Hyungs facebook

Hyungs facebook
A long time ago. Before kris ever thought of auditioning for sm entertaiment, he had a facebook. Not just an innocent facebook either. It was full of his ghetto thoughts, plus a little bit of what me and my friends like to call: 'kris' black music.' It was filled with underground rappers, and our favorite, YT. (you will find out why.)******* anyway, tao, who is kris' best friend in the whole wide world, was surfing tumblr for tao and kris derp face pictures. "This is so funny! I remember that!" He spoke to himself. But when he found a familiar quote from kris' favorite song back before predebute, he coppied and pasted the link onto google translator. Tao waited a bit for the translator to work, but he finally got to read the famous 'black kris' line. "Ok... trippin on my-" tao spoke before he turned red in the face. What kind of music did kids in canada listen to over there?! This is so inopro-pro! Oh wait, it was kris. Never mind. So tao read on with the lyrics. "--- bouncing on my- wait. What?" He questioned to the monitor, but kept reading. "Hand full of... ok. that is just wrong." Tao cringed before shutting down the computer and walking out of the den, only to be faced with kris. Not kpop kris. Not b!+ch faced kris. 'Black kris.' He was wearing his orange basket ball shorts, a NY b-boy cap, and a wife beater. This was also known as 'basket ball kris.' "Oh, wassup tao?" Kris smiled through his dr. Dre head phones. Tao took off his head phones and threw them to the ground. Kris looked in shock. "What the heck, tao?!" Kris yelled, but was interupted by tao's ranting. "How can you listen to that crap?!" Tao questioned. "What? I was listening to shinee sunbae-" "no! Not that! The ghetto music! Did you know some of your fans call you 'black kris'?!" tao retorted back at the older. Kris picked up his headphones, reconnected them to his ipod, and gave it to tao. "Here. Dont knock it till you try it..." kris pimp-walked away. Tao looked at the song before putting the beats on his ears. 'Yeah. My hommies still~ i said my hommies still~' That is the making of 'black tao'.--------------------------------HEY GUYS!!! so my friend is such a bias to kris. I mean, she worships him. But we treat him more black than anything. Just like my unnie said, "once you go black, you never go back." So yeah. This was inspired by kris' face book and the link to a fan account where all his stuff is. You can try and find it if u want. Idk where it is... XD <••••••••••••••• (pack man)
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