I'm always here for you

The Power of the Phoenix [HIATUS]


A/N: Hope you guys enjoy the double update ^^ Sorry  I didn't update sooner...I'm going back to school soon so my updates might come once in a while but don't worry I will be sure to update! Comments are always appreicated~~ Thanks for reading guys ;D
This has been bluemoonluvkpop~


“I’m almost there; I’m going to make it…”

He ran out into the open, feeling the cold air hid against his face. The moonlight illuminated the forest, highlighting the tall, willow trees that spread across the land. There was a rustling of leaves and branches as a breeze flew by, creating a soft hum. It seemed a rather peaceful place in the day but at night, it had a formidable aura.

“Quick! He went this way.” He faintly heard from inside the tunnel. He hurried off, weaving through the trees, being careful to not leave any tracks behind as he quietly trended in the snowed covered ground. Eventually he started to climb a tall willow tree. Small twigs lightly scratched his face as he used his strong legs to jump branch to branch. He clutched the baby girl tightly as he made his way to the top, his feet making a soft ‘thump’ when he landed. Just when he was almost there he landed on a branch which had started to crack and it snapped as the young host’s weight was on top of it.

“CRAP!” He felt himself in mid-air.
He yelled to himself. Quickly he grabbed a branch that was on the left, whining in pain as he happened to have used his injured hand to hold himself up. Luckily he had a firm grip, despite the branch being wet from melted snow and his arms were strong from his training. 

He turned his head to check on the child and sighed in relief that she was still asleep.

“Did you hear that?”

“It sounded like someone’s there.”


Fear. It was this emotion which was starting to overwhelm him, despite his attempts to calm himself down. He desperately began to look around and cursed himself for placing himself in the position he was in. What was he going to do? If he began to run now he was sure they would catch him, they were fast pursers. His only option was to climb up and pray they won’t see him. He tried lifting himself up but noticed something that made his heart almost stopped. The bottom part of his pants had caught on a stray branch and it wasn’t coming loose, he had to break the branch but that would mean snapping it and he was sure they would hear that. He began to panic, he had to act fast. Quickly he lifted his leg up, snapping the branch and climbed. He curled up, keeping the baby girl close.

Please don’t let them hear it, please don’t let them hear it.” He begged in his mind, shutting his eyes. He prayed that the leaves and darkness would somewhat concealed him.

He could heard the rustling of branches and footsteps as the group made their way closer and closer to where he was hiding…





Mi Rae opened her eyes, waking up from her dream. She was once again panting and slowly sat up. She sighed, bringing her knees up so she could lean her head against them.

“That dream again. I hope that man got away, but what does this all mean? I have so many questions!”

“Mi Rae?”

The girl was pulled away from her thoughts and turned her attention to her best friend, whom was sleeping beside her. Hyo Rin used her hand to cover a yawn, still drowsy from her sleep. She looked up with sleepy, half drooling eyes.

“Are you ok?”

“Deh, I’m alright. Sorry if I woke you up.”

“Nah, it’s ok. Did you have another dream?”


The sleepy girl got up slowly, sifting her weight to come closer to Mi Rae and wrapped her arms around her. The other girl chuckled at her friend’s attempt to comfort her, despite her sleepiness.

She leaned on top of Hyo Rin’s head and a silence fell upon them. They could still hear the rain outside though it was slowly letting up. The sun was starting to shine through the gloomy clouds, creating a slight glow to shine through the city.

“It seems the storm is letting up.”

“Yeah, damn that means back to school for us.”

*Laugh* “I think it’s better, we are going back, we did get enough days off.”

“Only you would say that, teacher’s pet.”

“Do you want to talk about it? The dream I mean?” Hyo Rin sat up and looked at Mi Rae, eyes expecting.


Mi Rae sighed and turned to her best friend. She couldn’t keep this to herself; it was killing her that she hasn’t told anyone about it. She needed Hyo Rin to listen; it was as simple as that.

“You know I’ve been having these dreams for a while right? I guess at first I didn’t think too much about it. They were just fragments of different events at first but now it feels like…they are flashbacks. The question is, are they mine?”

“This particular dream was the longest one I’ve so far. There were two people. I think the younger one was a boy maybe a teen. Anyway he was given a bundle, a baby girl. It seem that the other man was the father and h-he was preparing to fight I think, to keep his daughter safe.
The younger man ran off though this secret passage and-” Mi Rae stopped and looked down. Hyo Rin squeezed her arms, trying to give her comfort.

“The older man died.” She said finally, looking at her best friend. Hyo Rin couldn’t help but noticed that there was sadness as well as fear in her eyes.

“The younger man kept running. It seemed he had to; he couldn’t help the older man because he had to keep the baby safe. Whoever killed the father started to go after him.” Mi Rae bit her lip; this was the part of the dream which she wasn’t sure to believe in or not.

“The younger man started to ran faster, really fast. He was going at incredible speed and it seem like what he was able to do, wasn’t something a normal human can do. I don’t know, it seem like the man had the spirit of an animal.” She turned to her friend, hoping she wouldn’t laugh at what she was thinking, that perhaps the man wasn’t human.

Hyo Rin only nodded and Mi Rae scanned her face. She was expecting her to laugh it off, that she was thinking too hard and the stress of school and exams were getting to her. Or that she had a wild imagination and had dreamed the whole thing up, it wasn’t anything to worry about. Yet Hyo Rin gave her a look that was more surprising, it was if she understood what the bizarre dream was about. Her eyes had widened slightly on Mi Rae’s last comment, as if she had a realization about what she said.

“Hyo Rin?”


“You don’t think I’m crazy?”

“No, why would you think that?” Hyo Rin asked, surprised at her friend’s question.

“Because these dreams, these aren’t normal right? I mean-”

“Yes, but there are a lot of things in this world we don’t understand.” Hyo Rin said simply and hugged her friend tightly.


“Sure, we still have a lot to learn. There still could be forces at work that we don’t even know about. Beings that we wouldn’t have considered to exist, they might have been living under our noses the entire time. Perhaps you dreamed about one of them.”

“But why me? I mean, I just, well me.”

“Really? I think you’re quite special Mi Rae, in ways you might not know just yet.”

“How would you know?”

“Hmmm…” Hyo Rin gave a thoughtful looked before giving a cheesy grin.

“Because you’re my best friend!” She loudly said, tickling her friend, knowing she was quite vulnerable to this.

Mi Rae couldn’t help but laugh as she tried to escape.

“Stop, Stop!” She yelled, laughing hysterically.

Hyo Rin laughed and helped her friend up. She then pulled her into a hug.

“Mi Rae? Don’t worry about it too much. I’m sure these dreams will make sense in time. Everything will be alright. I’m always here for you ok?” She pulled away, looking at her friend.

“O-ok.” She replied. She smiled at her, her words giving her comfort. She knew it was the right decision to tell her best friend. Yet the dream was still at the back of her mind, it was still haunting her.

“C’mon, let’s go get ready.” Hyo declared, tugging her friend up. “You go first.”

Mi Rae nodded and went to the bathroom but not before turning around and smiling at Hyo Rin.

“Thank you unni.”

Hyo Rin only nodded and gestured for her friend to hurry and watched her ran off.

“I wonder if something bad is going to happen.” Hyo Rin couldn’t help but wonder.






“Good morning!”


“Gosh, I miss my bed already!”

“Crap, we have exams soon, I haven’t studied. I’m so screw!”

“Glad the storm is over. I’ve wanted to get out of the house for days.”

“Hey, can you help me? I’m stuck on this question.”

“We got caught in the rain, but I don’t care, it was awesome!”

The classroom was loud. Everyone seemed to be talking at once. All the students were laughing, sharing stories or catching up with last minute homework. The storm had caused the school to be closed for a few days, leaving students strangled at home, waiting for it to pass. For Kevin, this was good news; he needed those few days to recover from the event. His bruises were starting to heal and it no longer hurt to move his body around, yet his hand was still bandaged up. It was hard to do things handicapped.

“Owwww.” Kevin clutched his hand, cursing himself that he was careless enough to bang his hand against his desk with his injured hand.

“Kevin, you ok? Wait what happened to you hand!?”

Mi Rae asked, her eyes widened at Kevin bandaged hand.

“D-deh, I’m alright, I just sprained it, that’s all.” He tried to brush it off; it wasn’t that much of a big deal even though it was throbbing.

Mi Rae frowned, “Kevin, I can tell it hurts, you don’t have to hide it. I won’t ask how you did it but you don’t have to pretend its ok.”

Kevin was shocked but his eyes soften at Mi Rae’s words.

“She really is kind.” He thought.

“Deh, I won’t do it again.”

“C-can I have a look? Sorry I didn’t mean to say it like that-”

“Nah its ok. You’re right.” He smiled to reassure her.
Mi Rae carefully took Kevin’s hand in her own.

“Ow, this looks painful. Looks like you sprained it pretty bad.”

“You can tell?”

Mi Rae smiled softly, “Well my mum is a nurse and I had to go to the hospital from time to time so I learn a thing or two.”


“Mi Rae?” Are you ok?” Kevin frowned, noticing that she had bags under her eyes and looked like she had something on her mind.

Mi Rae blinked and looked down, “D-deh, I’m alright.”

Kevin chuckled, “You don’t have to hide too, you know.”

She blushed slightly, “You’re right. Sorry.”

She sighed, “Does it look obvious?”

“Yeah, alittle.”

“I just had a bad dream.”

“Really, about what?”

Before she could answer, their teacher called out. She had walked in the classroom in a prominently manner.

“Alright everyone! Take your seats! No slacking off, you guys have exams!”
Everyone groaned in unison as they took their seats. Kevin looked at Mi Rae, she smiled and mouth; “Talk to you later.”

He nodded and she turned her attention back to their teacher, listening attentively. Kevin was lost in his own thoughts.

“Hey that’s odd. My hand, it stopped hurting.” He frowned, looking at his left hand in wonder. Usually if he bumped into something, it would sting him for a while but after Mi Rae examined it, the throbbing decreased. It was like her touch had helped him with the pain.
He looked up at the girl and smiled.

“Mi Rae, I think you’re more special then you realised.”




“Well, this is certainly a turn of events.”

“You guys failed to find that kid! Not only that, you were tricked by two Hosts. TWO! I thought you would have outsmarted them. You had more people yet you let them get away!”

“Seriously?! Are you the one to talk? You lost the Air Host dammit! That was always the main goal!”

Within the forest, there was huge tension between the two sides of the group. A certain Lion Host was sending daggers to the Bear Host, who in turn looked furious. AJ was looking left to right, trying in vain to calm the two of them down. He turned to the other two Hosts for help, who only shrugged and just waited from the sidelines.

“Let them be.” Jonghyun said to AJ. Minho just nodded in agreement.

Kiseop breathed deeply, “What the hell Soohyun, why is there blood on your hand?”
His eyes widened at the dried blood.

Soohyun narrowed his eyes, “Watch your mouth Kiseop, you should respect your elder.”

Kiseop scoffed, “Oh, sorry hyung, at least I’m not the one who goes around stabbing people when they in one of their rages.”

“Why you-”

“Enough you two!” AJ yelled, looking at the two of them, annoyed at their behaviour.

They both suddenly arguing and looked at him.

“Alright, yes we failed to find the kid. I admit that and those two hosts that we were chasing; they are quite powerful and clever. Especially that fox Host, whoever he was, managed to conjured a perfect illusion of both of them. Not to mention that other guy, his fighting techniques were unique and quite deadly -”

“Unique, Jaeseop?” Minho asked suddenly.

The Leopard Host looked at him and nodded, “Yeah it was different, I’ve never seen it before. Funny enough…” He frowned at the Frog Host, “His fighting style kinda reminds me of yours.”

“What was his animal spirit?” Jonghyun asked.

“I don’t know, when our men fought with him, he didn’t transformed.”

“I see.”

AJ turned back to the other two and continued, “Those two could be a problem…They seem to know that we are hunting down the Phoenixes, so we have to keep an eye on them.”

“Not to mention, we have to watch out the Phoenixes too.” Kiseop suddenly said.

“What do you mean?”

“They are powerful, I’m not kidding when I said this…I think I underestimated how strong they can be. We almost had the Air Host, but somehow…” He gulped before continuing.

“Somehow he had enough strength to knock us out. We had him tied up and everything, yet he managed one hell of an attack.  And I could tell he had just recently awaked his power, so we thought he would be an easy target. I guess-”

“Fancy seeing all of you here, did I miss much?” A voice suddenly called out. All of them turned towards the direction where the voice came from. A young man with sandy brown hair and a cheeky grin was sitting on the rock.

“Hyung, what brings you here?” Minho asked, grinning slightly at the other man, who jumped off the rock and walked towards them.

“Here to take you guys back. We’re been summoned.”



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wow reading through this haha XD guess who gona try to update >.<


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 11: I understand that school is important because I am also applying for uni this year
so but please don't forget about the story either... even small updates are good
thanks and good luck author-nim
lucky9606 #2
please update ^^
Primardya #3
Chapter 8: yeahhh...i can wait your update patiently.just take it easy and studying was more important for you.
fighting :-)
Chapter 7: Hoon so powerful *.*
Can't wait to read what will happen next ^^
Primardya #5
Chapter 7: hi..i'm a new reader here..
annyeong..i really like the story that you write and i specially like fantasy or adventure style story..and i feel you are a good person shown from your language you've used..
hope you write the update soon^^' #nooffense..
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so cool~~~~ Update soon ^.^
Chapter 5: I started to love this story ^^