Ruin day

Second Chance


"Wash Room"


Hyemin: Yah! _____-ah *shouting*


You: oh, Hyemin-ah, why are you calling me?


Hyemin: do you still like DaeHyun oppa? I'm warning you,stay away from DaeHyun Oppa and do not steal DaeHyun Oppa to me or else

your life will be on danger! *raise an eyebrow*


You: why would i steal DaeHyun from you? I don't love him, i love my boyfriend, Jong Up oppa!


Hyemin: good! I don't want to see you talking with DaeHyun oppa again! arraseo? *said with annoying voice*


You: i understand! *go out*



After You and Hyemin comeback, you guys bid goodbyes from each other, and Jong Up walk you home.



Jong Up: Jagiya, do you enjoy our double date?


You: (i really enjoy! so much! even though Hyemin ruin my day and warn me,i really enjoy) Ne, i really enjoy! kamsahamnida Jong Up oppa! 


Jong Up: your welcome jagiya! *takes your hand and kisses it* jagiya were here!


You: thank you Oppa! see you tomorrow! Saranghae!


Jong Up: Your welcome, nado saranghae my jagiya! see you tomorrow! *about to go* oh! jagiya you forgot something!


You: forgot something? what is it? *confuse*


Jong Up: you forgot this! *kisses your lips* and this *hugs you*


You: *kisses him too* *hug back* *blush* bye oppa!


Jong Up: bye jagiya! *waves*


You: Bye*waves back*


You enter your apartment,take a shower and go to sleep. (goodnight Jong Up Oppa! saranghae)


( TO BE CONTINUED.......... )


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Chapter 9: Please don't use the comic sans don't is hard to read in phone T.T
Chapter 7: Lol ur chapts are fast and short XD
darkelmo #3
Chapter 8: Daebak !! I love zelo character here
dimskie #4
daebak! ^^
chikorquotes #5
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