced Intelligence

Being able to think quicker, more creativly, and in a more realistic and correct way.


Secondary power - Yet to be unlocked

Age - 398 / mental age - 705

One can never know the secrets of the world, nor can they be too smart. What ever idiot has said this in their life, has never met the easily labeled bipolar vampire. Though there are always days where something is a little off, Yixing can easily answer a simple and or complicated answer below fifteen seconds. It's easy for him. It always has been. Perhaps if his sister wasn't such a hypocrite during his first twenty four years of his life when it came to studying and paying attention in class while she ditched and attended parties more than what she did her actual classes, maybe he wouldn't be the smart- he is today. That's just a possibility. Who knows. Maybe he was just born a cocky ice-stick. It's not like his mother would tell him, being as she's too busy with her parties. Where the hell did he get his smarts from? His father, perhaps? His mortal father? Maybe. Seemed like the most reasonable answer considering that his mother and sister didn't seem to share the same responsible and intellectual skills that he possesed.


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Alosya #1
This story is totally awesome and all but went will u update
YoungwonJung #2
Chapter 10: Hey, this chapter is not the first chapter right?? So where is the first chapter??
Chapter 10: This story is really good!!! Please update soon!!!!
Sweetheart123 #4
Chapter 10: Update update more please more!!!!
Chapter 10: Update soon please ! ><
Chapter 10: oohhhh... exo-k vs exo-m
please update soon!!!!!! :D
hyerin_park #8
Chapter 10: Update soon pleaze!! <3
Mysterygirlz3 #9
Kris... You know what... I was going to make like this thing where at the end it was like an alternate ending of what would happen with each member... -_____- I'm going to find a way where you can't read any of them.... AND IF WORSE COMES TO WORSE I WON'T MAKE A KRIS ENDING!! .... -__- Kris you bish.
Smileyblu #10
Chapter 10: Update soon !...