Deja Vu All Over Again [HIATUS]


Luhan transfers from China and begins attending The Korean Art Institute. He's hoping for a great experience and hopefully new friends.

What he gets is a beat down with bullies everyday, he can't sing like he used to because he is so depressed, he is barely passing his required classes.

He wishes he could be like Kim Minseok, the second most popular guy in the whole school. He's always wearing the latest trends, always at the hottest parties, no one even tries to cross paths with him. Whose the first most popular guy? Kim Minseok's boyfriend Kim Jongin.

When conincidence brings Luhan and Kim Minseok to be friends, all Luhan can think and hope for is to live a life just like Minseok. He wants friends like that, he wants to party like that, he wants a boyfriend like that. But what he doesn't know is how the great Minseok came to be.

Just because Minseok has the style and the fame doesn't mean there is a great life to be lived there. Will Luhan make the mistake of copying Minseok's life and trying to ultimitely replace him?


I'll be updating this one slowly, its a complicated story in my head but yeah. Hope you enjoy!


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xiumie #1
Chapter 4: i love all ur story author!!!
mostly the devil paramour! i really understand it!! ofcourse i will wait for u!! update soon nea~~
Chapter 4: its alright authornim take ur time!!!!
hope u finish ur stories all soon!~ ^^
batmansidekick #3
Chapter 3: How i wish u continue this story, the idea is brilliant........ Huhu could u could u ? *aegyo*
Chapter 3: U updated!!!!!!!! /throws convetti

Omg why are they so mean :'(

Poor luhan TT_TT

Minnie u better be a nice boy, uggghhh don't be like those meanieee
smiley44 #5
Chapter 2: Yes! Don't make him quit, please! Xiu, do something to luhan.
And when will sehun appear?
Chapter 2: Poor roohan baby ; - ;
Xiumin do something plzzz!!! TT_TT
Kai too!

Don't make him quit school plz its his dream ; A ;
Chapter 1: Hmm wow so. Luhan is the unpopular one! I'm glad kekekeke

Can't wait to see xiukai interaction, n maybe luhan's wish to come true? :)