



"Thank you! Please come again!"

You smiled at the girl behind the register and grabbed the bag off the counter. As the exited the store, you glanced around and smiled when you eyes landed on a figure sitting on a bench near a water fountain, dozens of shopping bags resting by his feet.

You walked up to him and ruffled the small yarn ball that adorned the top of his beanie.

Minhyuk looked up at you and gave you grin, "Ready to go?"

You glanced around at the bags, "Mmmmm, I think so. I'm pretty sure I got all the presents I needed to buy."

"Finally!" Minhyuk sighed in relief and stood up off the bench before grabbing the dozens of bags containing various gifts for your friends and family.

"Oh, don't be such a whiney baby," you rolled your eyes and started to walk towards the exit of the mall, "I didn't complain when we went hat shopping for two hours."

Minhyuk scoffed and followed trailed behind you, "Hats are very important, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you laughed while shaking your head.

The both of you carefully stepping onto the escalator and slowly descended to the first floor. Your eyes scanned the flow of people who, like yourself, were all doing last minute shopping.

You jumped a little when you felt Minhyuk hand lightly brush your own. You looked up at him, giving him a knowing look.

"What?" he asked, feigning ignorance when his eyes met yours.

You raised your eyebrows and continued to give him the same look.

"Seriously! What did I do?" he asked, "confused".

"I know you do that hand brushing thing every time you want to hold my hand," you told him.

"I do?" he tilted his head to the side.

You let out a sigh and shook your head as you grabbed his hand and stepped off the escalator.

Minhyuk bit a smile back as he glanced down at your intertwined hands. He looked up when you suddenly pulled him to the side, out of the constant stream of shoppers.

Minhyuk gave you a questioning look as you pointed towards the glass doors that led to the parking lot and the bus stop.

"It's snowing."

Minhyuk followed your line of sight and saw that outside the walls of the mall, small flakes of ice were indeed falling from the sky.

"Hey, it is," he smiled, turning back to you.

His smile turned into a small frown when he noticed that you didn’t seem too happy about that.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I didn't bring my scarf or gloves and we walked here," you pouted.

Minhyuk glanced down at his own gloved hands and then back at you before he set the shopping bags down on the ground.

He knew you never liked the cold. Even though the snow probably had just started to fall and the temperature shouldn't have changed too much since the time that the two of you walked to the mall from your apartment, you were probably still scared of getting frostbite or hypothermia (even though it was highly unlikely).

You continued to examine the conditions outside when, suddenly, a sheet of yarn covered your eyes, blocking your view of the snow. You pushed it up with one hand and turned to look a Minhyuk, who no longer had a beanie on his head.

He gave you a smile as you raised your hand to the top of your head and felt a small ball of yarn.

You kept your eyes on him as he removed his right glove and slipped it onto your hand. Your face flushed a bright pink as Minhyuk took your left hand into his before sliding your joined hands into his coat pocket.

"Ready?" he smiled.

"Oh! Err, yeah," you bit your lip in embarrassment.

Minhyuk stifled a laugh as he picked up the shopping bags in one hand and guided you towards the door.

"Thanks," you whispered and moved closer to his side.  

"No problem," he laughed.

As the two of you braved the cold, your hand in his pocket and his beanie on your head, Minhyuk gave you a grin and you didn't even notice the snow. 

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Chapter 1: THAT.. was pretty darn sweet. :')
Chapter 1: woah.. so cute~
Chapter 1: romantic....
Chapter 1: So cute! I love this story ^-^
JensuXP #5
Chapter 1: Aww..dats so adorable..i wish someone would do dat to me :)
Chapter 1: awww it's so cuteee XD