As Time Stands Still.

When an Idiot Falls in Love [JongKey Fluff Oneshot]

His boots hit the concrete hard. He was as cautious as he could be not to step on any patches of ice on the sidewalk in his haste. He had to make it there in time. This couldn’t be happening. He wouldn’t let it.

Jonghyun knew he should’ve just been honest with his feelings. But, no, he had to go and let someone so important to him slip through his fingertips without even trying to catch him. He had to admit that he felt awfully guilty for waiting until now to find the nerve to say something. That’s what he gets for letting all the money and fame get to his head. This is what he gets for being stupid as usual and thinking he’d just get what he wanted in the end, like he was so used to happening.

The brunette finally slipped on a patch of black ice blending in with the tar of the street as he tried to cross to the train station. He swore under his breath, the words turning into a cloud of smoke in the cold air. He hopped up, ignoring the comments and questions swirling around him. His goal was much more important. It wasn’t just his heart on the line. It may have been late to realize that he’d fallen in love, but better late than never, right? He could only hope with all his heart that it could be applied in this case, too.

“Hyung, if you don’t want anything to do with me, I’d rather you just say it now. I can’t keep waiting for you.”

“You didn’t wait for anything though. I’ve been here the entire time.”

The blonde scoffed, “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Did you just agree to this out of convenience or because you felt pity for me?”

Jonghyun raised a brow, setting his notebook and pen aside, taking a break from writing his new song to actually pay attention to what the other had to say. “’Out of pity’? Does that honestly sound like something I would do? You’re my best friend, at least give me some kind of credit.”

“That’s right. We’re only best friends. That’s why you ignore me whenever I tell you I love you, or whenever I ask you for a date, you tell me that you’re busy, but sit in the room all day doing nothing. I know when you’re writing a song, and you try to make it seem like that’s what you’re doing whenever I want to talk-“

“-Wait! Key, It’s not like that~!”

“It is. I’m not stupid, hyung. I would figure that with how close we’ve been over the years that my feelings would matter at least a little bit to you.”

Jonghyun had a lot that he wanted to say, but all that came out as a reply was, “You mean a lot to me, Kibummie~”

Kibum chuckled, dryly, “You used to tell me that you love all the time. I knew something changed the moment I confessed that I loved you as more than a friend. I knew things between us wouldn’t be the same again…” Jonghyun could see the tears welling up in his dongsaeng’s eyes as he finished his statement.

“I just didn’t think it’d hurt this much... Goodbye.”

The next day, Jonghyun woke up to everything that wasn’t his having been taken from the house. Kibum had a place of his own anyway, only staying with Jonghyun because he loved him and out of convenience since it was close to work and school.

No matter what might’ve happened between them, Jonghyun never thought that he’d really leave him. He didn’t expect to feel the pang of guilt coursing through his veins or the pain he felt in his chest at just the thought of possibly never seeing the other again.

He finally reached his destination. There was already a crowd there, waiting to see who would perform on the makeshift stage on the platform of the train station. His round, brown orbs searched the crowd for the only one that mattered as he made his way to the microphone. He slipped the guitar strap over his head, checking to see if was plugged into the amp before facing the crowd again. There at the front stood the blonde boy whose response to the performance was the only one that Jonghyun cared to take notice to.

Jonghyun strummed his guitar, more than thankful for having chipped in for the acoustic electric he bought a week ago. The melody started off softly, as he took a half-step towards the microphone stand, eyes connected with Key’s, beginning to sing:

It’s never been hard for me to say what’s on my mind

So, I’ll just admit to you that this is the first time

Everything’s changed because of you

But I won’t look back

My world feels so brand new

It’s time for me to stop holding back

This is more than just my heart on the line

I’m cradling the fragile heart of the love of my life

As the song continued, the tempo quickened, quickly becoming a rock ballad. Jonghyun never took his eyes off Key and couldn’t help the smile tugging at his own lips as he watched the other try to fight his smile. The older could see the sparkle in Key’s eyes though, the kind that usually appeared when the blonde was about to give one of his dashing, bright smiles.

Let this song be a reminder that I don’t want you to leave me behind

I want to see your dreams come true; I want to see you shine

 I want to be there with you every step of the way

I want to see your smiling face as I tell you “I love you” with each passing day

Once the song was over, the crowd stood there cheering, some people just getting off the train coming over to see what all the noise was about. The band began to play another song as the backup singer stepped up, singing another one of their songs. Jonghyun had stepped down, signaling Key to come out of the mob of people so they could talk.

“Can you not scare me like this,” he questioned once Key had finally made it through to people to get to him.

The grip on his suitcase tightened a bit before relaxing, “You’re really too melodramatic...and cheesy. It’s unhealthy.”

“Kim Kibum!” Said boy looked up from his shoes to his hyung, jumping a bit at the shout of his name. “I love you. Do you understand? I always have and I always will.”

“Jonghyun… It’s a bit late for that. Don’t you think?”

“Don’t say that. I’m serious. I know I should’ve said it earlier, but it still matters. You still love me, right?”

Key cradled his cheek, smiling as the oversized puppy leaned into the touch. “I don’t understand how I could love such a pabo, but I do. I really do,” he stated softly.

Key yelped when a strong arm wrapped around his waist, tugging him closer. He let go of his bag to wrap his arms around Jonghyun’s neck, locking his legs around his waist when he was picked up. His slender fingers toyed with the soft locks across the older’s nape.

“You’re an incredibly overdramatic idiot for putting me through this. You know that, right?”

Jonghyun laughed, resting his forehead on Key’s chest for a moment before looking up at him, “It doesn’t matter, as long as you know you’re the love of my life.”

Key tugged at the hair that slid through his fingers. “You’re being cheesy again,” he smiled, leaning down and kissing his lips.

The band could still be heard playing in the background, but time itself seemed to have stopped for the two. As it always does for those truly in love.


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Chapter 1: I was so into the lyrics of the song Jonghyun was singing to Key. When it turned into a rock ballad, I thought of 'Can't Stop' by CNBLUE. This is too cute. Well done.
Chapter 1: This is sooo sweeett :)) JongKey <3
Chapter 1: Aaah that was soooo cute >.<
rocksolidpanda #4
Chapter 1: Aw so sweet!!