Min's Little Secret

Love Beat

Changmin walk back to his desk and tidy up the book he was reading last time. It's half-past 2 already.

"Going home already?" Min Gi asked.

He nodded. "Something important has been waiting for me. See you later, Min Gi-ah!"




p.s.: the italic words inside the apostrophe (') are Changmin's thought.

Changmin stopped running when he finally arrived at the town park. He walked the path slowly, attempt to not making any noise. He aimed his eyes on somebody who keep moving his body which looks harmonized well with the groove.

The step he takes become slower as he approach the bench behind the well-danced guy. He decided to have a seat on it. Changmin checked his watch. It's 3 o'clock. 

'I'm so dead. And late' 

Halfway through, the well-danced guy stopped moving--leaving the song played--and suddenly ask,  "Where have you been? It's 3 o'clock already"

He turned his body and then he took 2 steps forward. Come right away to Changmin, who already covered his face with a school bag.

"Yah, Changmin. Answer me" He still holding it tightly. Don't have any intention to put it away.

That--unknown-guy put his left hand on stuff which covering Changmin's face and move the bag aside. Revealing the adorable face behind it.

"I-I'm sorry, Yunho sunbae.."

The guy named Yunho starts chuckling. Come on, he just want to tease Changmin--even tho Changmin was an half hour late. 

"Chill out, kid. Now, you got to put this thing down and let's practice the new move for our first event" he said as he punched Changmin's shoulder softly.

"Both of you are getting well each day, eh?" another guy appeared all of a sudden.

"Yo, Jaejoong! Have you found the CD?" the guy named Jaejoong comes near to the bench and throwing a warm smile toward his friends. Also handing a piece of CD--inside a single disk holder--to Yunho.

"Where is Yoochun? I haven't spotted his figure around" said Jaejoong as he sit right beside Changmin.

Yunho shrugged, "I don't know. He just told me that he will be arrived soon"


You guys wondered about how-did-they-met? I'll tell you an interesting story then. Around 4 months ago, both Jaejoong and Yunho are about to make a new dancing team which will be performing on an event after the farewell ceremony. But most of the dance club members are already made their own groups. Both of them are clueless, until they found Changmin. Dancing--alone--in his class. Those two got overwhelmed by the way he dance. And yes, they recruited Changmin to be the member of their group. 

No, there's none of friends knowing that Changmin loves to dance here. Not a single soul. It's only Changmin, and probably Yunho and Jaejoong who caught him dancing accidentally.

Yunho went off to the laptop which placed on center of the park. He opened the disk tray--the one which attached onto his laptop, put the CD off and plugged the earphone in. The music player starts playing the song, replacing the last one played. He take a good listen on it before he start syncronizing the move he had made. And yes, it's leaving both Changmin and Jaejoong in silence.


"It's 2 weeks left already, right?" said Jaejoong all of a sudden. It caused a short electric shock inside Changmin's heart.

"Yeah.. I'm soon to be a third-year student. While Jaejoong sunbae and the rest will be graduated at the same time"


Talking about a thing called 'farewell' makes Changmin want to puke his stomach out. He don't even know why but it suddenly brings back memories of what he have done these past 4 months.  And he regretted everything. Every single step he took.

He should never be--secretly--dancing back then. Or at least, he should be searching a better place instead of using his own class. So he would never met Jaejoong and Yunho--even tho it was purely an accident--and they could never introduced Changmin to Junsu and the others. Also to somebody Changmin never thought would paint the gray-coloured life of him and flipped his world this fast.


Jaejoong nodded. "So.. when will you tell him about that?"

Changmin's eyes got bigger and the cheeks start blushing as he heard Jaejoong's question.

"Sunbae how could you--" Changmin gulped, "--know that?"


That question sounds rhetoric on Jaejoong's ears. Jaejoong chuckled as he wrap Changmin's shoulder with his left arm and whispered something right on the one of Changmin's ear.

"The way you act whenever he was around explained everything. E-ve-ry-thing"

Once more, he gulped. "I--I don't know.. I just.. don't know"

"Which thing are you don't know yet, Mr. Genius Shim?"


Both of Jaejoong and Changmin turned over their head. They soon found someone is already stood up right behind them. Holding the back of the bench with both of his hands. And Changmin can't help but gasped as he found out who just spoke to him.


"Yoo--Yoochun?! Since when have you been there??" Jaejoong got panicked. But Jaejoong try to cover things up just for the person beside him. For the one and only Shim Changmin. He don't want to ruin his dongsaeng's (love) life.

He chuckled as he rubbing his back. "Just arrived a minute ago. Sorry for being late! There was something I need to do before I went here"


Yes, it's Yoochun, Park Yoochun. That famous dance club leader who is also the member of this group. He drop the bag under the bench before he walked towards Yunho and joining him dancing.

"That was so close.." Jaejoong blown a sigh. Relief sigh. "He is a ninja or something?"

Changmin can do nothing but only looking straightly at Yoochun.


Well, seems like there's nothing left to be hid under the rug now. A person who Jaejoong was talking about last time and the one who colorize Changmin's whole life, was him. The one and only named Park Yoochun. And no, I'm not telling you that Changmin didn't knew who Yoochun is on the last chapter.

It is true that Changmin is more than an expert at studying, gaming, dancing, and especially eating. But he's obviously nothing whenever he involved with the thing called love.

Changmin still remember the first time they met. That feelings when Yoochun shook his hand. And the warm smile he got from him which could melt this Shim just by looking at it. Everything just seem so perfect. But Changmin, he keep ignoring the weird feeling he got whenever Yoochun was around or nearby. Until someday, he realized that he already fallen for him too deep. He is in love with him.

The problem is, that love Changmin had was grown much bigger each day. And time flies so fast. 4 months feel like only 4 weeks. All of the student have finished their exam for this second semester. Which mean, it will be the last exam for everyone before they moved to the higher class or maybe graduated from the school they were in. Yes, it's also mean that Yoochun and the other sunbae are going to leave that school very very soon. And Changmin, he don't want it to be happened at all. That's the reason why a 'farewell' thingy are sounds really bad for him.

"Hey, I'm sure that he was heard nothing from our conversation, min. No worries okay?" Jaejoong patted Changmin's back. Trying to calm this boy down. 

Changmin could only nodded. He standed up and left the bench along with Jaejoong. Coming to the other two who keep moving with the groove.




The tall-figured guy grab an opened bottle of mineral water and drank the half of it, while the other hand still holding a white towel. It wiped off the sweat around his face to the neck.

He walked to the bench and seat on it. Watching Yoochun who still tidying his things up. Jaejoong? he was already went home from a couple of minutes ago. 'My mom told me to going back home immediately. Maybe something was happened during the remodelling' he said. Yunho was the one who ride him home. Of course, they left these guy at the park. Just the two of them. And Changmin, is still trying to keep everything inside him under control. Until Yoochun suddenly started a conversation between them.

"How was your exam, Mr. Genius--"

"Stop calling me with that ridiculous name, sunbae"

He carried his bag as he left the bench and Yoochun alone back there. 

"Y--yah! Changmin! Are you still mad at me because of the RPG game CD I broke last week?"

'I went mad because you are still here and you forgot about something, stupid Park

"Maybe" Changmin said as he walked away from Yoochun. But that guy keep on chasing Changmin wherever he go. Looks like that guy will never gonna stop. Not until Changmin give in and explain the things which bother him so much.

"W--wait! how about we going to a game store and I'll buy you the new one?"

'It will be great if you buy it for me as a present'

"Hh, it's like we are going to have a date or something? No. I don't want to. Now, can you just forget about it and leave me alone, sunbae?" Changmin lied as he throwed a glare right at Yoochun's eyes.

Yoochun gulped, "Min.. are you having a PMS right now? since you looks so sca--ouch!" Changmin hits Yoochun right at the back.

'I hate you. For the sake of everything, I hate you'

'"Yoochun sunbae, you better stop talking nonsense or else you'll be found yourself lose your precious tounge in the morning" Changmin said in a sarcasm way.

He went off from that place . Leaving Yoochun who still hurting behind.

Yoochun can't help but dropped his jaws, "Jaejoong must be knowing something behind this"



[Changmin POV]

"I'm home" I entered my home and soon found out that Jiyeon is sitting on the couch, watching the thriller movie.

"Oppa! Welcome home!" 

She jumped off from the couch and runs to me. Hugging his older brother tightly.

"Hi there, Jiyeon-ah" I ruffled her hair and smiled widely at her, "Have you eaten the dinner?"

Jiyeon nodded as he smiled back at me, "Umma and Sooyeon unnie made me a lot of food! They also made some for you, oppa. Go check the refrigerator. You must be very hungry, no?"

I'm chuckled, "I'll be checking it later. Thank you, little princess" I kissed her forehead before decided to leave her in the living room.

I opened the white door in front of me. Revealing the room which hidden inside. I turned the lights on before I ran and jumped off to my bed.

Drrt.. Drrt..

Great. My cellphone is vibrating all of a sudden, right when I was about to fall asleep.

'Yoochun sunbae?'

Yeah, that guy sent me message--well, it's actually a voice note. And I guess he realized why I act like so damn bothered today.

I opened the message--which containing a voice note in it.

"Changmin-ah! Are you asleep?" My mom shouting throughout the living room. And I almost drop this cellphone to the ground--it's freaked me out for real.

"No, I'm about to take a bath Mom!" I lied.

I clicked the 'Play' button immediately before my mom realized if the I'm-about-to-take-a-bath thingy was only lies and starts shouting at me once more time.

Saengil chukha hamnida, saengil chukha hamnida
Saranghaneun Shim Changmin, saengil chukha hamnida...

There's a piece of regrets inside of me while I'm listening to this voice note. Well, I guess the so-bothered-Changmin is just too much. 

...A-yo mr. Genius Shim, Happy belated birthday dude!
And now I know the reason why you look so bothered this day
It must be because I forgot about your birthday, no?



...(chuckles) I'm sorry~
I still remember that Jaejoong invite me to come to your house yesterday,
But I don't know if you were celebrating you birthday that time...


Wait, did Jaejoong sunbae didn't mentioned anything about 'birthday party'?

...I guess he already told me if it was a birthday party, maybe it is just me who ain't catching what was he said on the phone
And I'm really sorry for it.. I'm too busy with the club back then.
I promise I'll buy you a tons of Playstation 3 game CDs if you still mad at me until now...

Tons of food are way much better.


...Well then, once again, happy belated birthday my dearest brother. Have a blessed one. See you at school tomorrow!--beep--


"Shim Changmin! Have you finished already?" Crap, now I'm the one who forgot about the bathing thingy.

"Y--yes mom! Will be there in a sec!"

Another lie comes from Shim Changmin. But hey, don't giving me a death glare! Just blame that stupid Park's voice note for making me forgot about everything and making my heart beats out of time. But don't worry.. I'm surely gonna make him pay for everything tomorrow. He surely will.

-To Be Continued-


Yeaaah!! here is the second chapter you guys have been longing for!
I'm sorry for making you guys wait for a quite long time. Well, I'm such a lazy- writer so yeah...
Hope I could publish the upcoming chapter soon. But still, I believe it will takes another long time for one chapter :))
Thanks for everyone who already subscribing, reading, and post a comment here. Thank you so much.
See you guys on the next chapter xoxo <3

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Ayy! it's me the (lazyass) author of this long-time-postponed story. I'm so sorry for my inactiveness sobs sobs. I'm still working on the 4th chapter and yes I accepted the challenge, I'm gonna make it longer but in sequels, how? ^^; thank you for the supports and please keep waiting for the updates, ne? xoxo <3
Chapter 3: Love your story but isn't it too short ?? >,<

5 is too short can't u make it 10 or 20 ok then like what she said 16 is good ^*^

Cahngmin be strong and don't be sad he love u *^*

Yooochuuun please love him sooooon cause he is hurting and not have much time ^*^

Komaaawoooo & fighting^*^
Chapter 3: can u make to 10 or 20 elset plz 16 is good
Chapter 3: hi there i am new i love it plz dont stop and updata soon
Min dont be sad and chun open ur eyes
Chapter 3: yay~ you updated~~

why minnie left chunnie alone?

who the hell is that girl. :v

this story will end in the 5th chapter eh? really? ;w;

yaaay, this is somekind could be called as a..... date?

how's junsu?
didn't yoochun got a bit jealousy when he was on the phone with junsu earlier? :v
Chapter 3: awww, minnie got jealousy, :D
and funny yoochun here at the shop, :DD

how can yoochun didn't realize min's feeling for him?
and what the relation chun has with that girl??
poor minnie,

you can't update this on may, that's too long and i will dying because of curious, hehehehe, ^.^
Chapter 2: owwww changmin, yoochun forget ur birthday, poor him,
Chapter 1: i like the first chapter
please do the next one soon ok
i wanna know who's changmin is going to meet
i'll be waiting =)
Chapter 1: It's a great start!!
I'm really curious to know who is he meeting
vaniaeva #10
Please begin it