A simple present


Sorry it took long for this one :3 it was supposed to be a B-day present for Mi-chan but it took so long u.u Still hope you like and and helps you to feel better ;3


"Should I buy this? Or this?" This guy was asking his friend which....skirt? Should buy "I like both but..."

"Why don't both? They are cute, if I were a girl I would buy them"

"Do you think she'll like them? Or search for another thing? Maybe a yellow one" They are guys and can't decide, that's kinda strange, hu?

"I don't like yellow, Ruki. Why don't buy the pink one and a blue top?"

"I was thinking the same thing, Uruha. But don't you think it'll be "normal"?"

"Yeah, maybe...." The vocalist and guitarist took one hand to their chins and started thinking about what they should do

"You guys still here?" Both of them turned around just to find Kai and Aoi holding some bags "I thought you already decided-AH!!!"

"Oh~ Leader-sama~!! Please help your little follower with the greatest decision of his life~!!" Ruki went to hug Kai from his waist and "beg" for Kai's help

"He can't decide? How long have you guys been here? Two hours?" Aoi went with Uruha, while Kai was trying to get rid of Ruki

"That long? I don't know, the only ones that don't have a gift for her are Ruki and Reita"

"Hey Ruki!!" The small one left Kai and turned around to see Aoi "I got an idea for her gift"

"Really? Oh~ Aoi~!! You just saved me!! Tell me, tell me!!"

"Gah!! Ruki, get off, get off!!!" Ruki hugged Aoi like he hugged Kai before "I won't tell you if you continue with"

"Okay, okay...Sure you tell me?"

"I will!!" After Ruki let go off Aoi, he was trying to catch his breath "So...Ruki, you should buy her clothes"

".......Aoi....you can't be serious...what the hell you think I'm buying?! Paints?! Yu-Gi-Oh cards?! Some maybe?!"

"I didn't mean that! I mean a skirt, a top, shoes, maybe a cute cap" Now everyone understood Aoi "A tie should be good too"

Ruki stood up and look at Aoi....on tiptoes "I think I get you, so guys wait here while I choose, Reita's on the way here"

The tallest just realized something "Wait, Ruki!!!" But the little one was so fast, Uruha just gave a sigh "I forgot to told him, now what?"

"What's the matter Uruha?" Their "Oh~ Leader-sama, the most intelligent and perfect person in world" finally spoke "Forgot something important? By the way where's Reita? He should be here now"

"Well, it's not a thing that Reita told me, I was thinking they should buy Mi-chan the clothes. It's going to be a little bit expensive"

"What's going to be expensive?"

Surprised, all the Gazettos that were there gave a little jump "Tell me guys, I don't get you"

"Oh, Reita, glad you're here. We were talking about you and Ruki"

"Again with that?! I've told you guys!!! I'm not gay and I don't like Ruki!!!"

He can't be serious...."I don't mean that, Reita, I just have a question"

Reita looked at Kai with his stoic face "Yeah, what's the matter"

"Do you have a gift for Mi-chan? We all do but Ruki can't decide"

"No, I don't have a gift" Wow, no emotions? What's his problem?

Kai's eyes just sparkled, like a little kid when enters a candy store "Really? You serious? Woa!! Then you can help Ruki, his gift is expensive, so you two-"

"I don't want" Did everyone listen well?

"Ah~ I see, then you'll buy her a present? What are you going to buy?" Aoi was getting in the conversation "Maybe sneakers? Oh~ what about that new SID single?"

"I'm not buying anything..." Hey!! That's cold! "I don't see why, so I'm not buying a gift"

Uruha was just listening, but now he really wanted to say something "Reita, it's her birthday!! You should buy something!! How you would feel if no one gives you something in your day!?"

"Should I feel something? It's just a brithday, nothing more" It was strange when Reita doesn't buy a present for someone...just when he doesn't like...someone... "If that's all, I'm going home, see ya later guys"

Reita was leaving "Reita!! You can't do this!! Tomorrow's her birthday, so you better go there with a gift!"

Reita just raised a hand waving a goodbye "Don't worry, I'll go"

Giving a sigh, all the members relaxed "Seriously, why he's acting like this?" Uruha scratched the back of his head

"I dunno, we're talking about Reita, he may go with a present tomorrow, y'know he's a shy guy sometimes, let's go to help Ruki" As always their leader was right and had the last word

"Ah! I can't understand him!" Aoi crossed his arms, he also was angry at the bassist, but if that's the way he thinks they can't do anything


"Uhhh, happy birthday?" It's not the time, actually

"Y'know that my birthday is tomorrow, so please be happy"

"Mi-chan-senpai~ You know I'm always happy and I got a big present for you~ Also I know your secret, but don't worry I can keep my mouth shut"

"Wha-what secret? I don't have secrets, he-he-he" Your nervous laugh was evident

"About the "Oh~ Reita-san thank you~" or "Reita-san, do you want me to help you with something?" also the "Reita-san I worr-""

"Enough! I dunno what you're talking about, Vi-chan"

"Oh really? Don't tell me, the "Reita-san" is not real, you want to call him "Reita-sama" but you know he'll find out your secret love about him. Also all the members already know"

"They what?!"

"Ha-ha!! You just told me. To be honest I didn't know if you like him or not, also the members thing, but you just told me you like him~"

Your blushing face was evident, there's no way you can hide it "I-I-I don't like Reita-san, he's just a good person and I want to be polite with him..."

"Yeah yeah, what about the others? They are good persons and you want to be polite with them, but with Reita-sama is different, the reason: You like him"

"I just told you I don't!! Why can't you understand it?"

"The thing that I cannot understand is how he's still blind at that fact! It's so obvious-" At the moment her cellphone rang with Punky Heart, so both of them knew it was a message

"Uhh, Vi-chan? You got a message, won't you read it"

"Yup, but later, I love LM.C" Then a beep sound came, that means is a call now "Okay, I'll answer it. Yep, hell-"

-The hell?! Where are you?!

"Calm down, someone's listening"

-I don't want to! So just move your here and tell me everything!!

"You're so bad, booo~ Ok just wait a minute"

"So~ who was it?"

"My brother~ And as he said I have to move my there, see ya tomorrow and remember to enjoy my present!!"

"Ah! Wait Vi-" It was on purpose that she closed the door so loud "Her brother? That wasn't her brother or maybe...?"


"I still think you don't have a present, do you?"

"I talked with you, or you got something better?"

"I can get it if you want~!! But I don't have the money so I can't actually. C'mon brother~"

He just let out a sigh "Okay, sure she'll like it?"

"Who the hell you think am I?! I'm so sure about it!! Now move that big of yours and get ready!"

"You're jealous about my "

"Yeah, yeah. Just get ready for tomorrow"

"Happy Birthday Mi-chan~!!"

The whole place was decorated, ballons, serpentine, etc "Thanks minna-san. I'm happy you came"

"Here Mi-chan~! This is my perfect present!"

Yeah...A "warp" present...Sure no one can guess what it is "Ah...Ruki-san...Thank you, I wonder what it is..."

"Really? Well I think you're right" And there it is again, the "All-Mighty-Chibi-Super-Powa~!"

"I know it's not that much but...Take this"

"Kai-san, thank you. I appreciate it"

"I just hope it's usef-Ah!"

"Forget about Mommy's present!! Here take mine, it's so beautiful you won't belive it. And I know that it'll be your favourtie" The las thing was whispered

"He-he, thanks, Aoi-san. I hope that"

You can't answer if Aoi gives you that puzzled face "Why?"

"Eh? Well...Vi-chan's present"

"Really? She never told us what's her present, and she's poor, so I don't think so. Just enjoy mine!"

"I will!"

"I just heard it, so I'm not the last one. Here, this is mine. I hope you like it"

"Yeah it was almost sold out!"

"I see, thank you minna-san I'm really happy...You know where Reita-san is?"

The happy time ended, hu? "We don't know, maybe he's still a-"

"Okay!! Now it's time for my present~!!"

"Can I finish my sentence?!"

"Calm down Kai-chuu, it's just that-"

"No! I'm mad now!!"

"Kai-san please!"

"I'm going to cry!!"

"No Mommy!! Please!!"

Everyone went to...to...well, you know "Psst, Mi-chan"

"Don't look back, don't look back!"

"Mi-chan! Come, I'm Reita"

"Eh? Oh, Reita-s-"

"Shhh, just come here"

You left all the members behind, sure they can with their Mommy "What's it Reita-san?"

"Hey, happy birthday....Uhh...Sorry, I didn't buy a present"

"Don't worry. I'm happy that you're here, Reita-san. So why we-"

Suddenly you were cut...I think you know how, but Reita kissed you. Simple, but for you it was cute....Or hot!! I mean!! Reita!! GazettE!!!


"That's why I didn't buy it" He rubbed the back of his head "You know I'm shy, sometimes. This is my present for you"

"I really liked it, thank you very much. Let's go with the others"

"Yeah. Oh! Also say thanks to Vi-chan, she helped me with it"

"She's sometimes a pain in the neck, but she knew what I wanted. Thanks again"

"Sure, no problem"


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aww so cute ^^ its amazing :)