

a/n: stahp flamin m storie yu stuped preps, yall r jut hatrz so suk my 10 inch bxtch nd deal with mah goffikness!!!!!

I wok the nest da in my cofin, den mah fren Holly (willow dis is yhu qurl) 


wat did yu dew yestrday? holli askd


nothin" i said

wait, oh i fergoted tat i fukd gd n sandara yestrdey nd idk if im preggrs" i thot to myself


i need to chek if i'm preggrs


i got a preggo test and it was +

"omg wae do i hav to be preggrs, nugu is da dad?!"

i cryd teerz of blood down my pallid face\

idk waat to dew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


suddnly, i feel a warmth

a warmth in mah brests

i look doun nd i see m corset top streching mor nd mor over my expandin

wat? wat es hapenin?

idk, pero mi brests r nao da size of cantalopes, nd dey quickli became da size of basktbals as m goffik corset top ripped, showing m bar basktbal tittieesss


wat am i goin to dew now" i thunk

im preggrz nd nao ah tittts r da size of beechbals


idk, i tink i shud go ask holly foar aconsejo


a/n  i hoppd yu likd this chapta!! fangz foar reedin, i tried to dew sumtin diffrnt hear ^^



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Chapter 5: New favourite story.

Please update soon.
Trollfic, it's written all over it.
Chapter 2: *reads while drinking water* spills of the water* *dies*
OMG x,DD she is a vampire? o3o
Chapter 4: What..?
Chapter 4: ..........
Chapter 3: This is so like that horrible Harry Potter called My Immortal. lol This is horribly amazing lol
blossompie #7
i just cant even LOL
LMFAO. this is too good