Lies and Perfection

Lies and Perfection


Lies and Perfection



You're telling me that you're in love with me.

You're telling me that I'm the one you.

You're telling me that you want us to be forever.

You're telling me that I make you happy.

You're telling me that I am beautiful.

You're telling me that I am skinny.

You're telling me that I am PERFECT.


But they're all LIES.


Then why are you flirting with Jessica?

Then why are you saying lately that I'm annoying?

Then why are you so distant to me and so close with Jessica?

Then why are you looking at me with disgust?

Then why are you calling me ugly?

Then why are you calling me fat?

Then why are you doing all these things to me?


It seems like you're not in love with me but with Jessica.

It seems like Jessica is the best girl to you.

It seems like you want you and her to be forever.

It seems like she makes you more happy than I have ever done.

It seems like she is the most beautiful person to you.

It seems like she has the perfect body shape.

It seems like JESSICA IS PERFECT and not me.


But you, Sooyoung, are perfect to me.


Because you still make my heart flutter.

Because you are the only one who can make nervous by just looking at me.

Because you have this wonderful side deep inside you.

Because you are the one that my captured my heart.

Because you made me feel loved.

Because you was my first boyfriend.

Because you was my first kiss.

Because you was the one that wasn't afraid to show your true feelings.

Because you are so handsome.

Because you are just yourself.

Because you are perfect to me.


That's why I love you and there are more reasons why.


But something changed within you and you don't love me anymore.

Did I do something wrong?

Is she simply better than me?

What is it?


I bet it is because of all my flaws I have.


I'm sorry but I can't change that.

That's just the way I am.


But why are you lying? Is it fun to see me hurt? But why do you act like you care about me? Do you keep lying because you don't want hurt my feelings?


Being honest would have hurt me less...



And I'm sorry that I'm so overly jealous.

It just tears my heart to see you with her.


I'm so sorry but I love you.


sorry, i know it's crappy but yeah i kinda had to let all my feelings out and lately i'm doing it with writing and the result of it.... feel free to comment it ! love y'all

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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 1: Good Job author :D
Chapter 1: Don't worry it's not creep me just..wonderful?hehe(am i the one who creepy?keke)
Sunny/author..let the past be the past..i don't know why but i feel like sooyoung/him is the one at lost for hurt,be happy!! ^^
10151996-ji #4
Oh poor sunny. Dont worry hyomin will come to you. xD
summerwinter #5
Chapter 1: nice oneshot.. pity sunny/you ><
Chapter 1: Hey author it's not crappy, it's good, sad, but good :D
like you said it was pretty to be sunny in this story :T

author hwaiting ^^