
Crying Over Spilled Banana Milk.

After about a month of waiting, today was the day HyunJu could finally have her dreams come true. Today was the day of A.N.JELL's autograph signing and HyunJu was getting ready to leave the house. 

She'd spent what seemed like forever deciding on what to wear and finally decided on this: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=65433960. She didn't bother buttoning up the cardigan, it would look weird anyway. She grabbed the sign she made purposefully for Jeremy, grabbed her bag and headed out the door. 

She met her friend Soobin at the bus stop and she was dressed in plain jeans and a t-shirt. She wasn't a fan of A.N.JELL but she didn't want HyunJu to go to the autograph signing all by herself. HyunJu was an extremely clumsy girl and Soobin was constantly worrying about her getting into trouble. 
After what seemed like the longest bus ride ever, HyunJu and Soobin rushed over to the building where the signing was being held and waited in the line. There was only a couple people in the line because they'd gotten there extra early. Which was good thinking on HyunJu's part because as soon as they got there, more and more fans started showing up by the dozen.

Soon enough the line was so long HyunJu couldn't even see it from where she was and the security guard came out to open the doors for everyone to come inside. HyunJu got a tight grip on Soobin's arm and ran in, managing to be in the first row of seats, right in the middle. The way these signings worked was simple. You waited outside in line until the guards let you in, and once you were inside you seat yourself in rows and when the band in question gets there, they call up one row at a time to walk up onto the stage and get an autograph.

After about twenty minutes, an energetic man hopped on stage, microphone in hand. "Hello, everybody! I have great news for ya! A.N.JELL is IN. THE. BULDING~~!" He yelled, causing an eruption of screams from the fans. "Alright, alright. Calm down a bit folks. The only way A.N.JELL is stepping up on this stage is if you call them. So, on the count of three I want you to scream for them! Ready? One,  two....THREE!" 

The screams that followed were probably so loud they caused an earthquake but still, the mc raised his hand to silence everyone. "What the heck was that? I believe I said, I want to hear you SCREAM~~!" This time, the mc was satisfied with the ear-shattering screams and right on cue, A.N.JELL came up onto the stage, sitting down at the table and waving frantically to the fans.

HyunJu held up her sign as high as she could, jumping up and down in front of her seat. To her astonishment, her eyes locked with Jeremy's. He looked at her sign, then back at her and gave her a bright smile and a 'thumbs up'. This caused her to go weak in the knees and squeal like a five year old girl on Christmas morning. 

"Alright, thank you everyone for waiting so patiently outside in the hot sun and again patiently inside this building for the boys to come out. The first row can come up at this time." The mc declared. HyunJu excitedly walked up the stage. The first person she reached was Tae Kyung. "Annyeonghaseo TaeKyung oppa!" She said excitedly and bowed. 

"Hi there, what's your name?" She told him happily and then asked him to sign her album, which he did. She bowed again and moved on to Shin Woo.

"Hello there, pretty girl. What's your name?" He asked politely before she could even open . "I'm HyunJu, it's nice to meet you oppa! Could you please sign my album?" He happily took the album,  humming to himself.  "There you go, HyunJu! I hope you have a wonderful day! It was nice meeting you!"  She took the album back and bowed at him, giving a little wave before she walked over to Jeremy.

The butterflies began to rise in her stomach and she almost turned to goo at the sight of him, her beloved Jeremy, standing right in front of her. "Annyeong! What's your name?" She looked at him and blinked a couple of times. "U..Umm...I-I..M-my-" She stuttered, only to be interrupted by Soobin.

"Her name is Kim HyunJu." HyunJu gave Soobin a 'thank you' smile and turned back to Jeremy who was smiling at her. "Well, hi HyunJu! You're the one from the crowd with the really pretty sign right?" He asked, HyunJu immediately turned scarlet but nodded and held up the sign for Jeremy to see.

It had a picture of his face on it and the words "Saranghae, Jeremy oppa! Fighting!" written inside a heart in glittery letters. "Wow, this sign is almost as pretty as the girl who made it! Do you mind if I keep it?" Her heart was beating unhealthily fast and her cheeks seemed as if they'd be permanently red. "Y-Yes, of c-course oppa! I made it for you anyway..And thank you for calling me pretty." She smiled at the freshly imprinted memory.

Jeremy found himself taken aback by the brightness of HyunJu's smile, he couldn't help but think about how adorable she was, and how lucky for him it was that he was her favorite. He knew he would most likely never see HyunJu again, but he didn't care. At that moment, he instantly fell for her smile. 

Snapping himself back into reality, he took the sign and then signed her album. Reluctantly, they both said their goodbyes and the next group of fans crowded around Jeremy. He gave them small smiles and signed their things, his mind still on HyunJu. 

A week and a half later, HyunJu was on her way home from work. She'd stopped at her favorite cafe like she did every single day once her shift was over and bought a banana milk. 

She absentmindedly walked down the busy streets of Seoul, listening to A.N.JELL and thinking about Jeremy. She softly hummed along to the lyrics, bopping her head to the rhythm, when she suddenly hit something hard and fell to the ground. She looked around her and realized she was laying on the road in an area she didn't recognize. 

She was still laying on the ground and her eyes widened as she felt something warm and wet touching her cheek, which she shortly after realized was a golden retriever that was the banana milk off her face. "Jolie, stop it! Come here. Sorry about her, are you alright? I didn't see you turn the corner." An extremely familiar voice called. HyunJu sat up and her eyes widened again. 

"Omo...Jeremy oppa?" She questioned, wiping the milk off her face. He looked down at her and she knew it was him. His own eyes widened in surprise and he held out a hand to help her up.

"Oh my...HyunJu?" He asked, even though he already knew. His heart started to beat faster as she looked up at him "Whoa, why are you crying?  Did you fall that hard? Are you okay?" She shook her head and without thinking, hugged him.

"I'm fine oppa..it's just, I didn't think I'd ever see you again..Let alone that we'd meet in such an embarrassing way." She said and then realized what she was doing. She tried to pull away but Jeremy hugged her back before she could.

"It's okay. As embarrassing as it is for you, this is a gift from above for me. I know this might sound strange since we barely know each other at all but I was hoping I would get to see you again." He said softly. This time when HyunJu pulled back, he let her. She looked up at him, searching his eyes for any sign that he was just saying that but there wasn't. 

She could tell he was 100% sincere and she beamed at him, all of her nerves washing away. "Me too, oppa! I really wanted to see you again. I can't believe you even remembered my name to be honest." She shyly admitted. 

"Well I did, and I only remembered your name because you're extra special. When you smiled at me at the autograph signing, I couldn't help but fall for you. All week, I could only think of you and how badly I wanted to see you again. Then suddenly, I stepped outside with Jolie to take her for a walk and I bumped into you. And now here we are, me confessing my feelings for you, and you hopefully thinking of giving me a positive answer." He said hopefully.

HyunJu giggled and stood on her tippy-toes, giving Jeremy a small peck on the lips. "I like you too, oppa! I really do, if you let me I'll stay by your side and smile just for you, everyday." Jeremy blushed and kissed her forehead. "Good. Shall we go back to my dorm and get you cleaned up?" He asked, holding out his arm. HyunJu gratefully accepted it and off they went, Jolie trailing happily behind them. Looks like crying over spilled milk has it's benefits, after all.

Author's Note
The end! That was my very first one shot ever so please don't be too harsh, I hope you liked it! :D
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this is so cute aww :)